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由于万维网使用者的数量飞速增长,对于最终用户来说,随着可供使用的主页和网上信息的数量的爆炸性增长,最终用户间的交互性越来越差,传统意义上的交互已经无法满足用户的需求,举一个简单的例子,即使是在世界杯的决赛期间,一个普通的足球迷也很难立刻从网络上找到聊天的对象。2005年MBA联考英语模拟试题(1)Section I Vocabulary (10 points)10.28Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A. B. C, and D. Choose the ONE (ans wer that best completes the sentence and your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)1. The boy is telling a lie. His face has given him _.A. off B. up C. away D. out2. It is _ in the regulations that you can take 80 kilos of luggage with you.A. laid out B. laid down C. laid up D. laid off3. People ill some regions of Scotland weave wool into Scottish tweed, which _ much money in foreign trade.A. gets in B. brings in C. turns in D. hands in4. The stolen car was Finally recovered last Sunday in a country cottage, but the robbers are still_.A. on the go B. at large C. out of sight D. beyond control5. If only he works hard. I dont _ when he finishes the book report.A. expect B. mind C. hope D. regret6. It was snowing. So I drove with _, as the road was slippery.A. safety B. caution C. protection D. attention7. Anybody who wants to start a business must have some _.A. capital B. wealth C. income D. currency8. He lifted the heavy weight, but it was the greatest _ he had ever made.A. strength B. force C. effort D. energy9. With a car, many people can make trips to the country or seaside at weekends. instead of being _ to their immediate neighborhood.A. limited B. restricted C. confined D. subjected10. If no importance is attached to colleting information, we cannot survive in such a (an) _competitive society, because it is the basis on which we make our decisions.A. powerfully B. forcefully C. intensely D. intensively11.I remember seeing him some years ago, but I cant _ where it was.A. remind B. recognize C. recall D. memorize12. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _ the exit as quickly as possible.A. made off B. made out C. made for D. made toward13. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful_ in the market.A. batteries B. baskets C. bargains D. barrels14. The fake painting is obviously interior _the original.A. below B. from C. to D. under15. The taxi driver pulled up Ins car _ a pedestrian waving to him.A. in the sight of B. at the sight C. on the sight of D. the sight of16. Because of the strike. British Rail has been forced to _ all the trains to London.A. cancel B. abandon C. postpone . D. refer17.They have asked us to _ in the negotiations.A. involve B. present C. participate D. attend18. They are_ the costs of production precisely.A. counting B. calculating C. figuring D. numbering19. It is said that the math teacher seems _ toward bright students.A.partial B. preferable C. beneficial D. liable20. This hotel _60 for a single room with bath.A. claims B. demands C. requires D. chargesl. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. C11.C 12. C 13.C 14.C 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D
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