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Qiandao Lake 千岛湖,位于浙江杭州,新安江筑坝缔造的一块美丽水域,“有点甜”的农夫山泉取水于此,湖中上千个岛屿,风姿绰约、姿态各异。,Located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Water of xin an river dam creates a beautiful area of water. The nongfu spring water which is called “a little sweet“, originates from here. There are thousands of islands in the Lake with graceful figure, and the posture is different.,猴岛由十余座大小岛屿组成,猴王德高望重,母猴相夫教子,上猴岛与猕猴嬉戏是来千岛湖不可错过的一大乐趣。,Monkey Island 猴岛,Monkey Island is made up of more than more than 10 Islands. The king of the monkey is venerable ,and his wife lives for helping her husband and teaching her child. Playing on Monkey Island is not to be missed on a great fun.,森林氧吧拥有千岛湖最好的森林植被(国家亚热带原始次森林保护区)、最美的自然风光(森林、瀑布、彩岩)和最佳的生态环境(负离子含量非常高)。 Forest oxygen-bar have the best forest vegetation in Qiandao Lake (national original subtropical forest reserve), the most beautiful natural scenery (forests, waterfalls, colorful rocks) and the best ecological environment (anion content is very high).,千岛湖石林景是中国四大石林之一,被称为“华东第一石林”。景区以“怪石、悬崖、古道、灵洞”为景观内容,峰林造型奇特,象形奇石遍布,形成数百个栩栩如生的独特景观,被旅游界人士称为“天然动物博物馆”。 Shi Lin in Qiandao Lake is one of Chinas four major stone forest, known as “the first stone forest in East China“. Area with “rocks, cliffs, ancient and spiritual hole“ landscape, peak forest peculiar, hieroglyphic stones, formed hundreds of vivid unique landscape, is the tourism industry called “natural Museum of animals“.,金山湾位于千岛湖东南湖区,全岛以枫树为主要植被,到了11月下旬,满山遍岛金色灿烂,故取名为“金山湾”。 Bay Lake is located in southeast of Lake , with maple as the dominant vegetation throughout the island. In late November, the Golden bright mountains all over the island, hence the name is called “Bay“.,岛上有无毒蛇、有毒蛇几十种上万条。观斗蛇,看人蛇共眠、人蛇共舞、人蛇同游、人蛇亲吻非常有趣,此外,再和美人蛇合个影,会记忆深刻。 There are many no poisonous snakes, poisonous snakes on the island . Appreciating snakes fighting, sleeping,dancing,swimming with people, and kissing the Snakes is quite interesting .It will be remembered to take photos with beauty snakes .,Shenlong Island 神龙岛,锁岛是由四个岛屿以桥相连组成。锁岛的锁文化、鸟岛的百种奇鸟、真趣园的淳安特色,将生态旅游和体闲娱乐融为一体。 Suodao is composed of four islands The culture of suodao, hundreds of strange birds, the bird Island Garden Chunan features for integrating eco-tourism and leisure entertainment.,一个新近发现的古村落,整个村子内的建筑都是徽派风格,一条小溪穿村而过,如同“桃花源”般,美好得都有些不真实。 A recently discovered ancient villages, construction are Anhui style throughout the village, a small stream through the village, as “Peach Blossom Spring“-like, fine are not real.,芹川村 Qinchuan village,Hawaii,以前,人们跳起草裙舞以表达对诸神的敬意,现在它已经成为游客游览夏威夷的保留节目。,Ancient time : show the respect of the God,At present : for entertainment,迄今仍在不断喷流而出的奇劳威亚火山,彷佛向所有人诉说自然界的伟大力量。 Yet Volcano Kilauea is constantly erupting, they all complained of the great forces of nature.,Volcano National Park,在水下,远在12英里之外便可听到座头鲸的动人歌声。在大自然的怀抱中观鲸,是夏威夷不可错过的亮点。 Under water, as far as 12 miles away will be able to hear the beautiful songs of humpback whales. It cant be missed to Whath whales in natures embrace in Hawaii.,Whales watching,Honolulu 也叫檀香山 在这里,人文跟自然保持着一种新鲜感,一种动感的变化,随手一拍,都是如画的风景。 Humanity together with nature to maintain a fresh here , dynamic changes, just a beat, is the picturesque scenery.,这里展现的是当地人的地方艺术、戏剧和舞蹈,描述着太平洋各岛的生活型态。 Here shows a native of local art, theatre and dance, describing the lifestyle of the islands of the Pacific Ocean.,玻里尼西亚文化中心,位于美国夏威夷州瓦胡岛北岸莱伊附近,距离檀香山约65 公里 In the United States State of Hawaii , on the North Shore of Oahu, about 65 km from Honolulu,威基基海滩(waikiki beach)位于夏威夷群岛中的欧胡岛上火奴鲁鲁(又称为檀香山市),是世界上最出名的海滩 Waikiki (Waikiki Beach) is located in Honolulu on the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands (also known as the Honolulu), is the worlds most famous beach.,威基基海滩,waikiki beach,这里可以划船、冲浪,夕阳西下之时,还可以沿着沙滩散步,慢慢欣赏落日的壮观景象。 Here you can go boating, surfing. When the sunset, you can also take a walk along the beach, watching the sunset slowly ,a spectacular view. .,海鲜,seafood,夏威夷果Macadamia,“Queen of the nuts” 干果皇后,THANK YOU,
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