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甘肃农业大学2012届农业推广硕士(农业科技组织与服务)专业学位论文摘要 农民专业合作社是农村合作经济组织的主要形式之一,是由农民自发组织起来的经济组织。它促进了农户间的合作,提高了组织化程度,加快了农业专业化、标准化生产,规模化以及品牌化经营,正在成为发展现代农业的中坚力量;提高了农民市场谈判地位,延伸了产业链条,正在成为促进农民增收的有效途径;培养了新型农民,促进了乡风和谐,正在成为推动新农村建设、构建和谐社会的支撑力量。国内外实践证明,农民专业合作社是农业产业化经营的必备条件和重要的组织模式。可以预料,将来各种合作社有可能成为我国农业产业化经营的主要组织模式。其理由是,农民专业合作社作为农民联合自助组织,其唯一宗旨是为社员服务,消除中间盘剥,增加社员收入,增进农民福利。这正是农业产业化经营所追求的目标。近年来中国政府在发展农民专业合作社方面采取了一系列的政策行动,取得了显著成效,但是在西部尤其是西北少数民族地区还存在着一些问题。本文从分析农民专业合作社这一新型的农民经济组织理论出发,在阐述西北民族地区农民专业合作社现状以及制约因素的基础上,将实证分析和规范分析相结合对西北民族地区农民专业合作社发展问题进行系统研究,旨在解决这一地区农户经营方式中存在的“小规模、分散化”问题。重点针对青海省互助县农民专业合作社进行了调查,充分论证了这一地区农民专业合作社的发展现状、并对其主要成效以及面临的困难和问题进行了分析。在青海省互助县这一点上进行辐射,找到西北民族地区普遍存在的问题。在借鉴国内外农民专业合作社发展成功经验的基础上,根据国家有关深化农村改革的方针和政策,结合实际提出今后农民专业合作社发展的思路和对策,以加快农业产业化进程,推动农村经济繁荣。关键词:西北民族地区,农民专业合作社,发展对策,研究SummarySpecialized Farmer Cooperatives is one of the mainly forms of rural economic organizations, which is a economic organization organized spontaneously by farmers. It promotes the cooperation between the farmer, improves the organizational level, speeds up the agriculture industrialization,standardized production, the scale and the brand management, and is becoming the backbone of the development of modern agriculture; Improves the farmers market negotiating position, outspread industry chain, is becoming the effective way of promoting farmers income; It trains new farmer and promotes the harmonious countryside, is becoming promote the new rural construction and construct of a harmonious society support power. Practice proved both at home and abroad, Specialized Farmer Cooperatives is the necessary condition and important organization model of the industrialization of agriculture. It can be expected that all kinds of cooperatives may become a future in the agricultural industry management main organization mode. The reason is that specialized farmer cooperatives as farmers joint self-help organization, its sole aim is to service members, among eliminate exploitation, increase membership income, promote farmers welfare. This is what the industrialization of agriculture is operated the pursuit of the goal. In recent years, the Chinese government in the development of Specialized Farmer Cooperatives has adopted a series of policy actions and has made remarkable achievement, but in the west, especially the northwest minority areas also exists some problems. This article from the analysis of the Specialized Farmer Cooperatives this new type of farmer economic organization theory, the paper in northwestern national Specialized Farmer Cooperatives present situation and restriction factor, and on the basis of empirical analysis and normative analysis will be combined in northwestern national regions in Specialized Farmer Cooperatives development research system, to study and solve the region small-scale, decentralization farmers mode of operation. It focuses on the Specialized Farmer Cooperatives in Qinghai huzhu province was investigated, fully demonstrates the area Specialized Farmer Cooperatives development of present situation, and its main achievement, and the difficulties and problems are analyzed in Qinghai huzhu. From this point radiation, find the northwestern national regions in common problem. In from the domestic and foreign Specialized Farmer Cooperatives development based on the successful experience, according to the relevant state in deepening the reform of the policy and the policy, combined with the practical situation of the development of the future Specialized Farmer Cooperatives ideas and countermeasures, so as to speed up the agriculture industrialization process and promote the economic prosperity.Key words: the minority area of northwest; Specialized Farmer Cooperatives; Development countermeasures; research目录摘要I关键词ISummary IIKey wordsIII目录IV第一章 导论1 一、研究背景1 二、研究目的和意义2 (一)研究目的2 (二)研究意义2 三、国内外相关研究述评3 (一)国外相关研究述评3 (二)国内相关研究述评5 四、研究基本思路、创新与不足之处7 (一)研究基本思路7 (二)创新与不足之处7 五、研究对象的选定与研究方法7 (一)研究对象的选定7 (二)研究方法8第二章 农民专业合作社概述9 一、农民专业合作经济组织9 (一)概念9 (二)基本形式9 (三)发展历程11 二、农民专业合作社13 (一)产生背景13 (二)特征13 (三)发展现状15 (四)农民专业合作社在我国的地位15 三、西北民族地区农民专业合作社的发展情况17 (一)西北民族地区农民专业合作社的发展现状17 (二)西北民族地区农民专业合作社的特征18第三章 青海省互助县农民专业合作社发展的实证分析20 一、青海省互助县农民专业合作社发展现状20 (一)互助县农民专业合作社基本情况20 (二)互助县农户农业生产的专业化程度21 (三)互助县农户生产的农产品类型分析22 二、互助县农民专业合作社发展过程中存在的问题23 (一)财政资金拨款不及时,不到位,存在信用危机23 (二)市场销售范围有限,技术员缺乏,带动能力差23 (三)法律宣传欠缺,普遍意识不高24 (四)农民专业合作社、外来收购商与农民之间存在利益冲突24 (五)缺乏舆论支持24 三、互助县农民专业合作社存在问题的原因分析24 (一)思想观念落后、认识不到位24 (二)外部支持不健全25 (三)内部机制不规范26第四章 西北民族地区农民专业合作社面临的挑战与机遇27 一、西北民族地区农民专业合作社面临的挑战27 (一)在世界一体化下,发展农民专业合作社的紧迫性日益突出27 (二)改变城乡二元结构体制必须对农民专业合作社经营的农产品提出较高要求27 (三)农村产业结构的调整,凸显出了发展农民专业合作社的紧迫性27 二、西北民族地区农民专业合作社面临的机遇28 (一)农业产业化是西北民族地区
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