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编制的指导思想是以工程的“质量、进度、安全”为核心,在组织机构、施工措施、安全生产上进行了组织落实,本技术文件将作为今后指导施工生产的依据。该工程将列为我公司昆山地区的重点工程,实行以合同工期为目标的项目法施工,全面履行工程合同,保竣工、保质量、保后期服务。摘 要传统产业主要呈现“衰”,而不是“亡”的特征。人们对传统产业的产品需求仍旧存在,传统产业本身和环境都处在不断变化之中,传统产业下的公司发展机遇仍不断出现,事实上存在着大量的能持续发展的公司,创新是企业持续发展的基础和保证。农药产业已有相当长的发展历史,在今天属于典型的传统产业。中国的农药产业和世界的农药产业发展至今,呈现出既有相同,又有不同的特点。天瑞公司是专业生产农药的股份制民营公司,这几年公司的销售收入以较快的速度增长,产品开发也较为成功。但股权经营权分不开、品牌效应小、管理粗放等因素制约着公司的持续发展。天瑞公司的优势在于:产权明晰,经营机制灵活;原药合成能力强,合成品种多;外销能力强,有利于生产能力的平衡;负担轻,流动资本较为充裕。天瑞公司的劣势有:产品规模小,规模经济效应不明显;公司和公司的产品知名度低,缺乏品牌效应;企业文化建设滞后;管理粗放,管理水平低下。天瑞公司面临着发展机遇:国家淘汰高毒高残留农药的政策,有利于扩大高效低毒低残留农药的市场空间;中国加入WTO后,有利于进一步拓展国际市场;中国作物种植结构的调整和生产方式的改变提高了杀菌剂的用量;农药行业至今无强势品牌,企业重组势在必然。天瑞公司发展中也面临着威胁:中国加入WTO,知识产权保护加强和外国资本的冲击;国家进一步加强农药管理,登记门槛提高,登记费用增加;生物技术快速发展,抗病虫农作物品种和栽培面积增加,生物农药的市场份额有上升趋势;环境保护越来越重要,环保费用增加。经对天瑞公司进行SWOT分析,天瑞公司应选择以发展战略做为总体战略,发展战略的基本涵义可以概括为:开拓、增长、创新。天瑞公司要实现持续发展有许多对策,改造和完善公司治理结构;打造天瑞品牌,提升企业和产品的知名度、美誉度,培养顾客忠诚度;开发利用人力资源;产品生产合理外包,增强企业核心竞争力;适时运用资本并购,实现公司跨越式发展。关键词:传统产业 持续发展 发展战略 治理结构 资本并购AbstractThe main characteristic of traditional industry at the present time is not “death” but “senescence”. Demands for products in traditional industry still exist. Both traditional industry itself and its environment are changing all the time. There are still lots of opportunities for companies in traditional industry, and in fact there are many companies that have been making continuous progress. Innovation is the basis and guarantee for constant development of a company. The industry of pesticide, which belongs to the traditional industry, has a long history. There are differences and similarities between the industry of pesticide in China and that of the world. Tianrui Lt. Co. is a company producing pesticides. It is a stock-private-joint company with fast increasing sales during the past a few years. The products of Tianrui Lt. Co. have been designed and developed successfully. However, the company stays stagnate due to the following factors. First of all, the power between stock and management has not been separated. Secondly, the brand lacks infective force. Thirdly, its management is extensive cultivation. Nevertheless, there are at least four factors favoring Tianrui. First, its property right is clear and marketing strategy is flexible. Secondly, many brands of its original pesticides have been produced effectively. Thirdly, its competence of selling overseas is relatively strong, which can serve to balance its creative competences. Fourthly, it has a relatively light burden and enough running capital. Meanwhile, there are four weak points in Tianrui. First, its production has such a small scale that the scale effect appears trivial. Secondly, the company and its products are inglorious, which makes its brands to lack infective force. Thirdly, its enterprise culture has not yet been built up accordingly. Fourthly, its management strategy lacks efficiency and has a large room for improvement. The company is meanwhile facing many opportunities. The government policy of getting rid of high poisonous/rudimental pesticides will ensure the market for the high effective and low poisonous pesticides. That China has entered WTO will help Tianrui to exploit international market. The adjustment of culturing deployment and the alternation of production way will enhance the usage of bactericides. Enterprise regrouping in China seems inevitable due to the lack of a famous brand in pesticide industry. Of course, threats are also around Tianrui Company. The protection of intellective property right and the impact of foreign capital have been strengthened after China entered WTO. The government strengthening management for pesticide has increased the registration fee and made it harder to register. Biological technologies have progressed continuously and the market share of biological pesticide has risen constantly. The cultivation of crops with resistance to disease has increased. Because the environmental protection becomes more and more important, the costs of environmental protection are increasing accordingly. SWOT analyses suggests that Tianrui company should take the developing strategy of “development, increase and innovation” as its overall management strategy. There are many methods for Tianrui Company to actualize its constant development. First of all, the corporation mechanism should be reconstructed and improved. Secondly, Tianrui brand must be cultivated to exalt the company and its products and to increase their reputation. Thirdly, to increase the enterprise competitiveness, some products should be taken outside for further processing. Fourthly, effective management of the human resources should be placed in an important point. Lastly, grasping opportunity, skipping development could be materialized through running capital.Key words: Traditional industry Development sustainabilityDevelopment strategy Governance structure Capital Merging目 录引 言1第一章 “夕阳”的产业,“旭日”的公司
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