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English Paper Writing & publication,How to do tables/figures/graphs,How to make graphs in EXCEL,Using VISIO to make it more convenient of drawing flow diagram,Using shapes and graphs to make a beautiful PPT,Organizational graph (组织结构图),Map (地图),Flow diagram (流程图),Conceptual graph (概念图),Introduce of graphs,1.Non-data category of graphs,Table (表格),Column Diagram (柱形图),Bar Diagram (条形图),Pie Diagram 饼图,Line Graph 折线图,Scatter Diagram 散点图,2.Data category of graphs,Introduce of graphs,Types of graph in EXCEL,9 kinds of graphs in Excel,1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,柱形图反映一段时间内数据的变化,或者不同项目之间的对比,是最常见的图表之一,是Excel的默认图表。 子图表类型: 二维柱形图 三维柱形图 圆柱图 圆锥图 棱锥图,Types of graph in EXCEL,9 kinds of graphs in Excel,1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,1、Column Diagram(柱形图),1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,Example of column diagram(柱形图),8,折线图按照相同的间隔显示数据的趋势。 子图表类型: 折线图 堆积折线图 百分比堆积折线图 数据点折线图 堆积数据点折线图 百分比堆积数据点折线图 三维折线图,Types of graph in EXCEL,9 kinds of graphs in Excel,1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,2、Line Graph(折线图),1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,Example of line graph(折线图),饼图显示组成数据系列的项目在项目总和中所占的比例,通常只显示一个数据系列。 子图表类型: 饼图 三维饼图 复合饼图 分离型饼图 分离型三维饼图 复合条饼图,Types of graph in EXCEL,9 kinds of graphs in Excel,1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,3、Pie Diagram(饼图),1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,Example of Pie Diagram(饼图),12,条形图也是显示各个项目之间的对比,与柱形图不同的是其分类轴设置在纵轴上,而柱形图则设置在横轴上。 子图表类型: 二维柱形图 三维柱形图 圆柱图 圆锥图 棱锥图,Types of graph in EXCEL,9 kinds of graphs in Excel,1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,4、Bar Diagram(条形图),1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,Example of Bar Diagram(条形图),14,Types of graph in EXCEL,9 kinds of graphs in Excel,1、How to make graphs in EXCEL,5、Area Graph(面积图),6、Scatter Diagram(散点图),7、Radar Map (雷达图),8、Stock Chart (股价图),9、Surface Chart (曲面图),Choose data area,Insert graph,detail designs,Finish a graph,1、How to make graphs in EXCEL, Process of making graph in EXCEL,1、How to make graphs in EXCEL, Process of making graph in EXCEL,2013版:格式合并形状; 2010版:文件 选项 自定义功能区不在功能区的命令(需要添加),2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the shapes in the PowerPoint,与男人沟通,不要忘了他的面子; 与女人沟通,不要忘了他的情绪; 与领导沟通,不要忘了他的尊严; 与下属沟通,不要忘了他的自尊; 与年轻人沟通,不要忘了他的直接; 与儿童沟通,不要忘了他的天真。,边框阴影,形状剪除,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the shapes in the PowerPoint,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the shapes in the PowerPoint,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the shapes in the PowerPoint,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the SMART ART of the PowerPoint,一、List (列表),2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the SMART ART of the PowerPoint,二、Circle(循环),2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the SMART ART of the PowerPoint,三、Levels(层次结构),2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the SMART ART of the PowerPoint,四、Relation(关系),2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the SMART ART of the PowerPoint,五、Flow(流程),2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, learn to use the SMART ART of the PowerPoint,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, some beautiful samples,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, some beautiful samples,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, some beautiful samples,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, some beautiful samples,2、Using shapes to make a beautiful PPT, some beautiful samples,3、Using VISIO to make it more convenient of drawing flow diagram, Microsoft visio & flow diagram,3、Using VISIO to make it more convenient of drawing flow diagram, Microsoft visio & flow diagram,1、Sequence(循序结构) (一)图形: (二)意义:处理程序循序进行。 (三)语法:DO 处理程序1 THEN DO 处理程序2,3、Using VISIO to make it more convenient of drawing flow diagram, Microsoft visio & flow diagram,Some basic flow structure,或,2、Selection(选择结构) 二元选择结构(基本结构) (一)图形: (二)意义:流程依据某些条件,分别进行不同处理程序。 (三)语法:IF 条件 THEN DO 处理程序1 ELSE DO 处理程序2,3、Using VISIO to make it more convenient of drawing flow diagram, Microsoft visio & flow diagram,Some basic flow structure,3、Selection(选择结构) 多重选择结构(二元选择结构变化结构) (一)图形: (二)意义:流程依据某些条件,分别进行不同处理程序。 (三)语法:FOR 条件 P CASE 1 DO 处理程序1 CASE 2 DO 处理程序2 . CASE n DO 处理程序n,3、Using VISIO to make it more convenient of drawing flow diagram, Microsoft visio & flow diagram,Some basic flow structure,4、Iteration(重复结构) REPEAT-UNTIL结构 (一)图形: (二)意义:重覆执行处理程序直到满足 某一条件为止,即直到条件 变成真(True)为止。 (三)语法:REPEAT DO 处理程序 UNTIL 条件,3、Using VISIO to make it more convenient of drawing flow diagram, Microsoft visio & flow diagram,Some basic flow structure,Thank You !,
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