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Mount WutaiNominated World Heritage Sites:Mount Wutai, is constituted by two parts:Taihuai core area Geographic coordinate is N39E113,and Foguang temple core area Geographic coordinate is N38E113, the core area is 18415 hectares and the buffer zone area is 42312 hectares.世界遗产提名地:五台山,由两部分组成:台怀核心区和佛光寺核心区,核心区面积18415公顷,缓冲区42312公顷。located in Wutai County of Xinzhou City the northeastern of Shanxi Province China.位于中国山西省东北部忻州市五台县境内。is made of the oldest stratum in the world which is more than 2.5 billion years.由大于25亿年的世界古老地层构成It has 5 peaks in north south east west and center, the peak is 3061 meters above sea level which is called as “the ridge of Northern China” 有东西南北中五座山峰,最高峰3061米,被誉为“华北屋脊”The mountaintops are flat and wide commonly known as platform, so it was called the Five Flat-top Mountains.五座山峰顶部平坦宽广,俗称台顶,因此得名五台山。Mount Wutai has a magnificent natural landscape and a rich geological heritage,五台山自然景观奇伟瑰丽,地质遗产丰富Its unique palaeotectonic relics, rare periglacial and glacier land form,其独特的古地质构造遗迹,稀有的冰原冰川地貌景观and valuable species and ecological resources,珍贵物种和生态资源serves as a typical evidence of an important period in the history of earth evolution. 使其成为代表地球演变史重要阶段的典型例证The age of various rock units of granite and greenstone belts in Mount Wutai is around 2.6 to 2.5 billion years,五台山花岗岩绿岩带的年龄在26至25亿年and its exposed in the great height difference of the new generation of mountains and valleys,并且出露于高差巨大的新生代山脉和山谷内various levels of rocks exposed to surface.各种层次岩石组成良好出露地表And it has time continuity and irreplaceability in geological time. 在地质时代上具有时间的连续性和不可替代性The displayed rich geological phenomenon is irreplaceability in the world. 所展示的丰富地质现象在世界范围内也具有不可替代性Campared with those well known mountains around the world its long history of geological evolution is very rare, 其漫长的地质演化史在世界著名山峰中非常罕见And it became field visit location in many international geological conferences and is the classic geological research area in China.成为多次地质会议的考察地及中国经典的地质研究地区The granite-greenstone belt of Mount Wutai also led to the formation of typical Neoarchean collision orogenic belts,五台山花岗岩绿岩带构成典型的新太古代碰撞造山带it fully revealing the early collision orogen structure sectionand different levels of crustal, 完整展示出早期碰撞造山带构造剖面及不同地壳层次and has typical geological evolution significance. 具有典型的地质演化意义Therefore ,Mount Wutai is key evidence for studies of the Archean plate tectonics and the collision orogenic belts.是研究太古宙板块构造与碰撞造山带的关键例证The geochronological boundary of the Archean and Proterozoic Eons, is considered as the most important geological events in tectonic evolution. 太古宙到远古宙界限被认为是地壳演化史上最重要的地质事件During this period, the Earth has undergone profound changes. 地球在这一时期发生了深刻变化International Commission on Stratigraphy proposes that the line of demarcation be drawn at 2.5 billion years ago.国际地层委员会建议这一界限年代应划分在25亿年前Mount Wutai Reserve many unconformities interface before and after 2.5 billion years,五台山保留有多个25亿年前后的不整个界面and has clear lines of demarcation between different stages of geological evolution, 具有明显的地质演化阶段性its also involving the radical environmental changes of continental extensions after the end of the collision orogeny(2.5billion years). 涉及典型板块碰撞造山结束,向板内伸展环境的剧烈变化They provide sound conditions for setting off the boundaries of the Archean and Proterozoic Eons, 非常有利于划分太古宙远古宙界限and is typical area for establishing the Archean Proterozoic boundary before 2.5 billion years. 是建立太古宙远古宙界限的典型地区Its also bearing comparable value to universal geological studies. 具有全球地质对比价值Mount Wutai keeps a complete records of the Paleoproterozoic strata before 2.5-1.9 billion years,五台山保留完整的古元古代地层记录(2.51.9亿年)there are well-preserved early weathering crusts, ancient red bed as well as rich records of stromatolites in the stratigraphic sections. 地层剖面保留了早期古风化壳、古红层及异常丰富的叠层石记录There is a rich reserve of paleofloral fossils in the Doucun Subgroup of Mount Wutai, 五台山豆村带群中发现了丰富的古植物化石and they are the earliest Chinas Eukaryotic organisms before 2.4 billion years,并有中国已知最古老的真壳生物化石(24亿年前)its 600-700 million years earlier than the previously acclaimed oldest Eukaryotic fossil record. 比先前认为的最古老真壳生物化石记录早6至7亿年In this regard Mount Wutai is valuable to the understanding of earlier evolution of life.对认识早期生命演化具有重要价值Compared with other ancient planation surfaces of East Asia,与东亚其他古夷体面相比Mount Wutai is a typhical example of the Cenozoic continental extension and of the fault block orogeny.五台山为早期寒武纪地壳中新生代伸展、断块造山活动的典型代表There is several thousand meters of altitude differerce between the top of ancient razed plane and the buried deep of the sedimentary basins of North China which is very rare in East Asia. 其台顶古夷平面与华北断陷盆地中深埋夷平面之间达到数千米的高差,在整个东亚非常罕见The ancient planation surfaces of Mount Wutai have became one of the most important symbols in the comparative study of Cenozoic tectonic and landscape evolution in North China, 成为中国北方地形演化研究对比的最重要标志,
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