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四年级英语上册第六单元检测题 (一)Class _Name_Marks_1 看图,在横线上选填表示各家庭成员的字母标号A. father B.grangdmother C.uncle D.aunt E.grandfather F.sister G.mother H.cousin2 请英汉小朋友手牵手cousin parents uncle aunt baby brother父母 叔叔,舅舅 同辈表亲或堂亲 婴儿小弟弟 姑姑,婶,阿姨3 选择( )1.下列单词中画线字母读音与其他两项不同的是_. A. use B.us C.mum( )2.My family _ five people.A. have B.has C.to have( )3.They are my _.A. parent B.parents C.father( )4.How many apples are there _ the tree?A. on B.in C.at( )4.There are three people in my family.They are my father,my mother and _. A.we B.my C.me4 为英语句子选出相应的翻译。( )1.This is my baby brother. A. 那只有七个。( )2.Meet my family. B. 他们是我的父母( )3.They are my parents. C.这是我的婴儿小弟弟。( )4.There are three people in my family. D.见一下我的家人。( )5.Thats only seven. E.我家有三口人。5 根据图片选择单词填一填 me family five 1. Whats this? Its a picture of my _.2. How many people are there in your family? There are_.3. Who are they?My grandpa ,my grandma ,my parents and _.6 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。( )1.A.doctor B.driver C.father( )2.A.mother B.farmer C.sister( )3.A.aunt B.nurse C.teacher( )4.A.job B.doctor C.teacher ( )5.A.father B.cook C.mother7 看图,将下列单词与对应的图片连起来。 A.doctor B.teacher C. nurse D.farmer E.football player F.driver3 读句子选出职业名称,将其字母标号填入空内A.teacher B.doctor C.driver D.cook F.farmer1. A _ cures(治愈)people.2. A _ teaches(教) students.3. A _ cooks dinner.4. A _ drives cars.5. A _ has a farm.4 为问句选择正确答语.。( )1.Who are they? A.Yes,she is ( )2.How many books are there on the desk? B.No,he is a doctor.( )3.Whats his job? C.Six( )4.Is he a teacher? D.They are my parents.( ) 5.Is she your aunt? E.He is a driver.5 连词成句1.your , this , uncle ,Is (?)2. is,He , a , player , football (.)3. job, mothers ,What, your ,is (?)4.Uncle , a , My, is , cook (.)5.Five , There , people ,my ,in ,are, family (.)6 根据语境选择合适的单词完成句子。 uncle aunt driver teacher farmer 1. My _ is my mothers sister.2. My _ is my fathers brother.3. Johns mother is a _. She teaches many students.4. Sarahs brother is a _. He can drive cars(开车)。5. Amys grandfather is a _.He works on the farm.(农场)7 选择( )1.Look _ these pictures. A.out B.at C.on( )2. These are photos _ my family A.up B.on C.of( )3.Hello,everyone.Welcome _ my home. A.for B.to C.at( )4.My aunt is _ nurse . A.a B.an C./( )5.Whats your _ job? A.father B.fathers C.fathers八在正确的翻译后面打1. 你的母亲是做什么工作的?Who is your mother? ( )Whats your mothers job? ( )2. 他是一名教师。He is a teacher ( ) He is a doctor. ( )3. 那是谁?Whos that ? ( ) Whats that? ()4. 我是一名学生。 I is a student. ( ) I am a student.( )5. 这是迈克的叔叔吗? Is this Mikes uncle ? ( ) Is this Mike uncle? ( )九选一选,写一写driver nurse teacher student farmer1. This is my mother.She is a _.2. Whats your father? Hes a _.3. Is this your friend? Yes,hes a _.4. Is the woman your aunt? Yes,shes a_.5. Whats your uncles job? Hes a _.十给下列问题选出合适的答语( )1.How many people are there in your family? A.No,she isnt.( )2.Whats your father? B.They are my dad,my mom and me.( )3.Is she a cook? C.No,he isnt.( ) 4.Who are they ? D.Hes a teacher.( )5. Is this your uncle? E.Four十一选出正确的中文意思( )1.书桌上有多少本书?( )2.那是李强的父亲。( )3.你的姑姑是做什么工作的?( )4.这是你的小弟弟吗?( )5.在我家有四口人。A. Whats your aunts job? B.How many books are there on the desk? B. C.There are four people are there in my family. D.Thats Li Qians father. C. E.Is this your baby brother.十二阅读短文,判断对错,用或表示。 There are five people in my family,my grandfather, my father, my mother ,my brother and me.My grandfather is farmer.He has a big farm.My father is worker(工人)。He works (工作)in a factory(工厂)。My mother is a teacher.She is very friendly.My brother is driver.I am a student.I have no job.( )1.There are five people
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