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如何准备和做好口头演讲? How to Prepare and Deliver an Oral Presentation,目的,掌握演讲片制作要求 掌握口头演讲要求,演讲片制作要求,1-字体大小从18到32 Use letter sizes from 18 to 32 points.,16 很多情况下16号字体太小了16 is too small for most situations. 18 Use Sans Serif fonts. 20 Use Bold fonts. 24 AVOID ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. 28 Use colors that give high contrast. Dark letters on light background always work Light letters on dark work in dark rooms 32 Change colors, use italics, or underline sparingly for emphasis. 36 Font is usually unnecessary 36号字体通常也是没有必要,2-为方便提高浏览速度,使用san serif字体 Use san serif fonts because they can be read more quickly.,Arial: Use letter sizes from 18 to 32 points. Tahoma: Use Sans Serif fonts. Arial Narrow: Use Bold fonts. Verdana: AVOID CAPITAL LETTERS. Avoid serif fonts Garamond: Use colors that give high contrast. Times New Roman: Change colors, use italics, or underline sparingly for emphasis.,中文好的与不好的字体 Chinese fonts with excellent and poor legibility,好:华文细黑,微软雅黑 可以:黑体,宋体,仿宋,隶书,楷体 不要使用:华文彩云, 行楷, 方正舒体,华文琥珀,3-字体加粗以方便听众快速阅读 Use Bold fonts that allow rapid reading,Use Bold fonts. Use Bold fonts. Use Bold fonts. Use Bold fonts.,4-全是大写字母难以快速阅读 ALL CAPITAL LETTERS HINDERS RAPID READING,USE LETTER SIZES FROM 18 TO 32 POINTS. USE SANS SERIF FONTS. USE BOLD FONTS. AVOID ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. USE COLORS THAT GIVE HIGH CONTRAST. PRC, TEPHINET 则可以 PRC, TEPHINET are acceptable,5-采用色差大的颜色 Use colors that give high contrast.,浅色背景使用深色字母和线条总是很好Dark letters and lines on light background always work 避免使用纯白色背景-晃眼 Avoid pure white background - glare 深色背景的浅色字母和线条适合于较暗的房间Light letters and lines on dark background work in dark rooms,Use colors that give high contrast.,Dark letters and lines on light background always work Dark letters and lines on light background work well without bolding Avoid pure white background - glare Light letters and lines on dark background work in dark rooms,Use colors that give high contrast.,Dark letters and lines on light background always work Dark letters and lines on light background work well without bolding Avoid pure white background - glare Light letters and lines on dark background work in dark rooms,Avoid pure white background - glare,Dark letters and lines on light background always work Dark letters and lines on light background work well without bolding Avoid pure white background - glare Light letters and lines on dark background work in dark rooms,深色背景的浅色字母和线条适合于较暗的房间 Light letters and lines on dark background work best in dark rooms,Dark letters and lines on light background always work Avoid pure white background - glare Light letters and lines on dark background work in dark rooms 但字体必须加粗But fonts usually need to be bold,6-除非特别情况,避免使用多种颜色 Avoid multiple colors unless there is a very specific reason.,Use large letters ( 20 ) Avoid all CAPITAL letters Avoid unusual fonts Use colors that give high contrast Dark letters and lines on light background always works Light letters and lines on dark works in dark rooms Do not use multiple colors, decoration,7-无目的使用背景特效只能导致难以理解 Background effects have no purpose and only make understanding difficult.,Avoid background effects Use colors that give high contrast Dark letters and lines on light background always work Avoid pure white background - glare Light letters and lines on dark background work in dark rooms,8-怎样确定每张幻灯片的标题 How should you title your slides?,使用有意义的标题(最好) Use an informative headline (best). 使用正式、明确并包括数据的题目 Use a formal title that orients and includes data 不要使用“背景”、“方法”、“结果”、“讨论”等等 Do not use : “Background”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Discussion”, etc.,避免三维效果,多余的线条和边框 Avoid 3 dimensions, extra lines and frames,x,x,x,x,x,去除没有实际意义的绘图成分 Eliminate non-functional graphical elements.,前页的图可以如此简化以突出主要模式 The previous graph can be simplified to emphasize the principal pattern.,East,West,North,避免红线条或字体 Avoid red lines or lettering.,如果确实想用红色,请使用(R=255 / G=82 / B=0)而不是 纯红色,红色线条或字体在深背景下读起来非常困难 Red lines or lettering are very difficult on a dark background.,Weight category of 281630 Students Los Angeles County, 2001,饼图显示数据能力差 Pie charts are poor for showing data.,Weight category of 281630 Students Los Angeles County, 2001,表格能够更加迅速准确的体现饼图所要表达的数据 The table shows the data more quickly and accurately than the pie chart.,Underweight 2.8%,Weight category of 281630 students, Los Angeles County, 2001,简单的条图总是要好于饼图 A simple bar chart is always better than a pie chart.,40的学生超重或者有超重的危险 40% of students were either overweight or at risk of overweight.,16-单个图片占满屏幕并配以标签说明 Let single pictures fill the screen and overlay them with labels.,Zia symbol,Zia symbol,“New Mexico”,“New Mexico”,17-使用激光笔时不要抖动 外周血涂片Peripheral Blood Smear,直接在图上重点位置使用箭头更好 外周血涂片Peripheral Blood Smear,18-其他注意事项,使用表格、图、地图、画片和示意图 Use tables, charts, graphs, maps, pictures, and diagrams. 减少文字式幻灯片Minimize word slides. 使用关键字代替词 Use key words instead of phrases. 一行表达一个意思 Limit to 1 line per idea. 表格中体现最关键的数据 Limit the data on tables to the essential. 如果需要完整的数据可以分发给听众Provide complete data as handout if needed.
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