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学术英语 医学,Academic English for Medicine,Unit 2,Resurgent and Emergent Diseases Although great progress has been made in the treatment and prevention of diseases in the last century, there is no reason for complacence. Human health is constantly threatened not only by emerging diseases but also by re-emerging ones once thought to have been controlled or eradicated. What causes new diseases? Why do the old enemies resurge? What resources are available for us to meet such challenges? What measures should we take to prevent and reduce those threats? This unit helps you to gain insight into those issues.,Unit 2 Resurgent and Emergent Diseases,Unit Contents,Lead-in,Text A,Text B,Text C,Get ready for Unit 3,Listening,Speaking,Writing,Lead-in,Issues to be covered Task,Unit 2 Resurgent and Emergent Diseases,Lead-in,Reasons for emerging and re-emerging diseases Updated information about some most common infectious diseases such as TB epidemic worldwide and particularly in China Measures to be taken to reduce and prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases and development of noninfectious diseases,Issues to be covered,Lead-in,What can be seen from the following titles of news reports? West Nile outbreak largest ever in U.S. http:/edition.cnn.com/2012/08/22/health/west-nile-virus/index.html August 23, 2012, the New York Times West Nile epidemic “worst in history” as virus infects 1,118 in America and leaves 41 dead http:/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2192303/West-Nile-virus-West-Nile-epidemic-worst-history-virus-infects-1-118-America-leaves-41-dead.html 23 August 2012,Page 26,Lead-in,information-filling task,Page 26,Text A,Critical reading and thinking Topics for presentation Useful expressions Difficult sentences Suggested answers,Page 26,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,Reemerging Diseases Be vulnerable to the ancient microbial enemies,Page 26,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,internecine squabbles in Congress “New Flu Strain Spreads: Death Toll Reaches Half Million.”,Page 26,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,Surgeon General Antibiotics and vaccines medical community from penicillin to polio Journal of the American Medical Association death rate respiratory infections,Page 26-27,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,The World Health Organization WHO Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC a prevention strategy public awareness of infectious disease,Page 27,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,Six diseases identified by WTH to be monitored for re-emergence Diphtheria Cholera dengue fever yellow fever bubonic plague,Page 27,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,attending to the health conditions of the globe the last Ebola flare-up pathogenic microbes public health authorities the epidemiology division in Columbias School of Public Health,Page 28,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,clinical professor of medicine interim chief of infectious disease Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center TB is the result of socioeconomic conditions and human behavior. Prisons and homeless shelters as ideal venues for TB spread, with confined populations in close quarters.,Page 28,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,drug resistance incomplete courses of antibiotic therapy the hardiest new, more powerful lineages multi-drug-resistant strain of TB TB also hitched a ride on the HIV wagon by attacking the immunocompromisedan emerging disease thus helping reignite an old one.,Page 28,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,a change in virulence, reflecting mutation in the exterior of the bacterium The misnamed “flesh-eating bacteria” http:/www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=61933 http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necrotizing_fasciitis rheumatic fever scarlet fever,Page 28,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,Flu likewise changes its coat and in turn its level of virulence. the pandemic of 1918-1919 http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1918_flu_pandemic http:/virus.stanford.edu/uda/ The flu virus is a trickster. Why? “Old wine in new bottles.” public health measures,Page 28-29,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,Vaccination practices the pertussis and diphtheria threats neurological complications the waning of immunity a crumbling public health infrastructure organized vaccination efforts vaccination rates Dengue fever,Page 29,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowledge of the subject matter,Even malaria has the potential to become familiar again domestically, especially if warmer weather combined with urban blight brings mosquitoes and malaria carriers together. with stagnant water serving as mosquito breeding pools,Page 29,Text A Critical reading and thinking Knowl
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