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Unit 1 A 1. 请在图上标上合适的单词序号,并看序号说单词。 1. blackboard 2. window 3. classroom 4. door 5. picture 6. light 7. fan 8. computer 9. teachers desk 10. floor 11. TV 12. wall 2. 鹦鹉学舌,你会吗? 如:TV I see a “T”. Its a TV. 学会一个,在旁边画。 blackboard window classroom door picture light fan teachers desk floor wall computer3. A. 还记得学过的颜色吗?读单词并涂词后的愤怒小鸟,涂错了,小鸟真的要愤怒了! red yellow blue green orange white black brown B. 给图涂色,并介绍自己的作品。Look, this is the new.(作品)The new is.(颜色) door TV window fan picture4. 喜欢哪个教室,在图旁打。并向朋友或家人介绍下你喜欢的教室吧。 Hey, 朋友或家人名. We have a new classroom. Really its so big. Lets go and see. Whats in the classroom?Look, my picture. (自己选个地方画朵花)Its near the.(根据画的花,补充句子)Unit 1 B1. Mike正在设计自己的新教室,你来帮忙吧! 涂色并表达。2. 让你来做卫生班长,你会是最棒的吗?读句子试试吧。 Let me clean the window. Let me clean the door. Let me clean the.你还会什么? (在你打扫干净的地方插上红旗吧!)3. 情景回答。 1. 当别人给你说别人有个新书包时,你应该说: A. Whats in it? B. Really? Lets go and see. 2. Mike想要打扫教室的窗户,他应该说: A. I see a window. B. Let me clean the window. 3. 当你想要帮助别人的时候,你会说:A. Let me help you. B. Thank you. 4. 当别人说Lets clean the classroom. 你同意的时候,应该说:A. Let me help you. B. OK.4. A. 你认识这4个词吗(写下汉语)? 1. on 2. in 3. under 4. near B. 帮豆豆治病,快把5个爱心的主人找到吧。(根据爱心与豆豆位置,填入1234.)
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