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Unit4 Lets go on a picnic 单元具体目标: 在本单元教学中,教师需要充分利用教学挂图,教学卡片,教学实物和多媒体等辅助教学。引导学生更好地学习,掌握教学内容,达到一下知识目标和情感目标:知识目标:一. 能听、说、读、写以下词汇:go on a picnic take out of put into get to the park meet at the gate二. 能听懂,会说,会读,会用以下句型:1.Are you free next Saturday?Yes, whats up?2.What shall we take?3.Shall we meet at the gate of the park?4.When shall we meet 8:oo or 8:30?情感目标: 鼓励学生参与健康的户外活动。培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然的美好情感。教学课时:4课时 第一课时教学目标:一 能听、说、读、写以下词汇:go on a picnic take out of put into get to the park meet at the gate二 能在具体的语境中正确、灵活运用以上词汇。教学准备:Lets learn 部分的教学卡片,磁带,录音机。教学过程:一 课程导入(一) 课前热身PartA Warming up:Look and circle 教师引导学生进行课前问答练习,通过巧妙设计餐饮话题,引出此部分的内容: T:Hello,boys and girls.What do you often have for breakfast? Ss:Milk and bread. T:How about your dinner? S1:I have rice and fish. T:Well,now open your books and turn to page25. 教师让学生想一想晚上都会吃些什么食物,然后将相应的图片圈出来。(二) 新课导入: 教师承接上一部分向学生出示一些野餐的图片,与学生进行问答练习,从而引出本单元的话题: T:We talk about so much delicious food.now I have an idea.Lets go on a picnic this weekend,ok? Ss:Great.二 新授:PartA:Letlearn 学习短语go on a picnic 教师出示野餐图片,与学生对话,帮助学生理解go on a picnic 的含义。 T:Look at the picture.Where are they? Ss:They are in the park/garden T:Well,They are very happy,because they are going on a picnic.we often go on a picnic outside,What do we often take? Ss:We often take some food and fruits. T:And some drinks,too.we will have a good time. 教师朗读该短语,然后让学生分组读,教师注意纠正学生的错误读音。用同样的方法教学单词take out of ,put into,get to the park ,meet at the gate。三 巩固活动:教师播放该部分的录音,让学生看书并指读这些短语。四 作业:抄写所学短语。五 板书设计:六 教学反思: 第二课时教学目标:一 能听懂、理解Lets talk部分的对话。二能灵活运用Shall和Will表达将来要做的事情。理解Shall在第一人称疑问句结构中还可以表示提出建议,征求意见的用法。三能在日常生活中运用以下句型进行交流:1.Are you free next Saturday?Yes, whats up?2.What shall we take?3.Shall we meet at the gate of the park?4.When shall we meet 8:oo or 8:30?教学准备: Let talk及listen and match 部分的录音磁带,录音机。教学过程:一 课程导入(一) 课前热身PartA Warmingup:Look and talk 教师进行课前提问,然后请几名学生回答问题,了解一下学生周末都在做什么: T:Hello,boys and girls,nice to see you again.Id like to know what you often do on weekend? S1:I often go to the park. S2:I often help my parents do some housework. T:Well,open your books and turn to page25.Look at the pictures and talk in pairs. 让学生看图,标记出各自在周末常做的活动图,然后两人一组仿照示例进行对话。(二) 新课导入 T:What day is it today? Ss:Its T:The weekend is coming.You wont have classes on the weekend.you will be free.what will you do on Saturday and Sunday?Will you play sports?Will you go on a picnic?二新授(一)T:Tomorrow is Sunday.And the weather is fine.Are you free onSunday?Lets go on a picnic,shall we ?Shall we go on a picnic?Ss:Great.T:Ok.We shall go on a picnic tomorrow.What shall we take?Shall we take some food and drinks?Ss:Yes,we can take 教师板书,朗读句型: We shall/will go on a picnic tomorrow.我们明天将要去野餐。 What shall we take?我们要带些什么呢? Shall we take some food and drinks?我们要带些食物和饮料吗? 学习运用: I will/shall go shopping on Sunday. What shall we have for supper this afternoon? Shall we meet at the school gate?句中所用的shall,will是动词的将来时态,用来表示将要做的事情或将要出现的情况。(二)课文朗读,解读。 1.教师朗读对话,然后让学生通过朗读,回答问题,理解对话大意: Q1:Is Alice free next Sunday? Q2:Where will they have the picnic? Q3:When will they meet? 2.疑难讲解: Are you free next Saturday? Yes,Whats up? Whats up?什么事?怎么啦?口语交流中用以询问对方有何 需求或建议等。三巩固活动: 完成PartC:Look and write.四 作业:抄写并背诵本课对话。五 板书设计:六:教学反思: 第三课时教学目标: 一能在短文的语境下正确理解并灵活运用The children would like toWould youlike some?Shall we?等功能句。了解在短文中可以借助引号直接以说话人的语气引用他人的话。 二能读懂Lets learn more部分的短文,准确理解并能快速找出针对课文设计的问题的答案。 教学准备: (1)Lets learn more 部分的教学挂图。 (2) Lets learn more部分的磁带,录音机。 教学过程:一 新课导入1. 课前问答:教师以天气为话题与学生对话,引出户外活动,为新课的学习做铺垫。T:Hello,everyone.Whats the weather like today?Ss:Its sunny/rainyT:What kind of weather do you like?S1:I like sunny.T:Well,I like sunny,too.we can go out to play.2. 新课导入教师承接上一环节的对话练习,引入本课的野餐活动:T:Are you free tomorrow?Its Saturday.Shall we go on a picnic?What shall we take?When and where shall we meet?二 新授1. PartB Lets learn more(1) 教师出示本部分的教学挂图,引导学生仔细观察,之后教师提出问题,让学生带着问题读课文,把握大意。 Q1:What will the children do? Q2:Would Su Tai like some chicken? Q3:Where will they take a photo?2. 阅读理解 (1)学生朗读课文第一段,试着对下列句子中的画线部分提问。然后互相问答: The weather is fine. The children would like to go on a picnic at the foot of the mountain.(2) 让学生读文章第二段,回答问题:Q1:Whats the Alice doing?Q2:What about Li Shan and Su Nan? (3) 让学生读文章第三段,回答问题: Q1:What does Alice ask? Q2:What does Li Shan ask? Q3:What doesSu Tai say? (4) 让学生读文章第四段,回答问题: What does Colin ask? 三巩固练习:1.让学生现读一读P29页中的问题,然后阅读课文,快速找到答案。2.教师播放课文录音,让学生跟读,教师注意纠正学生的错误发音。 四作业
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