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第2讲整齐有致的并列句 由两个或两个以上不分主次、相互独立的简单句构成的句子叫并列句。并列句通过并列连词、连接副词和分号三种方式连接起来。一、常见的并列连词类型连词并列或递进关系and,both.and.,not only.but also.,neither.nor.转折关系but,yet,however,while选择关系or,otherwise,or else,either.or.,not.but.因果关系for,so,therefore,thus,hence对比关系while(1)A seminar leader shared her success storyshe had not only lost 125 pounds,but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.一位培训会领导者分享了她的成功故事她不仅减掉了125磅的体重,而且为无家可归的儿童募集了25 000美元。(2017天津)(2)Some compromises were unavoidable,but the video turned out perfect.一些妥协是不可避免的,但是这个视频结果是完美的。(2017北京)(3)Take the chance,or else you will regret it.抓住这次机会,否则你会后悔的。(4)Id better take an umbrella,for it is going to rain.我最好带把伞,因为天快要下雨了。(5)“We love Mexican churros,so I buy them on my phone from my local Mexican takeaway restaurant,” she explains.“我们喜欢墨西哥油条,所以我就从当地的墨西哥外卖餐馆用手机点了外卖,”她解释说。(2018全国)(6)I have no money to spend,while you have nothing to spend money on.我没钱可花,而你却有钱无处花。即时训练1用适当的并列连词填空1.In my opinion,everyone here is a member of our big family and we learn a lot from each other.(2016天津)2.He is a shy man,but he is not afraid of anything or anyone.3.He told me his story in private,so nobody else knew what had happened to him.4.Although my grandfather is very old,yet he is leading an active life.5.Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years,while rice has increased only 7 percent.(2018全国)6.Dont turn off the computer before closing all programs,or you could have problems.二、并列句的常见句型1.either.or.要么要么It had also given me a choice,either to leave that page blank or to keep writing the story with hope.这也给了我一个选择,要么把那页纸留作空白,要么怀着希望继续写故事。(2018江苏)2.not only.but also.不但而且Not only are books shared but also it can build up a bridge connecting readers from different parts of the world as well.书籍不仅被分享,而且它还能建立一个联系世界各地读者的桥梁。(2015重庆)3.not.but.不是而是She did not ask others to help her,but finished the whole work by herself that day.那天她没有叫别人帮忙,而是自己完成了所有的工作。4.for.因为We listened eagerly,for he brought news of our families.我们急不可待地听着,因为他带来了我们家人的消息。5.therefore.所以Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable;therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap with conversation.沉默可能被某些文化群体视为极其不舒服,因此,可以尝试用对话来填补每一个间隙。(2016全国)6.while.而/然而/但是It is beneficial to some people,while it puts others into a dilemma over whether to vote or not.这对一些人是有好处的,却使其他人处于是否投票的两难境地。(2016江苏)7.祈使句/名词词组and/or/otherwise陈述句(1)Keep in mind and gradually we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.记住它,逐渐地我们就能养成这个好的学习习惯并从中受益。(2)A few more minutes,and she will do it much better.再给她几分钟,她会做得更好的。(3)Work harder,or/otherwise you will fail in the next exam.学习再努力一些,否则下次考试你会不及格的。8.when.这时(1)I was walking to school this morning when I heard someone call me.今天早上我步行去上学,这时我听到有人喊我。(2)I was about to give up when my parents encouraged me to go on.我正要放弃,这时我的父母鼓励我坚持下去。(3)She had just arrived home when her mother asked her to play the piano.她刚刚到家,她妈妈就让她弹钢琴。即时训练2用并列句完成句子1.两周过去了,我们的交流活动结束了。(2016天津)Two weeks went by,andourexchangeactivitiesended.2.它不仅影响我们的日常生活,而且可能也会威胁人们的生命安全。(2015江苏)It not only affects our everyday life,butmayalsothreatenpeopleslives.3.虽然她是一个普通妇女,但是她确实值得尊敬。 She is an ordinary woman butsheisreallyworthrespecting.4.设法经常表扬你的孩子,这样你就会发现他们乐意向你敞开心扉。 Find ways to praise your children often,andyouwillfind they are willing to open their hearts to you.5.我们刚开始工作机器就坏了。We hadjustbegun to work when the machine broke down.三、在写作中使用并列句时的常见错误1.because和so,although/though和but使用不当2.when和while误用综合演练.用并列句完成句子1.微笑不仅使我们高兴,而且也使别人放松。Smiling can notonlymakeushappy,butalsomakeothersrelaxed.2.我的老师们对我不满意,所以那时我甚至想离开学校。My teachers werent satisfied with me,soIevenwantedtoleavemyschoolthen.3.他自己去看电影了,因为我上周看过了。He went to see the film by himself,for/becauseIsawitlastweek.4.快点,否则足球赛我们会迟到的。Be quick,or/otherwisewellbelateforthefootballmatch.5.我的好朋友很细心,而他的哥哥非常粗心。My good friend is very careful whilehisbrotherisverycareless.6.在周末,我爷爷不是待在家里,而是去公园散步。On weekends my grandfather doesnt stay at home,butgoesforawalkinthepark.7.你可以去买或借这本书用来作研究。Youcaneitherbuyorborrow the book for your research.8.我正和我的老朋友说话,这时我的手机响了。I was talking with my old friend whenmysmartphonerang.按要求完成下列各题(一)用并列句翻译句子9.上周日我们去野营,一路上非常兴奋。WewentcampinglastSundayandwewereveryexcitedalltheway.10.我们不但带着食物和水,还画了一张地图。Notonlydidwebringsomefoodandwater,butwealsodrewamap.11.我们不是去玩, 而是去探索些什么。Wedidntgotoplay,butwenttoexploresomething.12.我们在森林里走着时,天突然开始下雨了。Wewerewalkingintheforestwhenitbegantorain.13.我们正要出去时,雨下得更大了。Wewereabouttowalkoutwhenitrainedmoreheavily.14.后来雨停了,所以我们从洞里走了出来。Latertherainstopped,sowewalkedoutofthecave.(二)把上述句子连成一
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