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Class2 Foundations of Individual Behavior,I.Biographical Characteristics II.Ability III.Personality IV.Learning,Dependent Variable Productivity -(job performance) Absenteeism Turnover Job satisfaction,I.Biographical Characteristics 1.Age,Age-Turnover:The older you get,the less likely you are to quit your job. Absenteeism:Inversely related? Older - higher rates of unavoidable absence Productivity declines with age? Unrelated Satisfaction:Most-positive association;U-Shaped.Professionals:continually increase; Nonprofessionals:falls during middle age ,-rise,I. 2.Gender,There is no significant difference in job Productivity between males and females. No evidence indicates gender affects Job satisfaction Absenteeism,women have higher rates of-. Family ,Time bound? Turnover,mixed evidence.Some found females to have higher-;no difference,I. 3.Marital Status,No enough studies on- Productivity Married employees have fewer Absences, less Turnover,more Job satisfaction ?Question of causation, ?Other statuses besides single or married,divorced or widow.,I. 4.Number of dependents,No enough studies on- Productivity Positively correlated with Absence,esp. F.; Job satisfaction Turnover:mixed result.Some indicate that children increase turnover;other lower.,I. 5.Tenure,Productivity,seniority isnt a good predictor, past perf. related to output in new position negatively related to Absenteeism (frequency,days off), Turnover satisfaction: are positively related. More consistent and stable predictor that age.,II.Ability 1. Intellectual Ability dimensions,Number aptitude-speedy accurate arithmetic Verbal Comprehension-read,heard,words Perceptual speed-Fire investigator Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning Spacial visualization-interior decorator Memory-Salesperson:names of,II.Ability 2. Physical Ability factors,Strength-Dynamic,trunk,static,explosive Flexibility-extent, Dynamic Other-body coordination,balance,Stamina,III.Personality,1.The sum total of ways in witch an individual reacts and interacts with others 2.Determinants Heredity Environment Situation,III.3.Personality traits,Source(primary) traits The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) Extrovert vs. I, Sensing (S,N)Intuition, Thinking or Felling,Perceiving or Judging The Big 5 Model- Extroversion, Agreeableness,Conscientiousness, Emotional stability, Openness to experience,III.4.Personality Attributes in OB,Locus of control-Internal,E Machiavellianism Self-esteem Self-monitoring propensity for Risk-taking Type A personality,III.5.Personality-job Fit,Hollands personality-occupations typology Realistic Investigative Conventional Social Enterprising Artistic,IV. Learning 1. Theories of Learning,Any relatively permanent in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. Change, permanent, behavior,experience Classical conditioning-Ivan Pavlov:A type of conditioning where an individual responds to some stimulus that would not invariably produce such a response. Unconditioned stimulus-Unconditioned resp Conditioned (artificial) -,IV. Theories of Learning,Operant conditioning-B.F.Skinner-A type of conditioning where desired voluntary behavior leads to a reward or prevent a punishment. Reinforcement of the consequences by a behavior Social-learning(extension)-Learn through observation and direct experience. Perception-the influential process of model: 4 Attention, Retention,Motor reproduction, Reinforcement,IV. Learning 2. Shaping:A Managerial Tool,Shaping behavior:systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an individual closer to the desired response Methods of Shaping-positive,negative reinforcement,punishment,extinction Reinforcement has an impressive record (type, type of rewards,speed and permanence),IV. Learning 2. Shaping:A Managerial Tool,Schedules of reinforcement Continuous-A desired behavior is reinforced each & every time it is demonstrated Intermittent-reinforced often enough to make the behavior worth repeating,but not every time it is demonstrated Intermittent(varied form) tends to promote more resistance to extinction than does the continuous form.,IV. Learning 2. Shaping:A Managerial Tool,Intermittent reinforcement Ratio schedules-how many responses the subject makes(a certain number of specific types of behavior) Fixed-Ratio: rewards are initiated after a fixed number of responses given Interval schedules-how much time has passed since the last reinforcement Fixed-internal:rewards are spaced at uniform time intervals, Variable-internal,IV. Learning 2. Shaping:A Managerial Tool,Reinforcement Schedules and behavior Continuous reinforcement-e
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