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Unit 7 Protect the Earth,Story time (Period 1),孩子们,你们好!知道我是谁吗? 我的名字叫地球。,我今年46亿岁。你觉得我岁数大吗?,我可不这么认为哦!我可比太阳年轻多啦!,有许多的树、漂亮的花、湖泊、河流、 海洋、山、森林装扮着我的外表。,有许多的树、漂亮的花、湖泊、河流、 海洋、山、森林装扮着我的外表。,有许多的树、漂亮的花、湖泊、河流、 海洋、山、森林装扮着我的外表。,他们让我看起来很漂亮。,coal,treasure,oil,在我的身体里面有很多珍贵的资源。他们是煤、石油和一些深藏的宝藏。,和你们人类住在一起,我曾经很开心!,Whos she?,She is the Earth.,There are lots of,lots of water,coal,treasure,oil,Whats in her body? 在她身体里有什么?,coal,oil,our comes from coal and oil.,energy,energy,Most of,Most of,能源,大部分的,protect the Earth,保护,Q: How can we protect the Earth?,Q: How can we protect the Earth?,Save water,What do we use water to do?,We use water to ,We drink water.,Save water,We should not water.,waste,waste,浪费,reuse,reuse,Reuse water,Save water,We drink water and use water to clean things every day.,In many places, there is not much water.,We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it.,Water is useful.,Save energy,1. Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. 2. There is a lot of coal and oil on Earth. 3. We should drive cars every day.,T,F,F,There is not much coal or oil on Earth.,We should not drive so much.,too often,太多,太频繁,Save energy,Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.,There is not much coal or oil on Earth.,We should save energy.,We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.,Task 1: Read and circle 自读两段课文,圈出疑难词句。,cut down trees,A.,B.,wood,B.,A.,Task 2: Discuss in pairs 同桌讨论,回答问题。,What should we do? What shouldnt we do?,Task 3: Read the passages,We use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the Earth.,We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles.,We should use paper bags and glass bottles.,Task 3: Read the passages,Dont use too much plastic,苏州星港学校开展绿色环保公益活动,中国水周,我们在行动,节水周学生作品,上街宣传节水,1、打开信封,里面有 今日主播内容。 2、两人一组,练习播报。,Key words: useful use to not much water should should not ,Topic: Save water,Key words: comes from not much should should not ,Topic: Save energy,Key words: comes from use to should should not ,Topic: Save trees,Key words: use to but is bad for should should not ,Topic: Dont use too much plastic,1、打开信封,里面有 今日主播内容。 2、两人一组,练习播报。,为地球添一抹绿意,为世界添一份美丽,1. 听录音,跟读课文3遍,完成P70练习.,2. 上网查找更多保护地球的方法,并且从自身做起.,Homework,Thank You.,
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