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AK95 错误代码错误代码 中文版中文版V4.0 Page 1 天津国泰公司版权所有,未经允许不准复制天津国泰公司版权所有,未经允许不准复制 2000/9/20 李强(13902131850) C CB 003, Venous Pressure 静脉压静脉压 C CB 003 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error 一般为软件错误,试着重新开始。 C CB 006, Blood Pump Control 血泵控制血泵控制 C CB 006 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error 一般为软件错误,试着重新开始。 C CB 006 001 ERROR DURING REGISTER LOAD/READ Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump timer is not working properly. 血泵计时器工作不正常。 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). 计时器9513返回错误信息。 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. 在控制驱动板上的IC34可能有问题。 C CB 006 002 ERROR DURING SET DISCRETE PORT Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error 一般为软件错误,试着重新开始。 C CB 007, Art And Ven Clamp Control 动脉夹及静脉夹控制动脉夹及静脉夹控制 C CB 007 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error 一般为软件错误,试着重新开始。 C CB 008, Blood Volume 血液总量血液总量 C CB 008 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error 一般为软件错误,试着重新开始。 C CB 008 001 ERROR DURING REGISTER LOAD/READ LOAD/READ信号注册中出现错误。 Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: AK95 错误代码错误代码 中文版中文版V4.0 Page 2 天津国泰公司版权所有,未经允许不准复制天津国泰公司版权所有,未经允许不准复制 2000/9/20 李强(13902131850) - The blood pump timer is not working properly. 血泵计时器工作不正确。 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). 计时器9513返回错误信息。 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. 控制驱动板上的计时器IC34可能坏了。 C CB 008 002 BLOOD PUMP TACHO ERROR血泵上的TACHO信号错误。 Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump tacho count-up value is incorrect 血泵TACHO信号累计量不正确。 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - Tacho count up value is out of limit (20000) TACHO信号累计量超出范围(20000) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken 控制驱动板上的计时器IC34可能坏了。 C CB 009, Blood Flow血流量血流量 C CB 009 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error 一般为软件错误,试着重新开始。 C CB 009 001 ERROR DURING REGISTER LOAD/READ Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The blood pump timer is not working properly. 血泵计时器工作不正常。 Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The timer 9513 has returned error message(s). 计时器9513返回错误信息。 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. 控制驱动板上的计时器IC34可能坏了。 C CB 009 002 DELTA TIME ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - Timing error. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - The time between the two last blood flow measurements was out of range. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - Internal software error. 一般为软件错误,试着重新开始。 - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. 控制驱动板上的计时器IC34可能坏了。 C CB 009 003 NUMBER OF TACHO PULSES ERROR Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: AK95 错误代码错误代码 中文版中文版V4.0 Page 3 天津国泰公司版权所有,未经允许不准复制天津国泰公司版权所有,未经允许不准复制 2000/9/20 李强(13902131850) The number of counted blood pump tacho pulses is incorrect. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Either 0 or more than 10000 tacho pulses have been counted since the last time the blood flow was measured Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - No connection between tacho and BM I/O board 信息TACHO与BM I/O板之间连接有问题。 - Blood pump error (blood pump stopped) 血泵有故障。 - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. 控制驱动板上的计时器IC34可能坏了。 C CB 009 004 MEASURED BLOOD FLOW OUT OF LIMITS 检测时血流量超出范围。 Unconditional error, blood pump not available General description of conditions for occurring: - The measured blood flow has differed too much from the blood flow set value. Technical description of conditions for occurring: - BRI(BI_BloodFlActSet) - BRI(BI_BloodFl) 600 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: - The blood pump unit is broken血泵传动轴有问题。 - The BM I/O board is broken (Q1-Q4 and components) BM I/O(Q1-Q4板有故障。和其他元器件。) - The timer IC 34 on the control driver board is broken. 控制驱动板上的计时器IC34可能坏了。 C CB 010, Heparin Pump 肝素泵肝素泵 C CB 010 000 CASE ERROR Transient error General description of conditions for occurring: - Internal software error 一般为软件错误,试着重新开始。 C CB 010 00
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