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新概念英语 二级B,班号:PMG2B1208 林泽圆老师 Tammy 18520592882,U1,希望爸爸妈妈、孩子们,希望孩子们做到:,课堂要求,Lets begin our class!,Module 1 Hobbies,Unit 1 Whats your hobby?,Who is this?,Hello, everyone! My name is Minions.,Guess! Whats my hobby?,I like taking photos!,Look at my photos. What are they doing?,什么时态?,1. He is making model ships. 2. He is collecting stamps. 3. She is playing with her pets. 4. She is playing music. 5. They are playing computer games. 6. She is reading books.,现在进行时,讲义P5,动词ing的变化规律,一般情况下,动词直接加 ing do-doing play-playing 2. 动词以不发音的e结尾,去e 加 ing write-writing dance-dancing 3. 辅元辅结构的重读闭音节结尾,双写词尾字母加 ing sit-sitting swim-swimming 4. 以ie结尾的动词,改ie为y加ing tie-tying lie-lying,tie,dance,go,stop,swim,wash,write,fly,buy,完成讲义P6的第一题,讲义P5,I like taking photos!,I love taking photos!,I enjoy taking photos!,是现在进行时吗?,I like taking photos!,I love taking photos!,I enjoy taking photos!,Lets play a game!,One student is facing to classmates, and guessing the sentence. Students in your group will do some actions to help you.,Rules,He is singing.,She is running.,They are dancing.,I am cooking.,Teacher is jumping.,完成讲义P6-7的第二题,单词与词组 P3&4,take photos,collect stamps,keep pets,love doing,read books,model ships,more than,play music,every night,kee_,保持,_ _ llect,收集,ho _ _ y,爱好,mo _ _ l,模型,s _ am _,邮票,_ ore,更多,_ ou _ tr _,国家,anim _ _,动物,_ _ ring,在.期间,e _ _ ry,每,每日一测,1. 复习讲义P3-6知识,2. 抄写 P3&4 的单词和短语两次,并家听,3. 完成讲义P6-10练习,Homework,THANK YOU!,
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