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.重点单词识记联想运用,offer,会书写 一、核心单词 1._ vi. (主动)提出(愿意做某事) 2._ n. 信号 3._ vt. 遵守 4._ n. 弯曲处;弯道 v. 弯曲,signal,respect,bend,5._ vt. 挣(钱) 6._ adj. 感激的;感谢的 7._ adj. 可获得的 8._ n. 要求;需要,earn,grateful,available,demand,二、阅读单词 1.intellectual adj. _ 2.encounter n. _ 3.profound adj. _ 4.temporary adj. _ 5.permanent adj. _,6.essential adj. _,脑力的;思维的;需用才智的,相遇;邂逅,(影响)深刻的;极大的,暂时的;临时的,长久的;永久的;永恒的,必不可少的;绝对重要的,三、拓展单词 1._ adj.令人满意的_ adj.感到满意的_ vt.使满意;使满足_ n满意;满足 2._ n压力;紧张_ adj.充满压力的;紧张的 3._ n志愿者 v自愿_ adj.自愿的 4._ vt.指挥 adj.直接的_ n指导者,导演,指挥_ n指挥,指导,方向_ conj.& adv.一就;径直地 5._ adj.合格的;称职的_ vt.使合格_ n资格 6._ vi.冻住;冻僵_ n冰箱_ adj极冷的_ adj结冰的;冻住的,satisfying,satisfied,satisfy,satisfaction,stress,stressful,volunteer,voluntary,direct,director,direction,directly,qualified,qualify,qualification,freeze,freezer,freezing,frozen,7._ vt.签字;签署 n符号_ n签字 8._ adj.组织的_ n组织_ v组织 9._ adj.传统的_ adv.传统地_ n传统 10._ vi.申请_ n申请书_ n申请人 11._ vt.需要_ n需要 12._ vi.遭受(痛苦)_ n痛苦_ n受苦者 13._ n个性;性格_ adj.个人的_ adv.就个人而言_ n人,sign,signature,organisational,organisation,organise,traditional,traditionally,tradition,apply,application,applicant,require,requirement,suffer,suffering,sufferer,personality,personal,personally,person,会积累 1.词尾有-d/-end的动词的过去式和过去分词把d变成t,bend/bent/bent lend/lent/lent spend/spent/spent send/sent/sent,2.n.-fuladj.,stressful adj. 充满压力的 skillful adj. 熟练的,灵巧的 successful adj. 成功的 thankful adj. 感激的,感谢的 wonderful adj. 美妙的,精彩的,3.以后缀“-fy”结尾的动词荟萃,satisfy 使满意 simplify 简化 terrify 使恐惧 beautify 美化 identify 识别;鉴定 classify 分类 purify 净化,4.“命令,指示”集锦,direction n. 指示;用法说明 command n& v. 命令;指挥 order n& v. 命令;秩序,次序 instruction n. 指示;指令;指导,会应用 用所给词的适当形式填空 1From his _ look we knew that he was _ with the _ result, and his father smiled with _(satisfy) 2All _ who have _ for the job must hand in the _ forms before next Monday.(apply) 3We are quite _ to the man with a _ profession.His good work always earns our _(respect) 4.He _ that everyone (should) arrive on time but few reached the _ (require) 5With the guide _ us, we set off in the _ of the destination _ (direct),satisfied,satisfied,satisfying,satisfaction,applicants,applied,application,respectful,respectable,respect,required,requirement,directing,direction,directly,.核心短语识记联想运用 会书写 1_ 尤其;特别 2_ 平均 3_ 理论上;从理论上来说 4_ 实际上;在实践中 5_ 拿起,接受,开始从事,in particular,on average,in theory,in practice,take up,6pass by _ 7take.for granted _ 8have an effect on _ 9take notice of _ 10in response to _,经过,以为理所当然,对产生影响,注意到,作为的回应,会积累 1“onn.”短语大全,on principle 根据原则 on average 平均 on purpose 故意地 on show/exhibition 在展出 on sale 出售 on business 出差,2“实际上”各种表达法,as a matter of fact in fact in reality in truth in practice in effect actually,会应用 选用上表左栏短语填空 1It is a good plan _,but it remains to be seen whether it works _ 2The surroundings in which a child grows up may _ his development. 3Many young people have volunteered to reclaim the remote regions of our motherland _ the call of the party. 4After Tom retired from office, he _ painting for a while, but soon lost interest. 5_, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.,in theory,in practice,have an effect on,in response to,took up,On average,.经典句式分析背诵仿写 句型公式1:“withn.介词短语”的复合结构。 教材原句 Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand. 每天早晨,他都手里拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。 句型仿写 _,we cant take our vacation when we want to. 由于孩子们在上学,我们想度假而不能去度假。,With the children at school,句型公式2:动词-ing形式作伴随状语。 教材原句 But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted. 但经常他们只是从他身旁驶过,把人体交通标志看作理所当然的事情。 句型仿写 He lay on the grass,_ for a long time. 他躺在草地上,长时间地望着天空。,staring at the sky,句型公式3:be doing.when.“正在做,这时”。 教材原句 He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain. 他正驾驶着一辆满载香蕉的卡车,突然在一个拐弯处偏离车道坠落到山下300米处。 句型仿写 I _ on the Internet _ I found some information about iPhone 9. 我正在上网,这时我发现了一些关于iPhone 9的信息。,was surfing,when,.语段改错回顾修正热诵 根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改
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