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Unit 3 Computers,contents,1.识记填读 2.联想填读 3.构词填读 4.语境填读 5.句式填读 6.核心词汇 7.单元语法 8.微型考场 9.名师讲坛,.识记填读 1_n目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分 答案 goal 2_ vt.下载 答案 download 3_ vt.发信号;n.信号 答案 signal,4_ n性格;特点 答案 character 5_ n科技;工艺 答案 technology,.联想填读 1_/ _无论如何;即使如此somehow不知怎么地 答案 anyhow;anyway 2in a way在某种程度上_挡道on the way to在去的路上_临近make ones way to朝走去 答案 in the way;on the way,3arise vi.出现;发生arise_sth.因产生;由引起 答案 from/ out of 4_处理;对付do with处理 答案 deal with 5_看守;监视watch out当心 答案 watch over 6niece侄女;甥女_侄子;外甥 答案 nephew,.构词填读 1calculate vt.计算_ n计算_计算器 答案 calculation;calculator 2universal adj.普遍的;通用的;宇宙的_ adv.全体地;一致地,共同地_n宇宙 答案 universally;universe,3logical adj.合逻辑的;合情理的_ adv.逻辑上;有条理地 答案 logically 4intelligence n智力;智能;聪明_ adj.智能的;聪明的 答案 intelligent,5personal adj.私人的;个人的;亲自的_ adv.就个人而言;亲自_ n个性;人格 答案 personally;personality 6finance n金融;财经_ adj.财政的;金融的 答案 financial,.语境填读 1The construction of factories will improve our life_(在某种程度上),but at the same time many problems will_(出现) when polluted water is poured without being _(处理) 答案 in a way;arise;dealt with,2_(从现在起), I will spent too much of my time in writing _(以致于) I will no longer have time _(处理) those interpersonal relationships. 答案 From now on;so that;to deal with 3The information you have _(下载) was all _(编造的) 答案 downloaded;made up,4_(结果), the children were not able to finish the task in time. _(毕竟)they are very young. 答案 As a consequence (a result);After all 5They _(轮流) to _(照看) their clothes while they were swimming in the river. 答案 took turns;watch over,.句式填读 1_,I was made smaller.随着时间的推移,我被制造得越来越小。 答案 As time went by 2And my memory became _ even I couldnt believe it! 我的储存容量变得如此巨大,甚至连我自己都不能相信! 答案 so large that,3_,you can use the Internet to learn English.而且,你还能利用因特网学英语。 答案 Whats more 4_,I had grown as large as a room,and I wondered if I would grow any larger.到二十世纪四十年代,我已经长得像一间屋子那么大,我不知道是否还会再长大。 答案 By the 1940s,5From then on,I grew rapidly _ in brainpower.从那时起,我在体积和脑容量方面迅速成长。 答案 both in size and,A介词填空 They applied _the government _financial help. 答案 to;for It is generally believed that a theory should be applied_practice. 解析 apply to意为“应用于”。 答案 to,B语法填空 This rule cant _ (apply) to every case.这个规则不能适用于所有的情况。 答案 be applied His _ (apply) to the court for bail has been refused.他向法庭申请保释遭到拒绝。 答案 application,_,lets froget about that for the moment.无论如何,咱们暂时忘记那件事。 答案 Anyhow/Anyway _,I dont feel I can trust him.不知怎么地,我觉得不能信任他。 答案 Somehow,(2013杭州学军中学月考)Do you think attending training courses is a great help when you look for a new job? Well,it all depends._,it gives me more of a chance to try. ASomehow BBesides CAnyway DTherefore 解析 考查词语辨析。anyway无论如何,不管怎样。 答案 C,A用sign和signal填空 Look out for a _ to the motorway. 答案 sign She made a _ with her arm for a left turn. 答案 signal,B单项填空 There are_to show that a new,different city is coming out of its dark past. Asignals Bmarks Csigns Dsymbols 解析 考查词语辨析。据句意可知,空白处应为“迹象”,故选C。 答案 C,A用arise和arouse填空 New difficulties will _ from such situation. 答案 arise His strange behaviour _ our suspicions. 答案 aroused,B单项填空 (2013沈阳二中期中)Once new difficulties_in your work,its always important to use your brains. Araise Barise Carouse Drise 解析 考查动词辨析。arise出现,是不及物动词,合题意。raise和arouse是及物动词。rise为“上升,升起”之意。 答案 B,用from then on,from now on,since then填空 She was stubborn and_she never spoke to him. 答案 from then on I have never seen him _. 答案 since then I will give up smoking completely_. 答案 from now on,He was late_the heavy snow.由于大雪他迟到了。 答案 as a result of Hard working _ _ success.努力工作成就成功。 答案 results in Success _ _ hard working.成功来自努力工作。 答案 results from,(2013海淀区质检)My mother was over the age limit and_,her application for the job was rejected. Aas a result Bin conclusion Cworse still Dwhats more 解析 考查短语辨析。据句意可知空白处为“结果”,故选A。 答案 A,(2013石家庄质检) Though in fact he got _,there was no doubt that he had meant to offer help. Ain a way Bin the way Con the way Dby the way,解析 考查way相关短语。句意:尽管事实上他帮了倒忙,但是毫无疑问他本来打算提供帮助的。in the way“妨碍,挡道”,符合句意。in a way“在某种程度上”;on the way“在路上”;by the way“顺便说”。 答案 B,(2013山东卷)The Smiths are praised_the way they bring up their children. Afrom Bb
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