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Unit 1 Stay Healthy!,Lesson 4 Dont smoke, please!,Dont smoke, please!,smoke harmful disease lung harm breathe public law,v. 吸烟 n. 烟 adj. 有害的;导致损害的 n. 病;疾病 n. 肺 v. & n. 伤害;损害 v. 呼吸 adj. 公共的;大众的 n. 法律,Words and,Expressions,cigarette whenever risk somebody,n. 香烟;卷烟 conj. 在任何的时候 无论何时 n. 危险;风险 pron. 有人;某人,Words and,Expressions,Look and say,smoke,v. 吸烟 n. 烟,Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽根烟你介意吗?,No smoking! Dont smoke!,Look and say,harmful,adj. 有害的; 导致损害的,Polluted air and water are harmful to peoples health.,受到污染的空气和水,对人的健康是有害的。,harm v. n 伤害;损害 harm oneself =hurt oneself 伤害某人自己 Be careful not to harm/hurt yourself. 当心不要伤到你自己。,Look and say,lung,Smoking can cause lung cancer.,吸烟会引起肺癌。,n. 肺,Look and say,Law,Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.,每个公民都可以要求受到法律的保护。,n. 法律,Look and say,public,adj. 公共的;大众的,in public 当众.公开,Dont spit in public.,Why is smoking harmful?,Smoking is bad for your health. It can causes diseases of the heart and lungs. Every year, millions of people around thw world die as a result of smoking. Thats terrible! If you smoke, You harm yourself, and youre also harming the people around you with your second-hand smoke. Smoking pollutes the environment, too. Everyone wants to live in a clean environment and breathe fresh air. In many countries, smoking in public places in now against the law.,What should we do?,Never touch cigarettes. Whenever someone offers you a cigarette, you shoud alway say no. Dont take that risk. When somebody talks about smoking, change the topic. If your family members smoke, encourage them to stop smoking. It will be hard for them, But you should try explaining how important it is for their health. Eat more fruits anf vegetables, do more exercise, and form good habits.,Read the passage and fill in the blanks.,health,diseases,pollutes,harmful,1,Read the passage and fill in the blanks.,touch,topic,Encourage,vegetables,exercise,habits,1,Read the following sentences and pay attention to the modal verb should. Then give advice for each problem using should.,1. I have a very bad toothache! You should go to see a dentist.,2. My new bicycle was stolen. You should call 110.,3. My bedroom is a mess. You should tidy it up.,2,Read the following sentences and pay attention to the modal verb should. Then give advice for each problem using should.,4. My computer is broken. I cant work without it. You should ask someone to fix it.,5. I was late for school this morning, and my teacher was angry with me. You should get up early and never be late again.,Language points,Smoking is bad for your health.,1.be bad for 有害于某人或某事,吸烟有害健康。,= be harmful to/ do harm to 反义词组:be good for”对有益”,Eating too much junk food is bad for our health. 吃太多垃圾食品对身体有害。 Reading in bed is bad for your eyes. 在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。,2.动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数,Millions of people around the world die as a result of smoking.,世界上数百万人因为吸烟而死亡。,1.Millions of “数百万的” We plant millions of trees every year. 我们每年种植数百万的树。,*当million 前有基数词,表达确数时,无论基数词时什么,million永远用单数形式。 three million 三百万 ten million 一千万 *hundred (百),thousand (千)billion (十亿)的用法与million相同。,2.as a result of 因此;由于;作为的结果, 后边接名词或代词,He was late as a result of the snow. 因为下雪,他迟到了。,as a result 单独使用,后边一般用逗号隔开,并且不能连接两个句子。 He worked hard at his study. As a result ,he passed the exam easily. 他在学习上很刻苦,结果他很容易地通过了考试。,In many countries, smoking in public places is now against the law.,against 时介词,后接名词、代词或动词 be against 反对 be for 支持,当今在很多国家,在公共场合吸烟是违法的行为。,We are all against his idea.我们都反对他的想法。,Are you for or against the plan? 你支持还是反对这项计划?,against 还意为“靠着;顶着;迎着” He stood with his back against the door.他靠着门站着。,Whenever someone offers you a cigarette, you should always say no.无论何时有人向你提供香烟,你应该总是说不。,1.whenever 连词,“无论何时;在任何的时候”=no matter when,引导让步状语从句。,You can ask for help whenever you need it.无论何时你需要帮助,你可以提出来。,类似的合成词: whatever= no matter what无论什么 wherever =no matter where 无论哪里 however =no matter how 不管怎样,_ I am in trouble, my best friend Li Lei always helps me. A.Whenever B.Whatever C.However D.Never,2. offer 用作及物动词,“(主动)拿给,给予”可接双宾语offer sb. sth= offer sth. to sb.“向某人提供某物” The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus .,3. try doing sth.试着做某事,试验做某事 try to do设法做某事,尽力做某事 Why dont you try riding a bike to school? 为什么不试着骑自行车去学校呢? Im trying to learn English well. 我正在努力学好英语。,Language points,It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs.,cause v. 造成;引起 n. 原因;起因,它可以导致心脏病和肺病。,I have no cause to question his honesty. 我没有理由怀疑他的诚实。,The fire caused much damage. 火灾招致重大损失。,Dont take that risk.,take a risk 意为“冒险” take the risk of doing sth. “冒险做”,不要冒险。,I didnt want to take the risk of leaving John alone. 我不想冒险把约翰单独留下。,Dont take any risks just ring the police. 不要冒险行事给警察打电话吧。,Once you get into the habit of smoking, its not easy to give it up.,get/fall into the habit of 养成习惯,一旦你养成吸烟的习惯,就很难戒掉。,George has got into the habit of going to bed late. 乔治养成了晚睡的习惯。,give up “放弃” 若宾语为人称代词,则必须放在give和up 之间。 Believe yourself .Dont give it up.,Give up doing sth. “放弃做某事 He gave up smoking at
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