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形容词和副词 1.多个形容词修饰时 限定词+描绘性形容词+颜色+国籍或地区+用途 各个形容词的位置: 或类别+名词 巧记口诀:限官形龄色国材 a, 以-er, -en结尾的形容词,一般作前置定语。如:lower, other, wooden, golden, woolen等 2.不同类型形容词 b. 不定代词或以-a为前缀的形容词,一般作后置 形容词 位置 定语。someone, something, afraid, alone, alive等 注意:有些形容词以-ly结尾的,不要和副词混淆如friendly, lovely等 3.形容词比较构成法略 a. 两者之间比较永比较级通常与than连接 4.形容词比较级与最高 Tom is taller than his deskmate.级的用法 b. 两者以上的事物比较用最高级,前面需加 定冠词“the” That seemed to the happiest day of her life. 1. enough的位置:形容词、副词放在enough前面,名词放在enough的后面 巧记口诀:形前名后 There is enough rice for you to eat. If I had a long enough holiday, Id visit Europe. 2. 副词比较等级构成法略。 注意:副词最高级可以the,也可不用。 Who swims (the) best in your team? a. most+形容词.一般前面需加定冠词the,但表示一种程 度上非常高的特性和品质时,不表示比较 What he said is most interesting?副词 3. 形容词和副词 b. 比较等级的修饰。形容词副词的比较等级常可用下列 的特殊用法 词来修饰。如much, far, even, still, a little, no, any, a lot a bit等 There are now a lot more trees on the hills. c. “比较级+and+比较” 越来越。 “too+形容词或副词+to do sth.”太而不能 later, latest指时间上的较迟 latter, last指顺序上的后者 d. 两种不同形式的 older, oldest 指人的年纪或事比较等级不同的意义 年代的久远 elder, eldest 指人的长幼顺序 farther, farthest 指距离上 further, furthest 指抽象意义上的 一些形容词与副词及短语的比较1. good和well well既可作副词又可作形容词。作副词时修饰动词。作形容词时可作表语,指身体好。These oranges taste good. good只作形容词,指质量好或某人品质好。 He did very well in the exam.2.most, almost和mostly a. most是many, much的最高级,表示“最”前面需加定冠词 He is one of the most famous writers in China b. most+形容词 意为“很,非常”,前需加不定冠词 Guilin is a most beautiful city almost表示“几乎,差一点就”与nearly相似 Jack has almost finished the work mostly表示“主要地,多半地” The guests are mostly her friends.3.How long,How soon, How often和How far How long: 多久,多长时间,表示动作或状态需持续多久,通常回答“for+一段时间”“since+时间点”等How long have you been at this school?Er, Ive been here for just over two years. How soon: 多快。通常回答“in+一段时间”“一段时间+later”等 How soon will you be back? Ill be back in a week. 注意:若要指动作快,要用“How quickly/fast” How often: 多少时间内发生频率。通常回答“几次a day”“always”“usually”等 How often do you watch TV? Once a day 注意:若指提问“多少次”则要用“How many times” How far:距离有多远How far do you live from hereNot morn than one mile.4.sometimes, some times, sometime和some time sometimes:有时,不时 Sometimes I go to sleep after 12:00 some times: 几次,数次 He has been to Beijing for some times. sometime: 某时 I saw him sometime last year. some time: 一段时间,一些时候 He used to live in England some time when he was young.5.too much和much too too much: 太多 He drank too much beer yesterday much too: 太 Its much too cold today.6. alone和lonely alone:既可作形容词,也可作副词。一般后置,在be动词或动词后面,意为“独自的,单独地”无感情色彩。 She is alone at home. I like to work alone lonely: 只作形容词,既作定语,也可作表语。 意为“孤单的,寂寞的”有感情色彩 I was alone but I didnt feel lonely.7. too, also和either too用于肯定句和疑问句中,表示“也”,放句尾。 also放在系动词、助动词后,实意动词前。 either用于否定句,意为“也不”放在句尾8. sothat和 suchthat sothat:so为副词,后面直接形容词,中间不一定需要加名词。若有名词,不定冠词放在形容词后。 She is so beautiful (a girl) that everyone loves her. suchthat:such为形容词,后面接名词,且中间如果有不定冠词,放在形容词前 She is such a beautiful girl that everyone loves her.9. ago和before ago不能单独使用,只能接一段时间+ago,句子时态用一般过去时 before 一段时间+before;句子用过去完成时 before+时间点:句子用一般过去时10. notor和notand notor, 全部否定 She cant read or write. notand: 部分否定 She cant read and write习题1. This town has _ bridge. A. a stone old fine B. an old stone fine C. a fine old stone D. an old fine stone2. The apple tastes_ and sells_. A. well; well B. good; good C. well; good D. good; well3. We drank _coffee at the caf. A. very good hot some B. some very hot good C. some very good hot D. some good very hot4. What youve said sounds_ A. correct B. correctly C. correctness D. correcting5. They all looked_ at the master and felt quite. A. sad; sad B. sadly; sadly C. sad; sadly D. sadly; sad6. He looked dead but the faint pulse proved that he was still_
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