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教师变学生,目标主体,目标维度,行为动词,双基变多维,笼统变具体 ,一、教学目标的内涵,教学目标确定和表述方面的,English Curriculum Goals For fundamental education,Affective Attitudes,Learning Strategies,Cross-culture Awareness,Language Knowledge,Language Skills,The Comprehensive Ability of using the Language,-英语课程标准(实验稿) P6,The Content Goals in The New Curriculum,5. Cultural awareness,1. Language skills,2. Language knowledge,3. Affective attitudes,4. Learning strategies,综合语言运用能力,情感态度,学习策略,文化意识,语言技能,语言知识,国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机,交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略,跨文化交际 文化理解 文化知识,话题功能语法词汇语音,写读说听,中学英语课程目标,Language Knowledge,The five aspects of language knowledge:,Pronunciation,Vocabulary,Grammar,Function,Topic,Language knowledge,Language skills,4. Writing,The four basic skills in language learning:,1. Listening,2. Reading,3. Speaking,(oral),(written),(oral),(written),Identify & understanding meaning,Express ideas,External,Internal,Internal,External,Why “function” and “topic” are language knowledge?,Language use,Pronunciation,Grammar,Vocabulary,Language knowledge,Function,Topic,Language skills,The relations between Language Skills & Knowledge,Language communication,Oral language,Written language,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,Language Knowledge,P,V,G,T,F,Elementary stage:,Teaching language knowledge in different stages,Habit-forming,Compulsory stage:,Language use & reflection on language,Secondary state:,Language practice and use,The relationship between language & affective attitudes,Interpersonal communication,Affective attitudes,language,Learning strategies,Metacognitive strategies,There are three kinds of learning strategies:,Strategies involving planning, thinking about the learning process, monitoring of ones production/comprehension, and evaluating learning.,Cognitive strategies,Strategies limited to specific learning tasks & involving more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.,Communication strategies,The employment of verbal or nonverbal mechanisms for the productive communication of information.,Cross-cultural Awareness,There are four distinct types/levels of cross- cultural awareness:,Level One: Cultural differences are exotic,Level Two: Cultural differences are frustrating,Level Three: The different culture is believable,Level Four: The different culture is believable as lived experience,1、行为主体错误,二、教学目标设计中问题分析,(2) To inspire the students to learn positive qualities from the great women.,例: (1) To help the students to use the new words and expressions.,以下目标以学生为主体: The students can read and spell the vocabulary correctly. The students can give three or four examples of the Passive Voice.,二、教学目标设计中问题分析,2、行为指向不明确,二、教学目标设计中问题分析,例: (1).Master the following new words and phrases. (2 ).Practise the use of the Attributive Clause. master,课文中的生词、短语及 practice 定语从句,应达到什么程度? 理解? 应用? 识记?,以下目标比较明确: (1 ) The students can describe the differences between Active Voice and Passive Voice. (2 ) The students can summarize the main idea of the text by careful reading.,二、教学目标设计中问题分析,目标怎样描述? 目标要具体而明确 要具有可操作性和可检测 要用可观测到的动词,二、教学目标设计中问题分析, 要确定学生对知识的掌握程度,可以通过让学生描述、辨认、标示、排列、命名、列纲、选择、阐述等( describe, identify , label list, name, outline, select ,state ,)方式描述,二、教学目标设计中问题分析, 表理解的课观察的行为动词:谈论、区别、描述、解释、扩展、归纳与概括、举例、交换、小结等(talk about, defend, distinguish, describe, explain, extend, generalize, give example, exchange, summarize, etc.),二、教学目标设计中问题分析,表运用能力的行为动词有: 改变、演示、调整、预测、准备、展示、产出、使用等(change, demonstrate, modify, predict, prepare, show, produce, use, etc.),二、教学目标设计中问题分析,表综合能力的行为动词有:推动、分离、结合、分析、联系、设计、机会、该校、比较、结论、论证等(infer, class, combine, analyse, device, plan. Rewrite, compare, conclude, justify, ect.),二、教学目标设计中问题分析,例: The students will be able to understand the new lexical items and guess the meaning of some words from their context.,二、教学目标设计中问题分析,3.三维目标不完全、情感态度、文化意识等目标缺失,The students will be able to find the main idea and important details of the text by reading and discussing.,The students will be able to be aware of the importance of environmental,对比以下教学目标: 技能目标举例:1、学生在听完语料后完成关于宠物的采访内容的信息图,能够像不同年龄和生活方式的人们推荐合适的宠物,并说明原因。(根据目标老师设计填充图和口语活动) 2、学生能够在阅读后列出当前各种领域发生的变化,以及该变化对人们的技能和品质提出的要求;能够以小组形式设计公司用人招聘广告,并进行展示。(根据这样的任务设计三遍阅读及读后任务),二、教学目标设计中问题分析,4目标大、空、虚、笼统、模糊、难以检测,二、教学目标设计中问题分析,这类目标没有可操作性 缺乏可评价性。, The students will be able to grasp the general idea of the text., The students will be able to develop their awareness.,例: The students will able to improve their oral abilities.,确立目标时要思考:怎么教?如何学? 掌握到何种程度?何种方式去检测?,二、教学目标设计中问题分析,对比以下目标:,By the end of the lesson, the majority of the learners will be able to : Discuss the future of the computer technology in pairs or in a group., Be aware of the different lifestyles in China and the USA and respect their cultures., Grasp the general idea about the history of the computer by general idea about the history of the computer by scanning and skimming.,1、牢记 三个维度“知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观” 2、分析 三个要素:课标 教学内容 学生基础 3、达到三个标准; 可操作 可评价 可检测,三、教学目标设计的建议,
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