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新概念英语2 第一单元能力测试一、根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式(10分)。1, It isnt polite to read others_(私人的)letters,2, Its none of your _(事)3, Look! It is snowing_(在外面)4, He made a big_(决定) on that day.5, He says he has never been_(在国外) before.6, He is working for a big7, He says he can_(超越) a distance of three miles in twenty minutes.8, There is always a_(乞丐) in front of my house.9, I entered for an English_(比赛) last month.10, He wanted to help me with my work, but I_(拒绝)。11, My mother doesnt_(允许) me to go out at midnight.10 To my_(惊奇)。He gave up the English competition.11 I am very_(自豪) of my son who is good at many things.12 This problem is very_(困难的) for me.13 On the way home yesterday, a man gave me a_(搭便车)。14 Will you please_(回复) to me as soon as possible?15 Youd better_(服从) the boss of your company.16 I received a_(帐单) for $ 50 yesterday afternoon17 He _(匆忙) to the station so as to catch the early bus.18 Playing computer games is a_( 浪费) of time .19 He is_(下决心的) to go to the small village to work as a teacher.20 She said she was very_( 表示同情的) to that poor girl.二、 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空(10分)。1 He_(go) to the station yesterday afternoon.2 The old man_(live) there since 1978.3 Some boys_(play) football on the street now.4 While he_(water) the garden ,his wife was cooking in the kitchen5 Jack is the_(clever) student in his class.6 Lilys handwriting is _(bad) than Helens7 He was born_ March 12th ,19988 Where_your parents _(have) lunch tomorrow?9 Miss Sophie _(leave) for Hong Kong next week10 I_(do) my homework this time next Monday.11 The thief_(run away) before the policemen_(arrive)12 Paul_(go) out with Jane after he_(read) the book twice13 If I_(be) free tomorrow, I_(help) you with your English,14 You _(pass) the exam if you_(work) hard.15 To see is to believe ._is_(同意转换)16 Have you ever heard _Jackie Chan, the famous film star?17 She is singing so loud that it can _(hear) in the street.18 If you_ (see) him this afternoon ,please tell him to call me,19 He said that he_(be) to that place twice.20 I_ (read) newspapers this time yesterday afternoon.三 、 单项选择 (从所给选项 A , B , C ,和D 中选出最佳选项)(20分)。1 The young man couldnt_ the bad treatment (待遇) any longer A bear B carry C understand D wait,2 I talked to her excitedly, but she didnt pay any attention _ me. A for B to C at D in.3 He has_ things to do that he cant go out to play. A such little B so few C such much D so many.4 Would you please _ some money _ me? I want to buy a new bag. A borrow. to B lend; to C borrow; from D lend; from5 He must have had a very_holiday, You can see the_smile on his face A exciting; exciting B excited; excited B excited; exciting D exciting; excited6 Can you_ a message to Tom for me? A leave B make C get D take 7 The boy is standing_ his head and singing songs. A on B by C with D over 8 Timmy, youd better_ your coat, It is cold outside A put out B putting out C put on D putting on9 The plane had_ when we arrived at the airport, A taken off B taken away C taken to D taken on10 Hans is_ than John and Tom, He is the_among these three boys A keep; neatly B taller; taller C taller; tallest D tallest; tallest11 This instrument has been _ in the room for a long time A put B kept C carried D held 12 What happened, Tom? _I lost my key_ the door A to B of C for D with 13 How much did you_ the shopkeeper(店主) all these things? A ask; for B paid; for C asked; for D pay; for14 We are going to _ in the early morning next Sunday. A set up B set out C set about D set down15 There are always lots of policemen to_when the singers give performances A keep out B keep order C keep away D keep off16 He is an _tourist (旅行者) and he has a great many interesting_
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