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LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM,Based on Steven Coveys,OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,来自史蒂芬.柯维的 “高效能人士的七个习惯”,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE 高效能人士的七个习惯,LEADING A MORE EFFECTIVE PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL LIFE,通往更有效的个人和职场生活之路,ABOUT STEVEN COVEYS 7 HABITS 关于史蒂芬.柯维,Who is Steven Covey? - 3 day course RMB 10,000 - 1 day conference SGD 1,800, attended by CEO, Heads of government - 15 million copies sold - Adopted as key and leadership training by many MNC,史蒂芬柯维,哈佛大学企业管理硕士,杨百翰大学博士。他是柯维领导中心的创始人,也是富兰克林柯维公司的联合主席,曾协助众多企业、教育单位与政府培训领导人才。柯维博士曾被时代杂志誉为“人类潜能的导师”,并入选为全美二十五位最有影响力的人物之一。在领导理论,家庭与人际关系,个人管理等领域久负盛名。,WHAT SOME HAVE SAID ABOUT 7 HABITS? 赞誉之词,“I have never known any teacher or mentor on improving personal effectiveness to generate such an overwhelming positive reaction. This book captures beautifully Stephens philosophy of principles. I think anyone reading it will quickly understand the enormous reaction I and others have had to Dr. Coveys teachings.” JOHN PEPPER, President, Procter & Gamble,我不知道有哪一位教师或哪一种方法能像本书这样对个人绩效的提升产生如此巨大的积极作用 本书萃取了史蒂芬 . 柯维人生哲学体系的精髓。我相信读过此书的人都会明白为什么柯维博士的指导会对我及其他人产生如此巨大的影响。 约翰.白波,宝洁公司董事长,“Few students of management and organization and people have thought as long and hard about first principles as Stephen Covey. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he offers us an opportunity, not a how-to guide. The opportunity is to explore ourselves and our impact on others and to do so by taking advantage of his profound insights. It is a wonderful book that could change your life.” TOM PETERS, author of In Search of Excellence,无论是学习企业管理的学生还是正在从事管理工作的人都不太会像史蒂芬.柯维那样对组织与管理的首要原则进行如此细致和深入的思考。 他在高效能人士的七个习惯中给了我们一个机会,而不仅仅是一种指导。他以其卓越的洞察力为我们提供了一个了解自己和了解自己对他人的影响的机会。这是一本能改变你命运的奇书。 汤姆.彼得斯,世界管理学大师,追求卓越作者,WHAT SOME HAVE SAID ABOUT 7 HABITS? 赞誉之词,WHAT SOME HAVE SAID ABOUT 7 HABITS? 赞誉之词,“I found this book stimulating and thought-provoking. In fact, I keep referring to it.” RICHARD M. DEVOS, President, Amway,我发现此书能令人精神兴奋、思维活跃。它是我思考和行动的指南。 瑞秋.狄维士,安利公司总裁,WHAT SOME HAVE SAID ABOUT 7 HABITS? 赞誉之词,“Stephen Covey has written a remarkable book about the human condition, so elegantly written, so understanding of our embedded concerns, so useful for our organizational and personal lives, that its going to be my gift to everyone I know.” WARREN BENNIS, author of On Becoming a Leader,史蒂芬.柯维写了一本关于人类生存状况的巨著,不仅文字优美,而且深深洞察了我们内心所关注的东西。这本书无论对个人还是对组织都非常有用,我将要把它赠送给每一个我所认识的人。 沃伦.本尼斯,世界领导力大师,成为领导者作者,WHAT SOME HAVE SAID ABOUT 7 HABITS? 赞誉之词,“Fundamentals are the key to success. Stephen Covey is a master of them. Buy his book, but most importantly, use it!” ANTHONY ROBBINS, author of Unlimited Power,理论是通往成功的关键。史蒂芬.柯维是理论大师。快来买他的书吧,最重要的是,去用它! 安东尼奥.罗宾,能量无限作者,WHAT SOME HAVE SAID ABOUT 7 HABITS? 赞誉之词,自从1996年将高效能人士的七个习惯引进摩托罗拉以来,数千名员工参加过该培训,从而改变了他们的思维方式和做事方法,对摩托罗拉在中国的发展和成功起了很重要的作用。现在该课程依然是摩托罗拉领导力发展项目的常设课程。 摩托罗拉亚太区人才管理及摩托罗拉大学总监 刘辉,高效能人士的七个习惯这门课程在我们的管理人员中引起了极大的反响。在新的挑战中,由内而外的发挥自己的影响力,从而使组织发挥最大的潜能。 中国建设银行人力资源部副总经理 冯丽英,WHAT 7 HABITS SESSION IS NOT?,Not quick fix Not a “silver bullet” Not a program of the month,不是速效对策 不是一发“银色子弹” 不只是一个普通的月度项目,WHAT 7 HABITS SESSION IS?,Process of personal & inter-personal growth and continuous best efforts 发展人际关系和持续努力的过程 Common sense, but common-sense-organized 是常识,但却是有系统组织的常识 Requires patience 需要耐心 Investment in time and efforts to develop habits 需要投入时间和努力才能形成的习惯 Increase capability to achieve personal and professional goals 帮助提高能力达成个人和事业目标 Develop a efficient and better-working relationship with associates and loved ones 帮助你和同事以及你关爱的人之间形成更有效、更健康的关系,Inside Out Approach 由内而外全面塑造自己,THAIPUSAM IN SINGAPORE / MALAYSIA 新加坡 / 马来西亚 宝森节,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,DESIRE,HABITS,知识 (做什么,为何做),技巧 (如何做),THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,PERSONALITY ETHICS,CHARACTER ETHICS,品德,个人魅力,ETHICS 品德,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,CONFUCIUS PERSONAL CHARACTER,Integrity 廉,Love 爱,Righteousness 义,Loyalty 忠,Filial Piety 孝,Benevolence 仁,Honour 耻,Propriety 礼,儒家品行准则,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,Focus on technics, rather than principles; 注重技巧胜于原则 Focus on “what appears to be, than “ to truly be” 注重表面胜于实质 Evidence of sustainability 可持续发展 Long run, hard to maintain 长期的,不易维持,Personality Ethics 个人魅力,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,Changes in market place 市场变化 Pragmatic survival 实用主义 Competitive viability 适者生存 Advanced information 信息先进,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,Can “ Fool some people most of the time”, Can “ Fool most people, some of the time”, CAN NOT “Fool most people, most of the time”. 有可能“经常欺骗一些人”; 也有可能“有时欺骗很多人”; 但永远不可能“经常欺骗很多人”。,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,Character Ethics in Corporate / Business 企业/ 业务品德,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,7 Habits materials center around principles of character ethics “七个习惯”以品德原则为中心,THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE,THE MATURITY CONTINUUM,DEPENDENCE U,INDEPENDENCE I,INTERDEPENDENCE WE,成熟模式图:依赖期,独立期,互赖期,依赖
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