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A short history of western painting,Reading,Unit 1 Art,What do we call these things?,paintings,Warming up,1. If you could have three of these paintings on the walls for your classroom, which would you choose? Discuss your reason.,Look at the paintings. Discuss in groups:,Can you name some famous painting and painters?,Look at the paintings. (Western Paintings),Can you match the painting and the painters?,Monet,Can you tell the ages of the paintings?,Xu Beihong,Who are your favorite painters from China?,Qi Baishi,Zhang Daqian,Why do you like them? for their painting is very vivid, or their paintings show the real life of the nature or the people in the old days.,Comparison of Western and Chinese painting.,Time Western Chinese,5th to 15th century AD,15th to 16th century,Late 19th century to early 20th century,20th century to today,Which do you think has a greater change? Why?,Lets know some famous Western artists!,Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳,犹大之吻,Giotto di Bondone (1267 - 1337). Florentine painter and architect. He was recognized as the first genius of art in the Italian Renaissance. Giotto lived and worked at a time when peoples minds and talents were first being freed from the shackles of medieval restraint. He dealt largely in the traditional religious subjects, but he gave these subjects an earthly, full-blooded life and force.,Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519),Michelangelo Bounaroti (14751564) 米开朗基罗,Creation of Adam,Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520) 拉斐尔,The School of Athens,Masaccio(1401-1427), the first great painter of the Italian Renaissance, whose innovations in the use of scientific perspective inaugurated the modern era in painting.,Madonna with Child and Angels,Crucifixion,Masaccio的作品:,凡高向日葵,1. lifelike, true to life 2. being in thought but having a physical or practical existence,a. realistic b. abstract,Match the words with the correct meanings: A B,3. classical, of old beliefs 4. accurate, minute 5. sincere to believe in a god or gods,c. detailed d. religious e. traditional,圣母与圣婴,天使报喜 织锦画,The Middle Ages,Compare the two paintings,圣母子中世纪,蒙娜丽莎文艺复兴,Gods are painted,People are painted.,the Renaissance,Impressionism,莫瑞桥-阿尔弗莱德西斯莱,赛艇-局斯塔夫卡耶博特,蓬图瓦兹. 埃尔米塔日的坡地 -卡米耶毕沙罗,Modern Art,戴帽的自画像-塞尚作 被称为”现代艺术的起源”,Fast reading,Whats the main idea of the text ?,The style of Western art has changed a lot with time going by.,2.How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they?,Four. They are: The Middle Ages, The Renaissance, Impressionism and Modern art.,What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century AD? Creating _ and _ for God. 2. How did Masaccio paint his paintings? He drew things in_, which makes pictures very _.,respect,love,perspective,realistic,Skimming,3. Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly? Because the natural light _ quickly, they had to _ quickly.,changes,paint,1. Which of the following statements is true? A. Paintings in Middle Ages were very realistic. B. Western art has changed a lot since the 5th century. C. Impressionist paintings were painted mainly indoors. D. Modern art began in the Renaissance.,Scanning,2. At first most people hated the impressionists style of painting, because _. their painting were very abstract. their painting were very realistic. They broke away from the traditional style of painting. D. their paintings were very ridiculous.,3. In the Renaissance, painters_. Painted religious scenes in a more realistic style. B. focused more on religion than on humans. C. began to paint outdoors. D. returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art.,4. _discovered how to make paintings look more real by using perspective. Giotto di Bondone. Masaccio. Claude Monet. D. Pablo Picasso,5. According to the text, art is influenced less likely by _. A. social changes B. the way of life C. agriculture D. beliefs of people 6. When did people focus more on people and less on religion? From 5th to 15th century AD. From 15th to 16th century. C. From late 19th to early 20th century. D. From 20th century to today.,7. Most people hate the impressionists style of painting at first because they thought _. A. their paintings were very abstract B. their paintings were very realistic C. they broke away from the traditional style of painting D. their paintings were very ridiculous,8. What does the text mainly tell us? How religious painting developed. How oil painting developed. How impressionist painting developed. D. How western art developed.,Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.,The Middle Ages,religious,people and nature,Masaccio,early 20th century,light and shadow,ridiculous,Modern art,qualities,abstract,Detailed Reading: True or False,1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries. 2. Painters in the Middle Ages did not use perspective. 3. Impressionists painted landscapes. 4. You cannot recognize any
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