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观点背后的秘密专项练习专练1:1. What does the woman like most about the new houses?A. The garden.B. The space.C. The quietness2. How does the man feel about the womans suggestion?A. Delighted.B. Disappointed.C. Uninterested.专练2: 1. What is the possible relationship between the speakers? A. Coach and player. B. Director and secretary. C. Headmaster and student. 2. How is the man feeling?A. Awkward.B. Annoyed.C. Regretful.专练3:1. Why did the man argue with his friend?A. He mistrusted his friend.B. His friend refused to pay the bill.C. His friend failed to return the money. 2. What is the womans suggestion to the man?A. Stop talking with him.B. Talk it over with his friend.C. Get the money back immediately.专练4:What does the woman mean?A. She likes fruits. B. She likes peanuts.C. She likes neither.专练5:1. What do we know about Sarah?A. She doesnt like her job.B. She likes to meet different people.C. She is going on a holiday next Monday.2. What does the man think of the woman talking with him?A. She is quiet. B. She is talkative. C. She is outgoing. 专练6:What does the woman suggest?A. They come to work earlier.B. They get more work done.C. They share one car to work. 专练7:1. What is the woman?A. A writer.B. A TVhostess.C. A waitress. 2. What is the man talking about?A. A programme.B. A club.C. A restaurant. 3. How does the woman feel about the mans words?A. Relaxed.B. Amazed.C. Worried. 专练8:1. What does the man like about his present job?A. The position and the fresh air.B. The good pay and the position.C. The good pay and the fresh air.2. Which of the following jobs is the man interested in?A. Doctor.B. Teacher.C. Lawyer.3. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Close friends.B. Waitress and customer.C. Interviewer and interviewee.观点背后的秘密专项练习参考答案专练1:【选B、C】原文W: I went to look at those new houses near the sport center this afternoon.M: Oh, yes.W: They are really nice. There is a lot of space and each house has got 3 bedrooms and a separate shower room.M: Em.W: And there is a garden at the back. John, will you put down your book? Arent you interested?M: Not especially.W: But why? I thought you wanted to move.M: You are the one who wants to moved.W: But you said the last time your brother stayed, it is impossible to live without an extra bedroom.M: I didnt say that. I like this flat. I can walk to work.W: You could still walk to work if we move.M: It is farther away, and it is being far too noisy near the sports center.W: But it is not exactly quiet living on this main road.M: Well. We chose this flat together. And you didnt mind the noise from the main road then. I seem to remember you like the idea of being close to the bus station.W: I did. And still do. It is simply that we need more space. John, will you at least come ad have a look at the new houses.M: Very well, then, but do not expect to change my mind.W: Ok. We will just look.专练2:【选A、B】原文M: Judy, would you come here for a minute, please? W: Yeah? M: Well, Id like to talk to you. W: Uh about what? M: You know that you havent shown up for practice lately. W: But, I only missed twice! M: Twice in the past week it isnt good. I wont be able to keep you on the basketball team if this goes on. We all want to win, and it isnt fair to the rest of the team. 专练3:【选C、B】原文M: I had a big argument with David yesterday. I hope hes not still mad at me. W: What did you argue about? M: He borrowed some money from me. But when I needed it back, he said he didnt have the money yet. W: Well, he should pay it back. M: Yes, but I got angry with him too quickly. He probably thought I mistrusted him. W: Did you lend him a lot of money? M: Not much. I had to pay an unexpected bill, so I needed the money back. W: Well, close friends sometimes have disagreements. Its nothing unusual. Why not talk to him about it? I bet he will understand. M: I guess youre right. We should patch things up. I dont want to ruin a long friendship.专练4:【选C】原文M: I never eat peanuts and I hate all fruits.W: Oh, my Gad, me too. We are two of a kind.专练5:【选B、A】原文M: Nice picture! Whos the girl beside you?W: My sister, Sarah.M: Wow! Didnt know you had a sister. What does she do?W: Shes a travel agent.M: Oh, thats cool. Does she love it?W: Yeah, she does. She loves to travel and she likes meeting different people. Shes very talkative and outgoing.M: You two are totally different. Youre quiet and a little bit shy sometimes.W: Yes! In fact, she is probably the most outgoing person in my family.M: Hard to believe! Can I meet her?W: No problem. But shes on vacation now and shell be back next Monday.专练6:【选C】原文W: Good morning, Jack. Your
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