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Unit4 Global WarmingPart I : Words 一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit4的所有单词和词组;2. 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词词组;3. 会熟练运用重点单词和词组。二、【自主预习】: Word-formation1. consume (v.) _(n.) 消费,消耗 _(n.) 消费者2. phenomenon (n.) _(复数) 现象3. subscribe (vi, vt.) _(n. ) 同意,赞成,订阅,捐赠4. tend (vi, vt.) _ (n.) 倾向,趋势5. oppose (v. ) _ (adj.) 反对的,对立的 6. environmental (adj.) _ (n.) 环境_ (n.) 环境保护论者7. consequence (n.) _(adj.) 随之发生的,作为结果的_(adv.) 因此,结果8. state (v. ) _ (n.) 声明,陈述,说明,表白9. steady (adj. ) _(adv. ) 平稳地,持续地10. existence (n.) _(v. ) 生存,存在11. pollution (n.) _(v. ) 污染_(adj.) 受到污染的12. electrical (adj. ) _(n. ) 电13. educator (n.) _(v.) 教育_(n.) 教育14. contribution (n.) _(v. ) 贡献15. presentation (n.) _(v. ) 展示,呈现,显示16. disagreement (n.) _(v.) 不同意,不赞成_(反义词n.) _(反义词n.)三、【基础知识】Key words and expressions 1. tend v. _【研读思考】(1) She tends to get angry when others disagree with her.(2) Women tends to live longer than men.(3) She tended (to) her husband carefully during his illness. = _(4) He has a tendency to/towards suicide(自杀).(5) The situation is showing a tendency to improve.【结构归纳】1. 易于/倾向于/往往做_ 2. 照顾;护理某人_3. 有做某事的倾向_【实战演练】(1) _ in the town in summer. 这座城市往往夏天雨水多。(2) Religion is personal and I _. 宗教是个人私事,我倾向于不谈论它。(3) Nowadays _ to shop on the internet. 如今,网上购物有增长的趋势。2. oppose v. _【研读思考】(1) Many people opposed the idea of building a new highway because of the great cost.(2) The parents strongly opposed their daughter going there alone.(3) Leaders of many countries oppose military action against Iraq.(4) We are firmly/strongly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.(5) As modern university students, we should be opposed to the feudal ideology.【结构归纳】1. 反对某人/某事_ 2. 反对(某人)做某事_3. 反对/与对立_ 【实战演练】(1) My father _ because the streets are full of people.我父亲强烈反对星期天购物,因为大街上满是人。(2) Father worries about my study, even though he didnt _ a football team. (establish) 父亲担心我的学习,尽管他没有反对我们组建足球队。3. range n._ v. _【研读思考】(1) There is a wide range of energy sources in this country. _(2) There is a full range of activities for children. _(3) We only sell toys suitable for children in pre-school age range. _(4) The cat stayed well out of range of the children. _(5) The child was now out of her range of vision. _(6) A high mountain range runs from east to west. _(7) The spectators ranged themselves along the route of the parade. _(8) The temperature here ranges from 15 to 35. _【结构归纳】1. 各种各样的/一系列的_ 2. 超出的范围_3. 在某人的视线范围外_ 4. 在到范围间变化_【实战演练】1. The restaurant has become popular for _ that suit all tastes and pockets. 这家餐馆因为它的能满足各种口味和价格的食物而变得受欢迎。2. She has had a number of different jobs, _. 她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到清洁工。4. average adj. _ n_ v._【研读思考】(1) There is nothing special about him; he is only average. (2) Toms work at school is above (the) average; while Harrys is below (the) average.(3) On (the) average people who dont smoke are healthier than people who do.(4) An average of 100,000 people die of traffic accidents in our country every year.(5) Prices have risen by an average of 4%over the past year.(6) The average winter temperature in Yichang is about 5.(7) The cost should average out at about 6$ per person.【结构归纳】1. 高于/低于平均水平_ 2. 平均地/通常 _3. 平均有_ 4. 平均数达_(算出的平均数_)【实战演练】(1) _ visit the Great Wall every day. 平均每天有三千多人参观长城。5. come about _【研读思考】(1) How did it come about that she married a poor man like that?(2) I will never understand how it came about that you made such a mistake.(3) Many scientists believe that global warming has come about through the burning of fossil fuels.【延伸拓展】(1) come across _ (2) come
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