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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section A(1a2d),. 单词填写 1. chopstick(n. ) _ 2. blouse(n. ) _ 3. produce(v. ) _ 4. process(v. ) _ 5. fair(n. ) _ 答案: 1. 筷子 2. 短上衣 3. 生产; 制造 4. 加工; 处理 5. 展览会; 交易会,新知预测,6. leaf(n. ) _ (复数形式) 7. environment(n. ) _ (adj. )自然环境的; 有关环境的 8. wide(adj. ) _ (adv. )广泛地 答案: 6. leaves 7. environmental 8. widely,. 短语互译 1. 以闻名 _ 2. 由制造 _ 3. 在制造 _ 4. environmental protection _ 5. by hand _ 答案: 1. be known/famous for 2. be made of/from 3. be made in 4. 环境保护 5. 手工,. 句型填词 1. 它是银制品吗? _ it_ _ silver? 2. 它是泰国造的。 It_ _ _ Thailand. 3. 那个飞机模型是用什么造的? _ _ the model plane_ _ ? 答案: 1. Is; made of 2. was made in 3. What is; made of,4. 中国什么地方生产茶叶? _ _ tea_ in China? 5. 茶叶是如何生产的? _ _ tea_ ? 答案: 4. Where is; produced 5. How is; produced,1. It is made of silk. _ _ 答案: “be+动词的过去分词”为被动语态, 表示“主语是动作的承受者”。,探究学习,2. What is the shirt made of? What is the painting made from? _ _ 答案: be made of和be made from意思一样, 它们都表示“某物是由制造的”。但是be made of表示“能够看出原材料”, be made from表示“不能看出原材料”。,1. produce v. 制造; 出产 【语境领悟】 *Where is tea produced in China? 中国什么地方生产茶叶? *Hard work produces success. 努力工作导致成功。 *Buy some native produce. 买些土特产吧。,课本要点点拨,【自主归纳】 produce的用法 (1)produce作为动词, 意为“生产; 产生; 提出; 出版; 演出; 导致”。 (2)produce作为名词, 意为“产品”。,【妙辨异同】produce/product/production的区别 三者都作“产品”解时, produce指农业生产的产品; product指工业生产的产品; production指剧院、电视等演播的剧类电影等。 People like to buy natural produce. 人们喜欢买天然产品。 Thats the product of his work. 那是他的劳动成果。 The film is a national production. 这部电影是国产片。,【学以致用】 他们在这家面包厂里生产面包。 They_ bread in the bakery. 答案: make/produce,2. widely adv. 广泛地; 普遍地 【语境领悟】 *For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. 例如, 安溪和杭州就以出产茶叶而广为人知。 *The river is very wide. 这条河非常宽。 *Open your mouth wide. 把嘴张大。 *He has traveled widely. 他到过很多地方。,【自主归纳】 wide与widely的异同,【学以致用】 English is_ (wide)used in the world. 答案: widely,3. be made of由制成的 【语境领悟】 *Is it made of silver? 它是由银制成的吗? *Bread is made from wheat. 面包是由小麦制成的。 *The car is made in Shanghai. 这辆车是在上海制造的。,【妙辨异同】 be made of, be made from与be made in,【图解助记】,【归纳拓展】be made up of与be made into的用法 (1)be made up of由组成, 由构成, 常表示由多种成分、团体、成员或单位等组成, 并强调整体的构成或组成。 Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. 水是由氢和氧构成的。 The medical team is made up of twelve doctors. 这个医疗队是由十二名医生组成的。,(2)be made into把制成。 Glass can be made into all kinds of beautiful things. 玻璃可以制成各种各样的漂亮东西。 Wood can be made into furniture. 木头可以做成家具。,【学以致用】 (黄石中考)This pair of shoes _hand, and it_ very comfortable. A. is made with; is felt B. are made from; is felt C. are made of; feels D. is made by; feels,. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. The bowl_ (make)of gold. It is very expensive. 2. Computers are_ (wide)used all over the world. 3. What are they talking about? They are talking about the_ (environment) protection. 4. This kind of animal likes to eat_ (leaf). 5. The Great Wall is well_ (know)around the world. 答案: 1. is made 2. widely 3. environmental 4. leaves 5. known,达标检测,. 单项选择 1. Chinese_in this country. A. teach B. teaches C. taught D. is taught 2. These vegetables will be sent for_this afternoon. A. process B. to process C. processing D. to processing 3. Our hometown is famous_fruit. A. as B. with C. for D. on,4. They_apples_hand. It is a hard job. A. are picked; in B. are picked; by C. pick; in D. are picking; by 5. _is the bed made_? Steel. A. What; from B. What; of C. Where; from D. Where; of,Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section A(3a4c),. 单词填写 1. 法国(n. ) _ 2. 当地的; 本地的(adj. ) _ 3. 避免; 回避(v. ) _ 4. 小手提包(n. ) _ 5. 可移动的; 非固定的(adj. ) _ 答案: 1. France 2. local 3. avoid 4. handbag 5. mobile,新知预测,6. 每天的; 日常的(adj. ) _ 7. 老板; 上司(n. ) _ 8. 表面; 表层(n. ) _ 9. 材料; 原料(n. ) _ 10. 交通; 路上行驶的车辆(n. ) _ 答案: 6. everyday 7. boss 8. surface 9. material 10. traffic,11. 邮递员(n. ) _ 12. 帽子(n. ) _ 13. 手套(n. ) _ 14. produce(v. ) _(n. )产品 答案: 11. postman 12. cap 13. glove 14. product,. 短语互译 1. 不论; 无论 _ 2. 交通事故 _ 3. 美国品牌 _ 4. 移动电话 _ 5. everyday things _ 6. high-technology products _ 答案: 1. no matter 2. traffic accident 3. American brands 4. mobile phone 5. 日常用品 6. 高科技产品,. 句型填词 1. 无论你买什么, 你可能会想到那些产品是在那些国家制造的。 _ _ what you may buy, you might think those produ
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