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Unit 2 RobotsPartI : Words 一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit2的所有单词和词组;2. 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词词组;3. 会熟练运用重点单词和词组。二、【自主预习】: Word-formation1. assessment (n.)_(vt. ) 评定;评价 2. desire (n. vt.) _ (adj.)令人向往的3. declare (vt.) _(n.)宣布;声明4. theoretical (adj.) _ (n.)理论;原理;学说 5. obey (vt.)_ (n.) 服从,顺从_ (opp.)不服从;违抗6. sympathy (n.) _(adj.) 同情的;共鸣的 7. favour (n. vt.)_ (adj.) 有利的,赞成的8. alarm (vt. n.) _ (adj.)惊人的,吓人的_ (adj.) 担心的,害怕的 9. satisfaction (n.) _ (vt.) 使满意_ (adj.) 令人满意的 _ (adj.)感到满意的_ (adj.)满意的;符合要求的10. accompany (vt.) _ (n.) 作伴;陪伴13. affection (n.) _ (vt.) 影响;感动14. imagination (n.) _ (vt.) 想象15. junior (adj.) _ (oppo.) 较高等的;上等的 16. receive (vt.) _ (n.) 接收者;接收器;听筒三、【基础知识】Key words and expressions 1. desire n. _ vt _【研读思考】(1) I have no desire to discuss the question. (2) He had a strong desire for success. (3) She desired to marry a rich man. (4) He desired us to leave soon. (5) A majority of the people desire peace rather than battles. (6) We desire that she (should) type the letter at once. 【结构归纳】1.迫切想要做某事 _2.迫切想要得到某物 _ 3. 渴望做某事_4.想要某人做某事 _5.渴望. _【实战演练】1). 我们希望得到快速的答复。(immediate)_2). In the orphanage ,he desired _.adopt)在孤儿院,他渴望被收养。 3) . People there desired that _ . (treat)那里的人们渴望平等地对待。4).The boy expressed his desire in his diary _ other students in the final exam. (catch)这个男孩在日记中表达了强烈的愿望,即在期末考试中他要赶上其他的学生。2. alarm n._ v. _【研读思考】(1) Sound the alarm in case of fire. (2) I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.(3) I didnt take alarm at the news.(4) Whats up? he asked in alarm.(5) The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm.(6) Dont be alarmed. I am no robber.(7) The government is alarmed at/by the dramatic increase in violent crime. (8) I dont want to alarm you, but theres a strange man in your garden. 【结构归纳】1.拉响警报_ 2.发出警报_ 3.对感到吃惊,惊恐_ 4.惊恐地_ 5.虚惊一场 _ 6.被吓了一跳_ 7.惊吓某人, 使某人害怕_【实战演练】完成句子+语法填空+改错1). If these alarms_(没有被拉响), we might not have gotten out in time. (sound)2). We have, over _ last twenty-five years, seen an _(alarm) decline in the number of beekeepers. 3). There is nothing to get alarming about, for it is common in our daily life.3. favor n._ vt _【研读思考】(1) A mother shouldnt show too much favor to one of her children. _(2) The boy did her the great favor to fetch the basket. _(3) The talks about the East Sea between China and Japan are in our favor. _(4) In their discussion,I was in favor of Mr Black. _(5) Fortune favors the brave. _(6) The weather favored our voyage. _ (7) We favor Johns plan. _【结构归纳】1.偏袒某人_(n)2.帮某人一个忙_(v)3.对某人有利_(n) 4.支持,赞同_(n)5.偏袒,偏爱_(v) 6.对某人有利 _(v)7.支持,赞同_(v)【思考】表示支持,赞成时我们还可以用_、_、_等。【实战演练】1).The question is (他们是否支持) my suggestion. (favor)2). A great thing has happened _(对我们有利). Nobody must spoil it. 3). _(劳驾) and turn the radio down while Im on the phone, will you?4. accompany v. _【研读思考】(1) As he was not allowed to accompany her to shops,he wrote out a list of items for her (2) The singer was accompanied at the piano by his pupil.(3) The old granny was accompanied by her grandson. (4) The storm is accompanied with thunder.(5) The speaker accompanied his speech with gestures.【结构归纳】1.陪伴某人去_ 2.用 给某人伴奏_3.由.陪伴/随同_ 4.伴随,与.同时发生_【延伸拓展】company n. _ companion n._(1) I hate going out alone: I take my daughter for company .(2) His father asked hi
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