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,Adjectives,Leshan Foreign Language School Ning Lin,Listen and fill in the following blanks.,The weather in Beijing is of the continental type.The winters are _ while the summers are_. January is_month and July is _. The summer months, June,to August, are _ with a lot of rain. In this season, tourists increase with the rains. Hotels and restaurants are_ _.The Great Wall is _ with marching tourists.,The autumn months be- tween September and November have _ weather and _tourists. Spring is _- not many tourists but lots of wind and dust.,The weather in Beijing is of the continental type.The winters are _ while the summers are_. January is_ month and July is _. The summer months, June,cold and dry,hot,the coldest,the warmest,to August, are _ with a lot of rain. In this season, tourists increase with the rains. Hotels and restaurants are_ _.The Great Wall is _ with marching tourists.,wet and hot,much more,expensive,crowded,The autumn months be- tween September and November have _ weather and _tourists. Spring is _- not many tourists but lots of wind and dust.,the best,fewer,less pleasant,1. 规则变化,taller tallest,harder hardest,larger largest,wider widest,bigger biggest,hotter hottest,happier happiest,drier driest,more difficult most difficult,more popular most popular,2、不规则变化,best,better,worse,worst,more,most,less,least,farther farthest,further furthest,older oldest,elder eldest,Do exercises,I think the dictionary is _ (use) for your study.,useful,Do exercises,The _ news made us _. (excite),exciting,excited,Do exercises,After lunch, I was beginning to feel _ (sleep).,sleepy,Do exercises,Miss White is always _ (friend) to her students.,friendly,Do exercises,Thousands of people became _ (home) after the earthquake.,homeless,Do exercises,Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the _ (nature) world?,natural,Do exercises,The sofa is _ . (comfort),comfortable,Do exercises,The boy is as_ as his father. (tall),tall,Do exercises,Its very _ to play on the road. (danger),dangerous,-ful:,useful, careful, colourful, hopeful, helpful, thankful, wasteful,-ing;-ed,exciting excited,interesting interested,surprising surprised,moving moved,-ing;-ed,boring bored,tiring tired,disappointing disappointed,-y:,sleepy, sunny, lucky, healthy, milky, dirty, angry, hungry, windy, noisy, cloudy,rainy, necessary, ordinary,-ly:,friendly, lovely, lively, weekly, monthly,-less:,homeless, harmless, hopeless, careless, useless, helpless, fearless,-al:,natural, traditional, national, educational, international, social, historical, digital, environmental, typical, emotional,-able:,comfortable, enjoyable, valuable, reusable, fashionable,原级:,asas,(much) too, so ,quite, very,Do exercises,Shanghai is _ than Beijing.(busy),busier,Do exercises,There is _water in the glass than in the bottle. (little),less,Do exercises,It was _ yesterday than it is today. (hot),hotter,Do exercises,It has _ rain This year than last year.(much),more,Do exercises,Lucy is a careful girl. She always makes _ mistakes than you do.(few),fewer,Do exercises,She is _of the twins. (short),the shorter,Do exercises,_(much) food you eat, _ (fat) you will be.,The more,the fatter,Do exercises,When spring comes, the weather is getting _and _. (warm),warmer warmer,Do exercises,At present, country music is becoming _and_ (popular.),more more popular,Do exercises,Who is _, your sister or his? (thin),thinner,Do exercises,Jim has been even _ in Chinese since Mr. Green taught him. (interest),more interested,比 较 级,than,the 比,the 比,比 比,Which/Who is , or?,the 比 of the two,比 较 级,much, even ,a lot, any, far, still,Do exercises,I have _ Books in my family. (many),the most,Do exercises,This question is one of _ important of all. (little),the least,Do exercises,This is _ book that I have ever read. (good),the best,Do exercises,The Yellow River is the second _ river in China. (long),longest,Do exercises,Which skirt is _ ,yours,hers or mine? (fashionable),the most fashionable,最 高 级,in/of,one of,the序数词最高级,Which/Who is , , or?,Homework,Thank you !,cold,dry,hot,warm,wet,expensive,crowded,good,few,pleasant,cold,dry,hot,warm,wet,colder,coldest,drier,driest,hotter,hottest,warmer,warmest,wetter,wettest,expensive,more expensive,most expensive,crowded,more crowded,most crowded,good,better,best,few,fewer,fewest,pleasant,more pleasant,most pleasant,
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