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基于B/S结构的快递物流管理信息系统的设计与实现 Design and Realization of Express Logistics Management Information SystemAuthor: Shao LushengSupervisor: Associate Professor Liu XiaoMajor: Information Management and Information SystemNortheastern UniversityJune 2009尽管波浪理论是现存最好的预测工具,但它主要不是一种预测工具;它是对市场行为的细致刻画。不过,这种刻画的确传达了有关市场在行为连续统一体中所处位置,及其随后的运动轨迹方面的学问。波浪理论的主要价值在于它为市场分析提供了一种背景。毕业设计(论文)任务书毕业设计(论文)题目:基于B/S结构的快递物流管理信息系统的系统设计与实现基本内容:论文在理论联系实际的基础上对快递物流企业的业务流程进行分析,并运用面向对象的思想对快递物流企业管理信息系统进行系统分析、设计,进而对其各功能模块进行实现。本文作者旨在从业务流程重组思想上吸取精华,结合当今流行的面向对象开发方法,系统、全面地分析了快递物流企业物流业务流程,设计了一套基于B/S结构的快递物流管理信息系统。开发出的新系统能较为有效的应对管理中出现的诸多问题,并且对民营快递物流企业从业人员提供理论和实践上的借鉴与思考。毕业设计(论文)专题部分:题目:基本内容:学生接受毕业设计(论文)题目日期第周指导教师签字:年月日I东北大学毕业设计(论文) 摘要摘要伴随着电子商务时代的到来,快递物流业将成为物流业的巨大业务增长点。而经济全球化使得中国快递业全面对外开放的步伐日益迅速,对民营快递业带来巨大机遇的同时,也带来了巨大的挑战。信息技术的迅猛发展,使得企业的信息化建设变为现实。民营快递企业要想在当今市场中立于不败之地,也必须跟上时代的步伐,加快企业的信息化建设,为客户提供满意的服务,同时提高企业的内部管理效率。本文就是在这样的背景下,从信息化建设的角度所做的尝试,以期对民营快递企业提供有益的建议。论文在理论联系实际的基础上对快递物流企业的业务流程进行分析,并运用面向对象的思想对快递物流企业管理信息系统进行系统分析、设计,进而对其各功能模块实现。本文作者旨在从业务流程重组思想上吸取精华,结合当今流行的面向对象开发方法,运用UML建模工具,系统、全面地分析了快递物流企业物流业务流程,设计了一套基于B/S结构的快递物流管理信息系统。该系统从快递业务的收货、仓储、配送、发货和送货等环节入手,利用JSP+Tomcat+SQL Server2000构建基于Web的快递物流系统,相应的系统功能模块也包括收货、仓储、配货、发货、送货和系统管理等。此外,针对客户的需求,设计和实现了货物跟踪模块,该模块可以实现用户对货物的实时跟踪。开发出的新系统能较为有效的实现民营快递物流企业的信息化,并且可以对民营快递物流企业从业人员提供理论和实践上的借鉴与思考。关键词:快递物流,管理信息系统,面向对象,UML,系统分析与设计VII东北大学毕业设计(论文) ABSTRACTABSTRACTWith the fast development of economic globalization and information technology, marketing competition is becoming more and more fierce. Logistics industry is playing a vital role in the process of development related to other industries for a country especially for China, the biggest developing one. All types of industries are adopting or have adopted advanced technology in order to improve their service and product quality in such an increasingly competitive and greatly changing surroundings. The great advance of social production brought by economic globalization and E-commerce promotes the expansion of international and national trades and the acceleration of capital flows, which requires more logistics services.As an important branch of logistics, express logistics is the inevitable product of social and economic development. Its core feature is high-tech, efficient and the state of art service. In particular, accompanied by the arrival of the age of electronic commerce, express logistics industry will become a huge interest growth point. However, with the full opening of Chinas express delivery industry, foreign companies have set up sub or branch in China, which will bring the private courier industry a tremendous impact. So it is the biggest issue faced by express logistics scholars and practitioners how to stay firmly in such an increasingly fierce and huge competition.This article aims to provide useful suggestions to the private courier companies. It analyzes the express logistics business processes based on theory and practice. This paper carries on the express logistics management information system analysis, design, and its realization of the function modules on the basis of object-oriented method. The author of this article aims at absorbing the best mind from BPR (Business Process Reengineering). In light of todays popular object-oriented development methodology, this express logistics management information system is realized on the basis of B/S software architecture. The new system will deal with these logistics management issues more effectively. The author hope it can arise some deep thinking among theorist and practitioners.Key Word: Express Logistics, MIS, OO, UML, System Analysis and Design东北大学毕业设计(论文) 目录目录毕业设计(论文)任务书I摘要IIABSTRACTIII第1章 绪论11.1 课题研究的背景11.1.1 国外快递物流发展现状11.1.2 国内快递物流发展现状11.1.3 国内快递物流管理信息系统的应用现状21.2 课题研究的意义31.3 课题研究的方法及论文结构41.3.1 课题研究的方法41.3.2 论文结构4第2章 相关理论及技术72.1 物流基础理论72.1.1 物流概念和现代物流特点72.1.2 快递物流82.1.3 物流管理信息系统82.2 面向对象开发方法92.2.1 面向对象的开发思想92.2.2 面向对象开发方法的开发过程92.2.3统一建模语言UML102.3 系统架构及实现技术122.3.1 C/S与B/S架构122.3.2 动态网站开发技术的选择142.3.3 JSP、JavaBean、JDBC技术152.3.4 数据库相关概念162.4 系统开发工具简介172.4.1 Rational Rose172.4.2 Macromedia Dreamweaver8.0182.4.3 JDK1.5182.4.4 Microsoft SQLServer200018第3章 快递物流管理信息系统的系统分析193.1 系统规划193.1.1 快递物流企业战略规划193.1.2 快递物流管理信息系统规划193.2 业务需求分析203.2.1 确定参与者203.2.2 确定业务角色(Business Actor)203.2.3 业务用例图213.2.4 高层活动图223.3 系统分析233.3.1 系统需求分析233.3.2 问题域分析30第4章 快递物流管理信息系统的系统设计414.1 系统设计目标和原则414.1.1
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