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Model Test OneThe Importance of Reading Literature【写作指南】这是典型的四级看图习作。题目要求考生先简单描述图片内容,继而就“阅读文学作品的重要性”这个话题发表自己的见解。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下:第一段:简明扼要地描述图片内容,自然引出下文要讨论的话题。第二段:提出自己对于“阅读文学作品的重要性的看法,并加以详细论述第三段:重申论点,总结全文。【范文】As is shown in the picture, when the teacher assigns her student to read a literature book,she tells him to think of it as a long text-message. It reminds me of the importance of reading literature while most people are spending much more time reading text-messages than literary works.As it is, reading literature is important in that it can not only broaden our horizon but also enrich our mind. To be specific, reading classic works is a real eye-opener, from which we can acquire knowledge of different historical events and cultural traditions. Moreover, the moral outlooks and views of life revealed in great works offer great nourishment and contribute to our growth and wisdom. Take myself as an example. Whenever Im confronted with obstacles, I will reflect on the books Ive read, imagining what the heroes would do if they were in my situation. Then normally I will get the power and overcome my difficulties.All in all, reading literature regularly as one does text-messages is critical to a more colorful and wiser life.【译文】如图所示,当老师在布置文学作品阅读任务时,告诉学生将它当作长篇手机短信对待。该图片提醒我,在大多数人阅读手机短信远多于文学作品的当下,阅读文学作品尤为重要。事实上,阅读文学作品非常重要,因为这不但能拓宽我们的視野,还能充实我们的心智。具体而言,阅读古典著作能使我们大开眼界,了解到各种重大历史事件以及文化传统。其次,文学巨作中传达的道德观和人生观为我们提供了极好的养分,让我们成长和变得睿智。以我自己为例。每当我遇到困难,我都会想起读过的小说,想象书中的主人公如果处于我的处境会怎么做。随后,我一般都会从中获得克服困难的力量。总而言之,对于更精彩及睿智的人生,经常阅读文学作品是至关重要的。Model Test TwoThe Importance of Learning Basic Skills【写作指南】这是典型的四级看图作文。要求考生先简单描述图片内容,继而就“学习基本技能的重要性”这个话题发表自己的见解。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下:第一段:简明扼要地描述图片内容,并引出主题。第二段:从正反两面说明“学习基本技能的重要性:为学习更高级的知识打基础;缺乏基本技能可能导致职场上的失败。第三段:重申主题,总结全文。【范文】The drawing above vividly shows that the need to learn basic skills such as the multiplication table is questioned. In reality, there is also concern about whether basic skills might become out-dated and of no help to college graduates.As I see it, the basic skills college students learn will not turn old-fashioned. Instead,they will remain as important as they will ever be. To begin with,though basic skills is often classified as impractical subjects that cannot be applied directly to ones future career, it is these basic subjects that lay a solid foundation for more advanced skills, preparing us for further studies. Furthermore, most basic skills, like calculating and literacy, are always necessary in a variety of occupations. It is obvious that no employer is willing to hire a graduate who cant even fully understand a written contract. For this reason, a lack of these skills may result in future career failure.To sum up , insignificant and boring as learning basic skills may seem, it is actually of great importance and should not be neglected.【译文】图片生动地展示了这样一个画面:学生对学习乘法表这样的基本技能提出了质疑。在现实中,人们也担忧,基本技能是否会过时或无益于大学毕业生。在我看来,大学生所学的基本技能不会过时。相反,这些技能将一如跃往地发挥重要作用。首先,尽管基本技能常被归类为不切实际的学科,不能直接应用到将来的工作中,但正是这些基础学科为学习更高级的技能打下坚实的基础,为深造做准备。此外,大部分的基本技能,如算术和读写能力,在各种职业中都是必需的。很明显,没有哪个雇主愿意聘用连书面合同都不能完全看懂的毕业生。因此,缺乏这些技能可能会造成将来职场上的失敗。 总的来说,尽管学习基本技能看似无关紧要并且枯燥,但它实则极其重要,因而不应被忽視。Model Test ThreeThe Importance of Doing Small Things Before Undertaking Something Big【写作指南】这是典型的四级看图作文。要求考生先简单描述图片内容,继而就“做大事前先把小事做好的重要性”这个话题发表自己的见解。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下:第一段:简明扼要地描述图片内容。第二段:表明自己对“做大事前先把小事做好的重要性”这个话题的看法,并加以论述。第三段:重申主题,总结全文。【范文】(168)As is shown in the cartoon, the son expressed his concern about disposing of nuclear waste to his father, while his father asked him to empty the dustbin first. This thought-provoking dialogue reveals to us the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big and reminds us of an old Chinese saying Sweep your own house before conquering the world. ”From my point of view, the significance of doing small things before doing the big lies in two points. First, by doing small things we accumulate precious experience and essential practical skills, which help prepare us for any upcoming big things. Second, doing trivial matters helps us develop good habits, such as perseverance and patience, with which we wont give up or escape easily when confronted with bigger difficulties.In short, it is reasonable for us college students to aim high and be ambitious. But before we are to undertake something big, we should try hard to fulfill simple tasks such as emptying the dustbin.【译文】如漫画所示,儿子对父亲说担心核废料的处里问題,而父亲則对儿子说如果他能先把垃圾倒了,就什么亊都能做好。这个发人深省的对话向我们揭示了做大亊前先把小亊做好的重要性,并且让我们联想到“一屋不扫.何以扫天下”这句成语。在我看来,做大亊前先把小亊做好的重要性体现在以下两点。第一,通过做小亊我们能积累宝责的经验及必要的实用技能,为将来所有可能发生的大亊做准备。第二,做小亊有助于我们养成良好的习惯,如坚持不慯及耐心,有了它们,我们在遇到更大的困难时才不会轻易放弃或退缩。简言之,作为大学生,我们目标高远并且具有雄心壮志是合理的。但是,在我们做大亊之前,我们应努力把像倒垃圾这样的小亊做好。Model Test FourEducation pays【写作指南】这是一篇图表分析型作文。图表显示的是美国劳工部有关 2010 年失业率的统计数据。这个图表反映受教育程度(文化水平)的高低与失业率成反比的关系。考生写作时,首先应根据图表反映的情况,梳理出写作的主题;其次围绕这一主题进行阐述;最后可对前文的论述稍作小结,自然收尾。根据题目要求,文章内容可安排如下:第一段:简要描述图表,并根据数据反映的情况提炼出写作主题:受教育程度(文化水平) 的高低与失业率成反比。第二段:围绕这一主题,分析个中的原因,如:教育提供工作需要的知识及技能;学历越高,所掌握的知识就越先进,技术就越高明,在事业上也更具竞争力;文化
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