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运 输 代 理 合 同FORWARD CONTRACT合同编号(Contract No.):ISACO日期(Date):2005-12-27甲方(Part A):宁波航姆国际物流有限公司(以下简称甲方) NINGBO ISACO LOGISTICS (HEREAFTER REFERRED TO PART A)乙方 ( Part B ):甲乙双方本着自愿互利、友好合作的原则,就货物国际运输事宜达成如下协议:The following agreement is based on the mutual benefit and good cooperation between Part A and Part B.1 乙方委托甲方承运自中国宁波至俄罗斯莫斯科的的服装货物国际运输代理业务。Part B consign Part A carry its fashion cargo from Ningbo China to Moscow Russia.2、运输方式:宁波至莫斯科全程包税场到门的整个运输Transport mode :Ningbo to Moscow CY-DOOR transportation.3、运输工具:40高柜Transport Tool: 40HQ4、USD32000/40HQ 此运费为目前宁波到莫斯科的全程包税场到门服务(此费用包括从宁波港到莫斯科乙方收货人仓库的海陆运输,俄罗斯的进口关税及清关费用,但本费用将随着俄罗斯进口关税的增减而有所增减)。此费用由乙方收到甲方货到莫斯科的通知后应立即支付到甲方指定帐户,甲方代理在确认以上运费到帐后安排送货给乙方的收货人。如果有缺损,甲方在确定相关环节后按照本合同的第7 条赔偿与乙方。Freight : USD32000/40HQ with all the charges from Ningbo port to Moscow Part Bs consignees warehouse, including sea freight ,Russia customs duty and all the expense due to Russia customs clearance . But this freight may be changed according to the decrease or increase of customs duty at Russia. The payment will be done by Part B at Ningbo as soon as the container arrive Moscow. And it will be transit to the consignees warehouse on confirmation of the said freight charge is paid to Part A. Freight charge will be deducted on the spot if there is any shortage as per clause 7 in this contract. If there is no evidence to show, part A is free from fault.5、每个货柜的货重不能超过18吨, 只有在装货物重量限制规则得到了一丝不苟的遵守的情况下,上述费率才有效。The above rate will be changed if the gross weight of the cargo is over 18,000kgs per 40HQ.6、宁波内陆费RMB1500/40HQ, 此费用包括订舱费,报关费,拖车费和起运港THC, 乙方需在签提单前支付给甲方。Inland fee before shipment RMB1500/40HQ including booking fee, THC, clearance fee and trucking fee, will be paid by Part B to Part A at Ningbo before the B/L is issued to Part B.7、货物丢失索赔:如果收货人在清点货物后发现实际箱数与提单显示的不同,那么甲方在确认相关运输环节后愿意以USD450/CBM 为标准赔偿灭失部分货物给乙方。如果乙方已向保险公司投保,甲方应协助乙方提供必要的单据以便乙方向保险公司索赔。Loss and compensation :Part A agrees to pay Part B USD450/CBM for loss if there is any difference between B/L quantity and destination quantity after the evidence is showed that its the fault of Part A. Part A will also assist Part B in concerning documents & procedures to claim from Insurance Company if Part B covered insurance.8、滞期索赔:若货在离港后90天内不能交付给乙方收货人,则视为货物丢失,甲方负责按每立方米450美元的价格赔偿给乙方(但不可抗力,不可预见的因素,以及由于货物本身的原因和收发货人自身的原因引起的因素除外)。Claim for delay :Part A should deliver the cargo to Part Bs consignee within 90 days (force majeure or unforeseeable risks, or the risks occurred because of the cargos speciality and the actions made by shipper or consignee will be exceptional, but Part A is required to show concerning evidence), otherwise the cargo is regarded as total loss. Part A should pay Part B USD450/CBM for compensation.9、送货地址FACTORY ADD:10、如果乙方没有履行立即付款的义务,甲方代理会立即将此货物转至甲方代理的仓库。其中USD700/上下车费用,仓库费用以USD35/天计算,由乙方承担。Remark: The cargo will be transferred to Part As agent warehouse with charge of USD700 for crane fee and storage USD35/day if part B does not pay freight in time ,and the charge will be paid by Part B at Ningbo.11、本协议一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份。The contract is in duplication. Both parties shall hold each one of the original copies.甲方(Part A): 乙方(Part B):
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