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课时作业(二)基础题单词拼写1To keep things move smoothly, they need a more _ (灵活的) policy.答案:flexible2They are trying hard to reduce the harm caused by pollution to a _ (最低限度). 答案:minimum3Its a big company and it has _ (部门) all over the country.答案:branches4Its one of those interesting words that have two _ (矛盾的) meanings.答案:contradictory5He urged me to _ (传达) his good wishes to Mr Smith.答案:convey6The last two lines of this poem dont r_ properly.答案:rhyme7Have you any c_ ways to deal with this difficult problem? 答案:concrete8He used to t_ me about my figure.答案:tease9She is very p_ about what she wears, depending on what occasions she has to attend.答案:particular10Some people dream of moving to quiet country c_ after retirement.答案:cottages单句语法填空1Its too bad of you _ (tease) the child like that.答案:to tease2It is necessary that he _ (send) there at once.答案:(should) be sent3As the weather is getting drier and drier, the water in the river is running _.答案:out 4The water in the Dead Sea is so _ (salt) that you cant sink when you are in the water.答案:salty5In every communication, information _ (convey) by gestures is often misunderstood.答案:conveyed6_ (stay) up is not a good habit for children.答案:Staying7The way _ he explained to us was quite simple.答案:that/which或不填8Half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, _ 48% of the boys favour sports stars.答案:while 9With a vital exam _ (draw) near, I felt so nervous that I even couldnt eat or sleep.答案:drawing10The battle ended, with the enemy _ (defeat)答案:defeated单句写作1Among all English poems, I enjoy those written by Shakespeare _ (尤其)答案:in particular2Why did she do a thing like that? It doesnt seem to _ (有意义)答案:make sense3Youve been working hard all afternoon, Steve. Sit down and _ (放松) for a few minutes.答案:take it easy4They _ (熬夜到很晚) to see the film on television.答案:stayed up late5The interesting film _ (受青少年欢迎)答案:is popular with teenagers6We are about to _ (用光) coffee and sugar.答案:run out of7A lot of Tang poetry _ (已被翻译成) English.答案:has been translated into8The mother explained to her son that a truck _ (由构成) many different parts.答案:was made up of9This beautiful lady _ (对挑剔) her clothes.答案:is particular about10The jungle doesnt burn by chance, someone _ (纵火)答案:sets it on fire单句改错1His strength has been run out after he had run that long distance._答案:去掉been或在out后加of2She was delight to see her favorite film star that day._答案:delightdelighted3Sometimes tease is funny, but sometimes it is hurtful. _答案:teaseteasing4With time passed, they have learned a lot._答案:passedpassing5If you worked hard then, you would be in the university now._答案:第一个you后加had能力题阅读理解ADearMarchComeinHowgladIamIhopedforyoubefore . Whoknocks?ThatAprilLocktheDoorIwillnotbepursuedHestayedawayayeartocallWhenIamoccupiedButtrifles (琐事) looksotrivial (不重要的)Assoonasyouhavecome . This lovely poem was written by Emily Dickinson, who is considered a major American poet, though she was not accorded (符合) this honor until well after her death. Emily Dickinson was born on December 10,1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. She attended school for only one year. Throughout her life, she seldom left her home and visitors were few. She lived in almost complete isolation (隔离) from the outside world. She admired the poetry of Robert and Elizabeth Barren Browning, as well as John Keats. Though she was dissuaded (劝阻) from reading the poetry of her contemporary Walt Whitman by rumors of its disgracefulness, the two poets are now connected by the distinguished place they hold as the founders of a uniquely American poetic voice. While Dickinson was extremely prolific (多产的) as a poet, she was not publicly recognized during her lifetime. Upon her death, Dickinsons family discovered forty handbound volumes of nearly 1,800 poems. Her younger sister began to share the enormous body of work that Emily left behind. Emilys odd punctuation, capitalization (大写), and formatting (格式) did not meet with standard publishing “approval” for earlier editions. There is a whimsical (古怪的) nature to many other poems, as the subject of death was the most fr
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