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Business Etiquette,France,Cuisine - highly refined Relationships - different rules social circle French Family Values - social adhesive romantic but practical toward marriage,France Etiquette,Business Etiquette,Table Manners,Dining Etiquette,Gift Giving Etiquette,Meeting Etiquette,Monsieur or Madame au revoir = goodbye bonjour = good morning bonsoir =good evening,France - Meeting Etiquette,Handshake - a common greeting form,Lightly kiss (between friends) - on left, right cheek,First names - family and close friends,France - Gift Giving Etiquette,Flowers - Odd numbers (Except 13, unlucky),Gifts - Be Opened,Wine - Highest quality,France - Dining Etiquette,Arrive on time Dress well Large parties - send flowers in the morning,France - Table manners,Fork - left hand Knife - right hand,Hands visible, but elbows not on the table,Not finish - cross your fork over the knife,Finish everything on the plate,Salad - not cut with a knife and fork Lettuce - fold on to your fork,Relationships & Communication,Meetings Etiquette,Business Negotiation,Business Cards,Dress Etiquette,France - Business Etiquette,France - Business Etiquette,Relationships & Communication Courtesy, Mutual trust and Respect A degree of Formality Learn a few key phrases an interest in a long-term relationship Extremely direct in business, ask probing questions An apology for not knowing French,France - Business Etiquette,Business Meetings Etiquette Appointments - made at least 2 weeks in advance in writing or by telephone handled by the secretary NOT during July or August (a common vacation period ) Delay - Telephone immediately, Explanation Discuss issues, Dont make decisions Avoid exaggerated claims,France - Business Etiquette,Business Negotiation - Hierarchical: the top make decisions DO Wait to be told where to sit Maintain direct eye contact Be patient - carefully analyze every detail of a proposal Good debating skills DONT Overly friendly Confrontational behaviour High-pressure tactics,France - Meeting Etiquette,Dress Etiquette Understated, Stylish Good quality accessories. Men - dark-colored, conservative business suits Women - business suits or elegant dresses in soft colours,France - Business Etiquette,Business Cards Exchange cards after the initial introductions without formal ritual Translate the other side into French Include any advanced academic degrees A bit larger than many other countries,Japan,Face -a mark of personal dignity never openly criticize, insult Harmony - key value, guiding philosophy interdependence, polite, indirect,Non-Verbal Communication - facial expression, tone of voice posture Hierarchy - age and status, a distinct place, revere the old,Japan Etiquette,Business Etiquette,Table manners,Dining Etiquette,Gift Giving Etiquette,Meeting Etiquette,Japan - Meeting Etiquette,very formal and ritualize show the correct amount of respect and deference Wait to be introduced Introduce yourself - impolite, even in a large gathering,Japan - Meeting Etiquette,The traditional form of greeting - bow How far you bow relationship and the situation The deeper more respect A foreign visitor: bow the head slightly,Japan - Gift giving Etiquette,Highly ritualistic and meaningful Not opened when received Give items in odd numbers, but not 9 Not expensive, e.g. good quality chocolates Be wrapped with pastel colours Do not give : Any white flowers (lilies, camellias) funerals Potted plants (except a bonsai tree) sickness,Japan - Dining Etiquette,Remove shoes before entering, put on the slippers Leave the shoes the correct way Arrive on time Large social gathering - be a little bit later than the invitation Dress as if you were going into the office,Japan - Table manners,A: the most senior D: the most junior B, C, D in descending rank,France - Table manners,The honoured or the eldest - sit in the centre, eat first Try a little bit of everything. Do not place chopsticks across Finish eating - leave a small amount of food Conversation at the table - generally subdued,Japan - Business Etiquette,Relationships & Communication Business basis - personal relationships Build and maintain relationships - greetings / seasonal cards Understanding of foreign ways - mistakes are allowed,Japan - Business Etiquette,Business Meetings Etiquette Appointments - several weeks in advance, best to telephone Punctuality Be prepared for a group meeting. Several meetings for a successful relationship. Never refuse a request, difficult or non- profitable Company literature A small gift to the most senior person,Japan - Business Etiquette,Business Negotiation Non-confrontational - be vigilant Written contracts Using a Japanese lawyer - a gesture of goodwill Never lose temper or raise voice Contracts - not final agreements,Dress Etiquette Conservative Men - dark
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