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E-friends课题 E-friends单元6学科英语年级六年级上册学习目标1.了解第二部分课文。2.掌握重点单词或短语:(1)get(2)be from与come from的区别3.字母f,v,th在单词中的发音。重点1.掌握重点单词或短语:(1)get(2)be from与come from的区别2.字母f,v,th在单词中的发音。难点重点单词或短语(1)get(2)be from与come from的区别教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Warming-up and revision 1.Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.2.Have a game . 播放有关真正朋友的视频m仔细观看视频,理解什么是真正的朋友 视频具有很强的视觉冲击力,能吸引学生的注意力,使学生很快的融入课堂之中。讲授新课.Free talk1. Do you often communicate with your e-friends?2.What do you talk about with your e-friend? . PresentationStep 1.课文展示(1)老师展示课本内容Step 2.老师播放课文录音(T shows the text,and ask some questions about the text,then play the recording for the Ss to listen to the text.).Useful expressionStep 1(1)getget sth 获得某物get to 到达例如:(1)我想获得一些水。Id like to some water.(2)我得去取点水。I have to get a little water.(3)我怎么才能到达医院呢?How can I get to the hospital?(2)be from与come from的区别be from 含有be动词come from 属于动词短语,相当于一个动词例如:(1)他来至北京。He is from Beijing.He comes from Beijing.(2)他来至北京吗?Is he from Beijing?Does he come from Beijing?Step 2课堂练习按要求完成下列各题。(1)Did Tom arrive at the airport?(同义转换)Did Tom_ _the airport?(2)他努力工作,因为他想获得一些钱。(翻译成英语)(3)They are from the USA.(同义转换)They_ _the USA.(4)Amy来至哪里?(用两个句子来翻译)Step 2 Ask and answer(1)Where is Kitty from?(2)How old is Kitty?(3)How many people are there in Kittys family?(4)What do Kittys parents do?(5)Whats Kittys favorite subject?Step 3Complete the card for Kitty.Step 4 Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?What would you like to know about your e-friends? S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in China.S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Id like to know about his family.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in Australia.S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Id like to know about her school life.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in Canada.S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Id like to know about her favorite food.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in the UK.S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Id like to know about her favorite subjects.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in the USA.S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Id like to know about her favorite animals.S1:Would you like to have e-friends in other countries?S2:Yes.Id like to have an e-friend in China.S1:What would you like to know about your e-friends?S2:Id like to know about her hobbies.Step 5 Think and writeWhat do you know about Gary?Step 5 Tipfootball两种不同的意思.PronounceStep1(1)展示每个单词的读音,并附上录音。(2)每个音标的发音规则(3)每个音标举例子Step 2 (1)Sharp eyes读出你所捕捉到的单词。(2)摘苹果Step 3 巩固提升Listen and circle.1.fan van2.smooth tooth3.leaf live4.then thin5.fairy very6.think finger选出最佳答案1.How can I get_there.A. to B. / C.with D.at2.He_ from the USA. A.are B.is C.come D.is come3.Where_ they from?A.do B.are C.does D.is.学生小组讨论如何保护动物.(1)学生阅读课文。(2) 学生仔细听课文录音,并回答老师所提的问题.(1)学生根据例句。学习重点单词或短语的用法学生根据所学内容,完成此题学生根据课文内容完成本题学生根据Kitty的信息,填写Kitty的信息卡学生根据例句,来完成此题。学生根据信息卡上的内容,完成此题学生通过老师的展示,了解足球的文化。学生根据要求完成此题。学生听录音,选出所听到的单词。学生根据本节课所学的知识点,独立完成此题。.活跃课堂气氛,使学生轻松的学习英语。.使学生快速的了解课文大意。.(1)可以使学生直观的认识这些重要短语训练学生短语的掌握情况。课文与语法相结合,达到课文与语法同步学习的目的。课文与语法相结合,达到课文与语法同步学习的目的。训练重点句型。达到课文、语法和单词同步学习的目的。拓展学生的视野。趣味性十足的游戏能更好的吸引学生的注意力。使英语的学习充满趣味。复习本节课所学的语音知识。综合检测学生对本节课知识点的掌握情况。课堂小结1.了解Kitty and Gary.2.掌握单词或短语:(1)get(2)be from与come from的区别3.字母f,v,th在单词中的发音。完成练习之后,学生可以自主总结本节的学习内容当堂回顾,使学生加深新学知识点的印象,达到复习的目的。板书 Unit 6 E-friendsSection B重点短语:getbe from与come from语音:字母f,v,th在单词中的发音。8
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