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Logistics Agreement January 2003Latest revised 05 November 2002, after VDAs comments编制的指导思想是以工程的“质量、进度、安全”为核心,在组织机构、施工措施、安全生产上进行了组织落实,本技术文件将作为今后指导施工生产的依据。该工程将列为我公司昆山地区的重点工程,实行以合同工期为目标的项目法施工,全面履行工程合同,保竣工、保质量、保后期服务。IntroductionThe present recommendation offers operational guidelines for logistics exchanges between parties, in the attempt to clarify traditional rules, to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, to clear up expectations, responsibilities and commitments; it gives a document framework divided as follows:- a description of the general exchange process, which covers all contractual high level data, and general issues, with no frequent changes, - annex(es) which may vary as times flows, which imply a formal exchange of information between the Parties but not to re-sign the Agreement.The objective of such a structure is to avoid a re-validation procedure of the Protocol between the Parties each time a secondary data changes.Management of the Agreement falls under the responsibility of each Partys quality system; archiving and updating procedures shall be fixed by each Party.Because the Logistics Protocol deals with Parties responsibilities, it should be considered as an annex to the existing sales contract.Depending on the operational mode, another Party, e.g.:, warehouse, carrier, internal Department, ), may be associated to sign the Agreement.The present recommendation applies to:- current production, original equipment, spare parts and accessories,- out of current production; does not apply to:- prototypes,- starts or pre-series,- initial samplesfor which specific procedures have been defined separately.The body of this Agreement contains recommendations in italics or check-lists of advisable data, to be adapted depending on cases.This Agreement may be supplemented with operational documents which precise some of the working conditions in the following domains:- transport,- delivery,- reception,- LOGISTICS AGREEMENT n .BETWEEN SUPPLIER: (the Company) / site of Head office address: Site address: CUSTOMER: (the Company) / site of Head office address: Site address: OTHER PARTYDesignation: Address: CHANGE NDATEMODIFICATIONSupplier Customer: Other: Name:Function:Signature:Date:Name:Function:Signature:Date:Name:Function:Signature:Date:Name:Function:Signature:Date:Name:Function:Signature:Date:Name:Function:Signature:Date:Table of contentA - Foreword8Article A1 Scope and field of application8Article A2 - Definitions8Article A3 - Effect, modification, severability of terms9Article A3.1 Effect9Article A3.2 Modification9Article A3.3 - Severability of the terms10Article A4 - Management of the Agreement10B Working conditions11Article B0 - Synopsis of the flows11Article B1 Means of communication11Article B1.1 - Details13Article B2 Basics regarding the procurement process14Article B2.1 - Capacities14Article B2.2 Flexibility14Article B2.3 Securability14Article B2.4 Packaging15Article B2.5 - Product traceability information16Article B2.6 Transport and delivery16Article B2.7 Management of special warehouse or procurement methods 17Article B2.8 - Reception control17Article B2.9 Key performance indicators17Article B2.10 End of current production, out of current production and end of life18Article B2.11 - Waste disposal19Article B3 - Management of discrepancies and emergency procedures19Article B3.1 - Obligation to inform19Article B3.2 - Transmission data19Article B3.3 Delivered quantities19Article B3.4 - Packaging12Article B3.5 - Transports12Article B3.6 - Defective products12Article B3.7 - Charging of extra costs 12Article B3.8 - Sleeping stocks12ANNEX13A - ForewordArticle A1 Scope and field of applicationThe scope of the present document, hereafter designated the Agreement, is an annex to the contractual relations which may exist between the Parties. It is designed to define the conditions applicable to logistics operations between these Parties.The present Agreement applies to:- current production, original equipment, spare parts and accessories,- out of current production; does not apply to:- prototypes,- starts or pre-series,- initial samplesUnless explicitly mentioned, the present Agreement does not give dispensation to the contractual conditions already existing between the Parties. The parties shall define, which contract comes into operation, if deviations or inconsistencies come up. Article A2 - DefinitionsThe words hereafter in block letters are defined as follows:- Allocation of returnable packaging: quantity of packaging within
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