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Philips FMEA,Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,Content of the course,Introduction Product - FMEA Blockdiagram , functiontree Process - FMEA Process-flowdiagram (macro-level) , micro-level Facilitatorskills,FMEA Introduction,Why FMEAs? Definition, Purpose, Types, Benefits Team Approach,Why FMEAs?,Appropriate recommended actions may not have been taken. Savings in engineering time. Reduction of changes immediately before productionstart (Commercial Release).,FMEA Definition,Identify potential failure modes Prioritize actions Document the process.,Structured group of activities which.,FMEA Purpose,Failures,Time,Rate severity of failure modes Identify actions to reduce occurence Test adequacy of controls,FMEA Purpose,FMEAs are intended to .,FMEA Types,Optical,Product- FMEA,Mechanical,Process- FMEA,Electrical,Mechanical,Electrical,Optical,FMEA Sessions,Benefits Product-FMEAs,Assess failure mode effects on all customers. Aids in evaluating testspecifications Evaluation of design relating to DFM DFA DFT Increases the possibility to detect possible failure modes.,Proces,Product,Voordelen Proces-FMEAs,Assess effects on all customers Identifies potential manufacturing and assembly causes to focus controls on reducing occurrence or increasing detection.,Design,Proces,Generating FMEAs,FMEAs,Who initiates?,Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,Who updates?,Who is FMEA-customer?,Startingdate/ revisiondate?,When completed?,How docu-mented?,When to discard?,Who prepares?,Managing FMEAs,Modification to a product or process is planned Component is to be used in new environment Customer rejections,FMEAs are living documents and are updated .,FMEA Team Approach,Support- team,Product-FMEA Content,Define FMEA-team Define scope Describe functions Brainstorming Function Trees,Product-FMEA Team,Product-FMEA Scope,Create Blockdiagram Identify the boundery for Analysis Confirm composition of support team.,Once coreteam is established .,Blockdiagram,Component/ Assembly,Screw,Weld,Adhesive,Example blockdiagram (Settop Wildfire),Front,Klicked,Display PCB,PSU,Smartcard PCB,Frame,Cover,Klicked,Klicked,Screwed,Screwed,Determine Functions,Describes the intent of the design Must be measureble or set at an actionable level Represents all wants, both spoken and unspoken.,What are the functions of the design?,Generate Control Display,Describe Function,light speed information,Describe Functions,Thought starters . Satisfy user Attract user Guarantee durability Easy to repare Safety requirements,Brainstorming,Functiontree,Provides an organized approach to identify the essential features of a product Defines all spoken and unspoken requirements Provides the team with a clear overview of all the functions of the product.,Constructing Functiontrees,Display Information,Functiontree Frontbutton (Settop),Guidelines,Brainstorm all functions (VERB-NOUN) Document individual functions by asking “How is this function achieved?” Repeat left to right, until actionable level Work right to left and check structure by asking “Why is this function included?”,Product-FMEA Functions,Description Level 1,Description Level 2,Function,Mode of Failure,Effect,Cause,Action/ Solution,Resp.,Front,Button,Tekst clear visible after PQR-test,MC,ML,P,Potential failure Modes,No function Partial function,Failure Mode Type Example,Not operational Not all of function operating,Failure Modes: Frontbutton,No function No tekst available Partial function Tekst partial available,Function: Tekst clear visible after 100x cleaning.,Failure Mode Type Example,Product-FMEA Modes of failure,Description Level 1,Description Level 2,Function,Mode of Failure,Effect,Cause,Action/ Solution,Resp.,Front,Button,Tekst clear visible after PQR-test,Tekst unread-able,MC,ML,P,Effects failure,What are the effects of the failure relating to:,- another part - the complete assembly - the customer - the enduser - the governmental regulations,Product-FMEA Tabel of effects,Failure Mode Tekst unread-able,Frontbutton,Complete Assembly Difficult to sale,Customer Dissatisfied,Enduser Dissatisfied,Governmental regulation None,Another part None,Product-FMEA Effects of failure,Description Level 1,Description Level 2,Function,Mode of Failure,Effect,Cause,Action/ Solution,Resp.,Front,Button,Tekst clear visible after PQR-test,Tekst unread-able,MC,ML,P,Assembly not possible to sale Customer dissatisfied,Severity (Weightfactor),What is the severity of the effects?,Criteria: Severity of effect,Class,Effect,Accepted failure,D,None,Safety failure,S,Unacceptable risk,Non-conforming with safety,Correction is nescessary,A,Relative big risk,Correctie is recommended,B,risico,Correctie is nuttig,C,Ratingcriteria voor Severity (Weightfactor),Minimum risk,Correctie is usefull,C,Frontbutton/ Tekst readable after PQR- test,Fai
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