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Exploring Marketing Research William G. Zikmund,Chapter 14: Attitude Scaling,Attitude,An enduring disposition to consistently respond in a given matter,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Attitudes as Hypothetical Constructs,The term hypothetical construct is used to describe a variable that is not directly observable, but is measurable by an indirect means such as verbal expression or overt behavior - attitudes are considered to be such variables.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Three Components of an Attitude,Affective Cognitive Behavioral,Affective,The feelings or emotions toward an object,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Cognitive,Knowledge and beliefs,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Behavioral,Predisposition to action Intentions Behavioral expectations,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Measuring Attitudes,Ranking Rating Sorting Choice,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,The Attitude Measuring Process,Ranking - Rank order preference Rating - Estimates magnitude of a characteristic Sorting - Arrange or classify concepts Choice - Selection of preferred alternative,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Ranking tasks require that the respondent rank order a small number of objects in overall performance on the basis of some characteristic or stimulus.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Rating asks the respondent to estimate the magnitude of a characteristic, or quality, that an object possesses. The respondents position on a scale(s) is where he or she would rate an object.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Sorting might present the respondent with several concepts typed on cards and require that the respondent arrange the cards into a number of piles or otherwise classify the concepts.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Choice between two or more alternatives is another type of attitude measurement - it is assumed that the chosen object is preferred over the other.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Physiological measures of attitudes provide a means of measuring attitudes without verbally questioning the respondent. for example, galvanic skin responses, measure blood pressure etc.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Simple Attitude Scaling,In its most basic form, attitude scaling requires that an individual agree with a statement or respond to a single question. This type of self-rating scale merely classifies respondents into one of two categories;,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Simplified Scaling Example,THE PRESIDENT SHOULD RUN FOR RE-ELECTION _ AGREE _ DISAGREE,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Category Scales,A category scale is a more sensitive measure than a scale having only two response categories - it provides more information. Questions working is an extremely important factor in the usefulness of these scales.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Example of Category Scale,How important were the following in your decision to visit San Diego (check one for each item) VERY SOMEWHAT NOT TOO IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT CLIMATE _ _ _ COST OF TRAVEL _ _ _ FAMILY ORIENTED _ _ _ EDUCATIONAL/ HISTORICAL ASPECTS _ _ _ FAMILIARITY WITH AREA _ _ _,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Method of Summated Ratings: The Likert Scale,An extremely popular means for measuring attitudes. Respondents indicate their own attitudes by checking how strongly they agree or disagree with statements. Response alternatives: “strongly agree”, “agree”, “uncertain”, “disagree”, and “strongly disagree”.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Likert Scale for Measuring Attitudes Toward Tennis,It is more fun to play a tough, competitive tennis match than to play an easy one. _Strongly Agree _Agree _Not Sure _Disagree _Strongly Disagree,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Likert Scale for Measuring Attitudes Toward Tennis Cont.,There is really no such thing as a tennis stroke that cannot be mastered. _Strongly Agree _Agree _Not Sure _Disagree _Strongly Disagree,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Playing tennis is a great way to exercise. _Strongly Agree _Agree _Not Sure _Disagree _Strongly Disagree,Likert Scale for Measuring Attitudes Toward Tennis Cont.,Copyright 2000 Harcourt, Inc. All rights reserved.,Semantic Differential,A series of seven-point bipolar rating scales. Bipolar adjectives, such as “good” and “bad”, anchor both ends (or poles) of
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