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选修六,Unit 5 The power of nature,.情景默写 1.Has the patient been _ (洗澡)? 2.Cold as it was,the climb had _ (使出汗)him. 3.It also has great _ (潜力)for development. 4.He was _ (射中)in the leg during an armed robbery. 5.The flight was _ (取消)owing to the heavy fog. 6.The whole house _ (摇晃)as the train went by. 7.Look after my daughtershes very _ (珍贵的)to me.,bathed,sweated,potential,shot,cancelled,trembled,precious,8.She was the perfect _ (候选人)for a biography. 9.These styles can be adapted to _ (适合)individual tastes. 10.There was a butchers shop _ (在旁边)the theatre. 11.This statement must be understood in the context of the entire _ (文件). 12.People talk as if he was a monsterin _ (实际)fact he was a very kind guy. 13.We cannot _ (保证)the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather. 14.I was really sorry when he _ (挥手)us goodbye.We wanted him to remain here. 15.After work,I usually _ (匆匆看)newspapers,and listen to the news on radio or watch TV.,candidate,suit,alongside,document,actual,guarantee,waved,glance through,16.Attracting senior citizens,Florida _ (是的栖息地)the largest population of elder Americans. 17.Even though he is a little boy,he _ (有的天赋)playing musical instruments. 18.As soon as he saw his girlfriend Helen,Jack _ (前往)through the crowd to greet her. 19.By the time the fire engines arrived,the house had been _(全部焚毁). 20._ (与相比)other European countries,lifestyle in Italy is slower and more relaxing in its own way.,is home to,has a gift for,made his way,burned to the ground,Compared with,.词性转换 1.There have been several volcanic _ (erupt)this year. 2.I felt _ (comfortable)in my stomach because I ate too much. 3.It helps children to develop an _ (appreciate)of poetry and literature. 4.In our office,Jim is an _ (absolute)brilliant expert in computers,and he always solves the complex problems in a few minutes. 5.He was _ to leave and he could not hide his _.(anxious) 6.Tom _(panic) at the sound of explosion and his wife also got into a panic.,eruptions,uncomfortable,appreciation,absolutely,anxious,anxiety,panicked,7.Do you want to _ your intelligence? Just complete the _ from below,please.(evaluate) 8.Tom was badly hurt and still _ after the accident,but his wife was _ and was smiling to us _.(conscious) 9.People from _ cultures hold different understanding on the play and this _ of opinions make it hard to reach an agreement at the meeting.(diverse) 10.He was _ as manager of the company.But to everyones surprise,he didnt accept the _.(appoint),evaluate,evaluation,unconscious,conscious,consciously,diverse,diversity,appointed,appointment,1.句型公式:be about to do.when.意为“正要这时”,She _ she was stopped by her sister. 她刚要说话,被她姐姐拦住了。,2.句型公式:独立主格结构作原因状语,所有的票都卖完了,我们只好等着看下场演出。 _,we had to wait for the next show.,was about to speak when,All the tickets sold out,3.句型公式:Its said that.意为“据说”,据说他由于在某个知名微博上传播谣言已被逮捕。 _ for spreading rumors on a certain popular microblog.,4.句型公式:现在分词的完成式作状语,有人带领我们参观了这所大学后,我们又被带到了许多科学家工作的大楼。 _,we then were taken to a building,where many scientists worked.,It was said that he had been arrested,Having been shown around the university,1.appoint vt.任命;委派;指定;约定,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子 The time _ (appoint)for the meeting was 10:30 am. I was appointed _ (take)charge of arranging all the activities on that day. They appointed him _ captain of the team.,appointed,to take,as,状元笔记全记牢,(1)appoint sb.as/to be.任命某人为 appoint sb.to do.委派某人做某事 appoint a time/place for为约定时间/地点 (2)appointment n.任命;约会 by appointment按照约定 make/have/fix an appointment with sb.与某人预约,Xiaoli _ the manager and arrived _. Later,he _ an important post. 小李和经理预约并在约定的时间到达。后来他被任命担任一个重要的职务。,made an appointment with,at the appointed time,was appointed to hold,2.suit n.一套外衣;套装 vt.适合;使适宜,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子 A good teacher suits his lessons _ the age of his pupils. Jim and Mary seem _ (suit)to each other,in spite of their quarrels. If not,let me know _. 如果不方便,请告诉我什么时间最适合你。 These crayons _ in very hot weather. 这些彩色蜡笔不适合在很热的天气里使用。,to,suited,what time suits you best,are not suitable to use,状元笔记全记牢,(1)a suit of clothes一套衣服 (2)suit.to.使适合于 (3)suited adj.合适的,适当的 be suited to/for适合于;适宜于 (4)suitable adj.适当的;相配的 be suitable for sb./sth.适合于某人/某物 be suitable to do sth.适合做某事,3.anxious adj.担心的;忧虑的;焦急的,不安的,高考必刷题练透,单句语法填空/完成句子 I was anxious _ his safety when I heard the news of the train accident. At exactly eleven Sir Percival knocked and entered,with _ (anxious)a
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