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初中名词复数练习题及答案精品文档 初中名词复数练习题及答案 一、可数名词变复数规则变化及发音: 1、绝大多数的可数名词在词尾加上s ; eg:book?books;desk?desks;pen?pens;car?cars s遇t读浊辅音ts,遇d读清辅音dzeg:friend?friends; cat?cats; 2.、以s、x、ch、sh结尾的单词,在该词末尾加上-es;读音规则:读iz; eg:bus?buses; box?boxes; watch?watchches; dish?dishes 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,要把y变为i,再加-es;读音规则:读z。 eg:fly?flies; baby?babies; 元音字母加y结尾的单词直接加s;eg:toy?toys;boy?boys; 4、以-f或-fe结尾的名词,要将-f或-fe变为-v,再加es;读音规则:读vz; eg:knife?knives;leaf?leaves; 5、以-o结尾的名词,初级阶段只有三个单词要加-es,其余都加-s;读音规则:读z。 eg:tomato?tomatoes西红柿; potato?potatoes土豆; hero?heroes英雄; NegroNegroes口诀:“黑人英雄喜欢吃土豆和西红柿”其余eg:zoo?zoos; 1 / 27 精品文档 hippo?hippos; 名词变复数不规则变化: 1.单词内部发生变化:口诀“oo常常变ee,男人女人a变e” eg:foot?feet脚;tooth?teeth牙齿;man?men男人;woman?women女人; 2.单复数相同:“羊鱼小鹿无变化,单数复数是一家” eg:sheep?sheep绵羊;fish?fish鱼;deer?deer鹿; 3.不规则变化:child?children孩子;mouse?mice老鼠;German?Germans德国人; 4“某国人”的复数有三种类型: 口诀“中日不变,英法变,其它S加后边” Chinese, Japanese单数复数同形,不需加s; Englishman, Frenchman, Dutchman复数要把 man 变为men; 其他各国人以an, -ian收尾的均直接加s。如:Americans, Australians, 5. 单复数相同有:fish, sheep, Chinese, Japanese,police,class,family 6.一般只有复数,没有单数的有:people, shoes, 2 / 27 精品文档 glasses, gloves, shorts clothes, socks 7.代词的复数。It he she I you this that 二.不可数名词: ?不可数名词概念:不可以数出数目的名词叫做不可数名词。包括物质名词和抽象名词。 ?不可数名词特点: ?不可数名词没有复数形式,也不能与a, an及数词连用,常作单数看待。 例: waterTheres some water in the bottle. foodMy favourite food is noodles. ?不可数名词如表数量,常和a bottle of, a glass of a pieces of 等名词词组连用。如表示复数,只把量词改为复数。 例:a bottle of pop一瓶汽水 , two glasses of orange juice 两杯桔子汁, three cups of tea 三杯茶 ,a piece of paper一张纸 ?有些物质名词有时可数,有时不可数,要根据上下文决定,其意义也有所不同。 Glass glasses ?集体名词看作整体时,谓语用单数; 指成员时,谓语用复数。 3 / 27 精品文档 His family is a large family. His family like animals. 指整体指成员 ?有的名词单复数意思不同: 例:hair 和fruit 通常作单数,表示总体。 My hair is black. 我的头发是黑色的。 I like fruit .Its good for you.我喜欢水果,水果对你的身体有好处。 但如果表示若干根头发或各种水果,则需用复数形式. Danny has three hairs.丹尼有三根头发。 She likes pears, peaches and other fruits. 他喜欢梨,桃和其它水果。 名词单复数练习 ?. 写出下列单词的复数形式: fish- boy- watch- knife- leaf- wife- baby- family-man-woman- child- tooth- goose- mouse-sheep-peach-picture- Chinese- he-his- I- this- is- it-that- ?. 将下列句子改为复数句子: 1. He is looking after the baby._ . Its a big heavy box. _ 4 / 27 精品文档 3. This picture is nice._ _. She is a beautiful woman._ 5. Im a good child. _. Thats a delicious peach._ ?. 将下列句子改为单数句子: 1. These are red coats. _2. Theyre my students._ 3. Theyre women workers here. _ . Those are beautiful flowers._ ?. 划出下列单词中的不可数名词: meatpop shirtfood knife snow water ice tea orange truck carjamearbread milknoodleseraser clothes ? 根据括号内的词填空 1. Is this your _ .2. Those are my two _ . 3. Thats my _ . . Theyre his _ . 5. These are my _ . Is she your _ ? 7. Here is my family _ . . Here are your _ . 9. The _ are on the dresser. 10. The 5 / 27 精品文档 _ over there is my brother. 11. The _ in red are his brothers. 12. Can you bring some _ to school? 13. Those are my _ . 14. Lets play _ . 15. Lets play the _ . 16. We have many _ _ . 17. Ed Smith has a great _ collection.18. I like playing computer _ . 19. He has tennis _ .20. He has _ and _ . 21. He doesnt play _ .2. Do you like _ ? 23. Do you like _ ? 4. He like _ . 25. They have _ for dessert. She doesnt like _ . 27. I like _ . 8. I like _ . 29. He has some _ of his family.0. For breakfast, she likes _ and _ . 31. For dinner, she has _ .32. Some _ are under the tree. 6 / 27 精品文档 32. Nick doesnt like his _ .3. My _ are all red. 34. This T-shirt is seven _ .5. How much are these _ ? 36. I need some _ .7. Do you need _ for _ ? 39. Anybody can afford our _ .40. My _ are black. 名词单复数中考习题集锦 22. Im so hungry. Please give me _to eat. A. three breadB. three pieces of breadC. three pieces of breads B 考查不可数名词数量的表示。句意为:我非常饿,请给我三片面包吃。Bread 为不可数名词,不能用数词直接来修饰,同时不可数名词没有复数形式,故选B。 29. What can I do for you? Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and_. A. some chickens B. any chickens C. some chicken C 考查名词的用法。chicken当鸡肉讲为不可数名词,7 / 27 精品文档 没有复数形式,故答案为C。 本题考查名词的辨析。由下文I like bananas best.可知上句问的是最喜欢吃的水果是什么。故选B。 29. Could you give me some _ on how to learn English _? Sure. Practice makes perfect. A. advice; good B. suggestions; good C. advice; wellD. suggestion; well C 考查词语的辨析。learn 是动词,后面应当用副词well作状语,可排除A、B;suggestion是可数名词,当前
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