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倒装1. 大连是如此漂亮以至于每个游客都喜欢它。So beautiful is Dalian that every tourist likes it.2. 只有通过这种方式我们最终才能成功。Only in this way can we be successful finally.3. 我很少自己主动复习英语。Seldom do I review English on my own.4. 我既不喜欢数学,也不喜欢英语。Neither do I like maths nor do I like English.5. 我不仅喜欢数学,而且喜欢英语。Not only do I like maths but also I like English.6. 我一回到家,天就开始下雪。Hardly had I gone home when it began to rain.7. 直到妈妈回来我才上床睡觉。Not until my mum came back did I go to bed.8. 尽管我还不习惯美国文化,我会尽快适应它。Although Im not accustomed to the American culture,Ill spare no effort to adapt to it.9. 我们越努力学习,就会取得越大进步。The harder you study,the greater progress you will get.10. 天气真好!What good weather it is!How good the weather is!11. 无论你怎么想,你都不能改变事实。Whatever you think,you cant change the reality.12. 无论外面多么冷,我们都得去学校上自习。However cold it is outside,we have to go to school for self-study.However cold it is outside,we have nothing to do but go to school for self-study.However cold it is outside,we have no choice but to go to school for self-study.13. 银行对面是邮局。Opposite the bank is the post office.14. 墙上挂了很多油画。On the wall hang a number of paintings.15. 一进入校园,你就会看到一个美丽的喷泉。As soon as you enter the campus,you will take notice of a beautiful fountain.As soon as you enter the campus,a beautiful fountain will come into your sight.
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