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PMP Preparation Training,Communications Management,Chapter 10,Source: pmbok guide 1996, 1999 Robbins-Gioia, Inc.,Communications Management,Communications Planning Information Distribution Performance Reporting Administrative Closure,Processes required to ensure timely and appropriate development, collection, dissemination, storage, and, ultimately, disposition of project information,Communication Management,10.1 Communications Planning,Planning,10.3 Performance Reporting,10.4 Administrative Closure,Controlling,10.2 Information Distribution,Closing,Executing,Communications Planning,Determining the information and communications needs of the stakeholders: who needs what information, when they will need it, and how it will be given to them,Communications Planning,Inputs Communications requirements Communication technology Constraints Assumptions,Tools & Techniques Stakeholder analysis,Outputs Communication management plan,Inputs,Communications requirements The sum of the information requirements of the project stakeholders Communication technology Used to transfer information back and forth among project elements Constraints Assumptions,Communications Planning,Tools & Techniques,Stakeholder analysis A method for developing a systematic and logical view of the information needs of the stakeholders and of the sources for meeting those needs,Communications Planning,Outputs,Communication management plan provides: Collection and filing structure Methods used to gather, update, and store various types of information Distribution structure Specifies to whom information will flow and what method will be used to distribute various types of information. Description of information to be distributed Includes format, content, level of detail, and conventions and definitions to be used Production schedules Show each type of communication Methods for accessing information Method of updating and refining the communication management plan as the project progresses,Communications Planning,Information Distribution,Includes implementing the communications management plan, as well as responding to unexpected requests for information,Making needed information available to project stakeholders in a timely manner,Information Distribution,Inputs Work results Communication management plan Project plan,Tools & Techniques Communications skills Information-retrieval systems Information-distribution systems,Outputs Project records Project reports Project presentations,Inputs,Work results Communication management plan Project plan,Information Distribution,Tools & Techniques,Communications skills Skills for exchanging information Written, oral, listening, and speaking Internal and external communication Formal reports, briefings and informal memos, ad hoc conversations Vertically, up the organization, and horizontally, with peers,Information Distribution,Tools & Techniques (cont.),Information-retrieval systems Manual filing systems, electronic-text databases, project management software, and systems which allow access to such technical documentation as engineering drawings Information-distribution systems Methods such as project meetings, hard-copy document distribution, shared access to networked electronic databases, fax, electronic mail, voice mail, and video conferencing,Information Distribution,Outputs,Project Records Organized storage and maintenance of correspondence, memos, reports, and documents describing the project Project reports Formal project reports on project status and/or issues Project presentations Provide information formall or informally to any or all of the project stakeholders,Information Distribution,Performance Reporting,This includes status reporting, progress measurement, and forecasting Provides information on scope, schedule, cost, and quality, and possibly on risk and procurement,Collecting and disseminating performance information to provide stakeholders with information about how resources are being used to achieve project objectives,Performance Reporting,Inputs Work results Project plan Other project records,Tools & Techniques Performance reviews Variance analysis Trend analysis Earned-value analysis Information distribution,Outputs Performance reports Change requests,Inputs,Project plan Contains the various baselines used to assess project performance Work results Accurate information on project status, such as information about fully, or partially, completed tasks and costs incurred or committed Other project records Any information pertaining to the project context,Performance Reporting,Tools & Techniques,Performance reviews Meetings held to assess project status or progress Variance analysis Comparing actual project results to planned or expected results Trend analysis Examining project results over time to determine if performance is improving or deteriorating Earned-value analysis Integrating scope, cost, and schedule measures to assess proj
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