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Unit 2 English around the world,主题语境:人与社会文化 Words: 296; Time: 7 minutes 【语篇导读】世界上讲英语的国家很多。两个来自不同国家的人虽然都讲英语,但他们讲的英语却不尽相同,甚至两人所受的文化熏陶也是截然不同的。,At the start of October,I started working in France.This is the first time Ive worked at a school large enough to need not one,but two English language assistants. My hometown is Stirling in Scotland.The other assistant is from New Delhi in India.We come from countries that are 700 miles away from each other and our backgrounds could not be more different,but we speak the same language! These first two weeks have been very interesting for both of us and our students.For example,Ive discovered that,while Indian English is based on British English,my Indian roommate uses some American words like chips instead of crisps. When she phones home,she speaks Hinglish a mixture of Hindi and English,the two official languages in India.,There are more than just differences in language,however!While in the UK most young people leave home when they are around 18 years old,in India they often stay at home until they are married.Shes getting married in India in a few months.After shes married,shell live with her husband and his parents. Shed never heard of the celebration Guy Fawkes Night,when British people enjoy fireworks to remember Guy Fawkes failure,to destroy the British Parliament on 5th November 1605.Ive also introduced her to some British TV series such as Fawlty Towers and Monty Python,which she now loves as much as I do!,In turn,shes taught me about Indian festivals Id never heard of,like Raksha Bandhan which celebrates love and duty between brothers and sisters. Next,shes planning to show me Bollywood films.I did some Bollywood dance at university,but am ashamed to admit that Ive never seen a Bollywood film!,词海拾贝 1.assistantsstnt n.助手 2.fireworks faIwks n.烟火 3.admitdmItv.承认,典句欣赏 1.We come from countries that are 700 miles away from each other and our backgrounds could not be more different,but we speak the same language! 我们来自相隔700英里的不同国家,我们的背景甚至差别更大,但是我们讲相同的语言。 2.Ive discovered that,while Indian English is based on British English,my Indian roommate uses some American words like chips instead of crisps. 我发现,尽管印度英语是以英式英语为基础的,但是我的印度室友却用像chips这样的美式单词而不是crisps。 3.I did some Bollywood dance at university,but am ashamed to admit that Ive never seen a Bollywood film! 大学里我跳宝莱坞舞蹈,但是我从来没看过宝莱坞电影,这让我感觉惭愧。,理解诱思 1.What would be the best title of the passage? A.The background of English B.The many faces of English C.My Indian Roommate D.English language assistants 2.When the author says “There are more than just differences in language,however!”,what does he mean?,答案:B,答案:The author wants to tell us that,besides the differences in language,there are differences in their cultures and traditions.,Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending,一,二,三,四,一、词汇新知 1.通过查阅词典,写出下列单词的派生词 (1)official adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的n.官员;公务员;高级职员 n.办公室 n.军官,警官;公务员 (2)gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的 adv. 逐渐地;逐步地 (3)spell vt.拼写 n. 拼写;拼法 (4)frequent adj. 频繁的;常见的 adv.常常;频繁地,office,officer,gradually,spelling,frequently,一,二,三,四,2.选择合适的词并用其适当形式填空 latter native fluent actual base (1)Whats your opinion? theres no need to hold a meeting. (2)As a matter of fact,French is not Jacks language. (3)Of the two,the is more useful. (4)Can the girl make herself understood in London? Yes.She can speak English . (5)The new book by Mo Yan is loved by readers. Thats because he this book on his life.,Actually,native,latter,fluently,based,一,二,三,四,二、核心短语 1. 因为;由于 2. 走近;提出;上来 3.at present 4.make use of,because of,come up,现在;目前,利用;使用,一,二,三,四,三、经典句式 1. go by Underground? 为什么不乘地铁去? 2.Today,more people speak English as their first,second or a foreign language . 如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。 3.Native English speakers can understand each other they dont speak the same kind of English. 以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所说的话不尽相同,也可以相互理解。,Why not,than ever before,even if,一,二,三,四,四、阅读导学 1.Why should the students learn English well? In my opinion, 答案:略 2.阅读课文“THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH”,选择正确答案 (1)Whats the main idea of the passage? A.How to learn English well. B.The history of the English language. C.The differences between old English and modern English. D.English is widely used all over the world. (2)What was the English spoken between AD 450 and 800 close to? A.French. B.Danish. C.German. D.Spanish.,答案:B,答案:C,一,二,三,四,(3)How long did Britain rule India? A.About 100 years. B.About 50 years. C.About 350 years. D.About 200 years. (4)Who gave American English spelling its own identity? A.Shakespeare. B.George Washington. C.Noah Webster. D.An English king. (5)Which country may have the largest number of English learners in the world? A.China. B.Australia. C.India. D.Britain.,答案:D,答案:C,答案:A,1.Do you know that there is more than one kind of English? 你知道不止有一种英语吗? 词汇精析 more than one不止一个 阅读下面句子,指出more than one的用法。 If things dont get better,more than one person is g
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