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刘学铭(ueming Liu),功能性肉制品研发策略与挑战 Strategy & Challenge for Development of Functional Meat Products,广东省农业科学院蚕业与农产品加工研究所 Sericultural & Agri-Food Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS),目录 Contents,肉类食品的营养与危害 Nutrition and Hazards of Meat Products,功能性肉制品研发挑战 Challenge for Development of Functional Meat Products,1,4,肉类食品的营养与危害 Nutrition and Hazards of Meat Products,营养(Nutrition),危害(Hazards),1.1 肉类食品的营养 Nutrition of Meat & Meat Products,“Complete” protein,Fatty acids,Vitamin (B comple),Minerals,Other bioactive compounds,Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA): Cholesterol-lowering; Associated with anticancinogenic, antidiabetic, and antiatherogenic effects; Strengthening immune system, bone metabolism; Improvements in body composition. L-carnitine In beef 3321870 mg/kg dry matter and in pork (135830 mg/kg dry matter; Regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism; Essential for absorbing calcium to improve skeletal strength and to form lean muscle mass; Antioidant.,Novel aspects of health promoting compounds in meat: Preventing muscle wasting diseases, such as in sarcopenia; Reducing food and calorie intake to prevent metabolic syndrome; Blood pressure homeostasis via ACE-inhibitory components from connective tissue, and Maintaining functional gut environment through meat-derived nucleotides and nucleosides. In addition, meat could be an important source of phytanic acid, conjugated linoleic acids and antioidants.,1.2 肉类食品的危害 Hazards of Meat & Meat Products,Obesity,Type 2 diabetes,Cancer,Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke,“Carcinogenicity of consumption of red and processed meat”International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), WHO (Lancet, 2015-10-26): 800 cases were studied; Eating processed meat can cause cancer, including bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer; Red meat, including beef, lamb and pork, “probably“ carcinogenic to humans. Processed meat: preserved by curing, salting, smoking, drying or canning; 50 g/d/person of processed meat increases risk of bowel cancer by 18%.,功能性肉制品概述 Introduction of Functional Meat Products,2.1 功能性肉制品的定义 Definition of Functional Meat Products,Bioactives and Functional Foods Bioactives: “ any substance that may be considered a food or part of a food and provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease”. (The Foundation for Innovation in Medicine, 1991) Functional Foods / Meat Products: A food/ meat product is functional when it beneficially affects one or more target functions in the body beyond adequate nutrition in a way that is relevant to an improved state of health and well-being and/or reduction of risk of disease. (Diplock et al. , 1999),Functional Meat Products,Unhealthy ingredients reduced,Healthy nutrients increased,Natural bioactive compounds used,Sodium Fat Nitrite,Bioactive peptides PUFA CLA L-carnitine,PUFA Antioidants, Prebiotics Dietary fibre Minerals,Health Meat Products,2.2 功能性肉制品的分类 Classification of Functional Meat Products,Raw Functional Meat: Meat produced by feeding livestock and poultry with functional components Processed Functional Meat Products: Produced by processing methods, for eample, addition of antioidants, dietary fibre, prebiotics, etc.,2.3 消费者对功能性肉制品的态度和购买意愿 Consumer Attitude & Purchase Intention towards Functional Meat Products,Enthusiasts: 39.3% Accepters: 11.9% Half-hearted: 42.3% Uninterested: 6.6%,Hung Y, et al. Meat Science, 2016, 121: 119-126.,B.D. Tobin et al. / Meat Science 97 (2014) 207213,Most believe that: Processed meats contain large quantities of harmful chemicals, fat and salt. There are many bioactive compounds in yogurt style products but unsure of meat based products. Many of the respondents were: Willing to consume meat based functional foods. Not willing to pay more for them.,功能性肉制品研发策略 Development Strategy of Functional Meat Products,Principle Reducing compounds with negative health implications; (Health meat products) Enhancing the presence of beneficial compounds. (Functional meat products),Limiting energy intake from total fats; Shifting fat consumption away from saturated fats to unsaturated fats and towards the elimination of trans-fatty acids; Increasing consumption of n-3 PUFAs from fish oil or plant sources; Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains and low in refined grains; Avoiding ecess consumption of food with high salt and refined carbohydrate contents.,3.1 健康食谱原则 Principle for Health Diet,Design, development and assessment of meat-based functional products (Olmedilla-Alonso, et al. 2013),3.2 富含功能性成分生肉开发 Development of Raw Functional Meat Products,Approaches based on animal production practices (genetic and nutritional). Mostly functional components are added to diets and to feed animals. Functional components accumulate in meat.,EPA,DHA,EPA,DHA,Functional components,Feed,Meat,Animal,Production of Functional Meat by Dietary Manipulation,Eamples,Seaweed e
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