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,FASHIONS IN OUR LIVES,hoop skirt,long skirt,short skirt,mini- skirt,Tanned Mr Gu,“I want to be brown in the sun“,beauties in Tang Dynasty,Want to Lose weight !,Fashion is not only the custom in dress, but refers to manners, speech and lifestyle. We surely know that fashion exists on every level in the world:there are fashionable ways and places to travel.,There are fashionable things to eat;there are fashion in flowers,slang,music, sizes of families,lifestyles, and so on.All of these fashions arrive,become accepted ,disappear into oblivion,only to reappear down stream once again to be recycled into new successes.,cosmetic surgery,blonde hair miniskirt high-heeled boots,bungee jumping,spa,body piercing,FASHION,Fashion is always changing,Fashion is a way to express yourself,Fashion is a way of life,Fashion is to catch peoples eye,Fashion is different and cool,Discussion time,1. Faced with so many fashions, will you choose all of them, why?,2. List some of the factors that may influence your choices on fashion?,3. What is fashion in your mind ?,Unit 3 Reading,Language points,1、presentation n. 报告,讲座,Practice: 经理简单介绍了一下活动的情况。,The manager gave a short presentation about the activity.,2. illustrate v. (用实物,图片等)解释,说明,配上插图,The teacher illustrated the theory with many examples.,Practice: 老师用很多例子解释说明这条理论。,The teacher used many examples to illustrate the theory.,3. object n. 物件,目的,对象,宾语,(1) UFO:,Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物,(2)Whats your object in coming here? (3)A transitive verb (及物动词) must be followed by an object in a sentence. (4)Can you name (说出名字) all the objects in the room? (5)The headmaster has been the object of much criticism(批评,指责 ).,目的,宾语,物件,对象,4.afford v. (和can, could, be able to连用) 出得起,卖得起,经得起,谁买得起这幢房子? 他拿不出这么多钱。 她不能失去她的丈夫。,Who could afford (to buy) the house?,He cant afford so much money.,She cant afford to lose her husband.,5.keen adj. 渴望的;锋利的;敏锐的,He is keen to go to Yunnan for holidays.,(3)be keen to do sth. 渴望做某事,(1)锋利的刀刃,(2)敏锐的嗅觉,a knife with a keen edge a keen sense of smell,My brother is keen on detective stories. He is keen on going abroad for further studies.,(4)热衷于,(5)迫切想,6.At first sight, the problem is easy to solve. He smiles at the sight of his lovely daughter. The beautiful sunset is in / within sight. Out of sight, out of mind. I caught sight of my old friend in the supermarket yesterday.,乍一看,一看到,可以看见,眼不见,心不烦。,看到,Compare:,scenery:,scene:,view:,sight:,landscape:,some beautiful scenery,【U】 自然景色 (强调整个风景),【C】1、景色,风景(强调片段) 2、(戏剧或电影中的)场景,场面,(从高处或远处)看到的风景,a birds-eye view 鸟瞰,名胜,奇观,【C】 风景,景色(指陆地上的),on the scene 在现场,1、The flowers are a lovely _ in spring. 2、The first _ of the play is the Kings palace. 3、The _ from my bedroom window is a beautiful garden. 4、The _ of our country is beautiful. 5、The mountain areas in Wales have got a very beautiful _.,sight,scene,view,landscape,scenery,7. appreciate v. 欣赏;理解,感激,appreciation n. 感谢;欣赏,appreciate music / good wine I appreciate your reasons for objecting to the proposal. I really appreciate all you have done for me.,欣赏音乐/品尝美酒,理解,感激,I would appreciate it very much if you could/would do me a favor.,如果, 我将不胜感激,Practice: 如果你能把收音机调小一点,我将不胜感激。,I would appreciate it very much if you would/could turn down the radio?,appreciate doing,Practice: 我很感激你帮我渡过难关。,I appreciated your helping me overcome the difficulties.,8、worth adj. 值得的,be (well) worth doing sth.,(很)值得做某事,Practice: 这个报告很值得一听。,This report was well worth listening to.,Practice: 长城很值得一游。,The Great Wall is worth a visit.,This book is worth $20.,Practice: 这本书值20美元。,be worth +钱/ n.,Compare: worth worthy worthwhile,be worthy of being done to be done,It is worthwhile to do sth.,Practice: 这个报告很值得一听。,The report is worthy of being listened to. The book is worthy to be listened to. It is worthwhile to listen to this report.,9.remind v.使想起,提醒,The song reminded me of / about my childhood. The note reminded me that I forgot to return the books. Please remind me to call Jane after lunch.,10. possession n. 财物,拥有,She lost all her possessions in the fire.,Practice: 在他父亲死后,他拥有了这幢房子。,After his father died, he had possession of the house.,财产,拥有物,he was in possession of the house.,Sb. has possession of sth. Sb. is in possesion of sth,某物在某人手中/由某人掌握,Sth is in the possession of sb. = sth. is in sbs possession,Practice: 在他父亲死后,他拥有了这幢房子。,After his father died, the house was in the possession of him.,2. fashion n. (服装等的)式样 ,一时的风尚,(1)Fashion changes with the times. (2)fashion show (3)Dyeing hair blonde is in fashion now. (4)Id like to follow the fashion. (5)The skirt is / goes out of fashion / old-fashioned . (6) She looked funny in that old-fashioned coat.,时装表演,=comes into fashion,正时兴,正流行,赶时髦,随大流,过时的,老式的,fashionable adj.时髦的,时兴的,Its fashionable to go abroad for holiday.,做是时髦的,3. wear v.,I like the way she wears her hair. He wore a short beard(胡子 ) / false teeth. The little girl wore a happy smile.,(1)把头发梳成某种样式,(2)留着短胡子
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