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连接代词用作定语的用法连接代词的主要句法功能是用作主语和宾语,但有些连接代词也可用于名词前作定语,如what, which, whose, whichever, whatever等。如:1. whatPlease advise us what time the goods are delivered. 请通知我们发货时间。Anyhow, I dont care what grade I get if I pass. 不管怎样,只要我能及格,我才不计较分数高低呢。We almost came to blows over what colour our new carpet should be. 我们为了用什么颜色的新地毯险些打了起来。2. whichPlease tell me which number bus to take? 请告诉我坐哪路车?How can I tell which button to press? 我怎么知道该按哪个电钮?I didnt know which channel I was tuned to. 我不知道我调的是哪个频道。3. whoseI do not know whose idea this was. 我不知道这是谁的主意。I dont know whose toothbrush he is using. 我不知道他在用谁的牙刷。4. whicheverYou can pick whichever one you like. 你喜欢哪个就挑哪个。Take whichever seat you like. 你愿意坐哪个座位就随便坐吧。They may vote in whichever district they choose. 他们可以在他们挑选的任何地区投票。5. whateverTake whatever magazines you want to read. 任何你想看的杂志都可以取阅。We will be grateful for whatever amount you can afford. 你买得起多少, 我们都欢迎。I am willing to pay whatever price you ask. 不管你要价多少,我都愿意付。注意;who, whom, whoever等习惯上用于名词前作定语。
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