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Course Introduction,APQP Status Reporting Process APQP 状态报告程序,Participant Introductions,Write your name and division on a name tent card with the markers provided. 在纸上写下你的姓名部门. Prepare to introduce yourself to the class by sharing: 向课堂上的所有人介绍: Your name 你的名字 Your title 你的职称 Why you are interested in the APQP course 你为什对APQP课程感兴趣 Your interest 你的日常兴趣爱好,Course Goals,Upon completion this course, Participants will be able to: 完成本课程培训,参加人员可: Describe the relationship between FPDS and APQP. 理解FPDS和APQP的关系. Describe the importance of cross-functional team communication. 跨功能小组合作沟通的重要性. 3. Explain the APQP elements required in product/process design. 解释在产品/过程设计中 APQP 各要素的要求. 4. Explain the APQP elements required in preparation for manufacturing. 解释在准备生产过程中APQP各要素的要求. 5. Explain the APQP Status Reporting Process. 理解APQP 状态报告过程.,FPDS,Months before Job 1 for S1 to S6 programs S1-S6项目在Job 1之前的时间节点,FPDS Online Resources,http:/www.fpds.ford.com.,Module Introduction 组成部分介绍,Introduction to the APQP Process APQP过程介绍,1-1,Ford Initiatives,Definition,APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) is a structured method for defining and executing the actions necessary to ensure that a product satisfies the customer. APQP是一种结构化的方法,用来确定和制定确保某产品使顾客满意所需的步骤,Goal,The goal of the APQP process is to facilitate communication between all persons and activities involved in a program and ensure that all required steps are completed on time, with a high quality-of-event, at acceptable cost and quality levels. APQP的目的是使所有参加该项目的人员和行为便于沟通,确保所有开发阶段按时,以可接受的成本和质量水准完成.,APQP Purpose,The purpose if the APQP process is to establish: APQP的目的是建立: Common expectations for internal and external suppliers 对内外部供应商共同的要求 Common process metrics 通用的过程表格 A common program status reporting format 共同的状态报告格式 Roles and responsibilities for the APQP elements APQP各要素的职责和角色 A better understanding of how the APQP elements relate to FPDS 更好理解APQP各要素和 FPDS的联系,APQP Benefits,APQP aids the program team by: APQP帮助项目小组: Adding discipline 增加纪律 Facilitating early identification of required changes 早期确定可能的更改 Avoiding late changes 避免晚期更改 Providing a quality product on time, at acceptable cost, to satisfy customers 用可接受的价格,准时提供优质的产品,满足客户 Facilitating continuous improvement 使持续改进更方便,APQP Benefits (Contd),Elements 要素 Teamwork 小组工作 Communication 沟通 Timing/Planning 时间/计划 Identify Activities 定义行动 Roles 角色 Program Management 项目管理 Quality and Reliability 质量和可靠性 Team Leaders 小组领导 Engineers 工程师 Suppliers 供应商 Program Team 项目小组,APQP 23个要素,1 选点决定 2 顾客输入要求 3 精致工艺技术 4 设计失效模式后果分析 5 设计评审 6 设计验证计划 7 分承包方 APQP 状态 8 设施、工具和量具 9 样件制造计划 10 样件制造 11 图纸和规范,12 小组可行性承诺 13 制造过程流程图 14 过程失效模式后果分析 15 测量系统评价 16 试生产控制计划 17 操作工过程指导书 18 包装规范 19 产品试生产 20 生产控制计划 21 初始过程能力研究 22 生产确认试验 23 生产件批准 (PSW),福特四项特殊要素,1. Sourcing Decision 选点决定 ; 2. Customer Input Requirements 顾客输入要求 ; 3. Craftsmanship 精致工艺; 4. Subcontractor APQP Status 分承包方APQP状态 ;,检查清单中的重要要素,Design FMEA 设计FMEA Design Verification Plan & Report 设计验证计划和报告 Prototype Build Control Plan 样件制造控制计划 Manufacturing Process Flowchart 制造过程流程图 Process FMEA 过程FMEA Pre-Launch Control Plan 试生产控制计划 Operator Process Instructions 作业指导书 Production Control Plan 生产控制计划,16,1-2,APQP 指南目的,Includes best practice APQP evaluation process, process metrics, and status reporting Links the APQP process to Product Development and manufacturing processes 把APQP过程与产品开发和制造过程相联系。 Defines roles and responsibilities for the APQP process 定义APQP过程的角色和职责 Develops a common APQP process for both internal and external manufacturing and assembly suppliers 为内部制造和外部供应商提供一个通用的开发过程,Accessing the APQP Guidelines 访问 APQP 指南,Both the Guideline and the forms are available. 指南和表格均可由此获得。,http:/www.quality.ford.com/apqp,1-4,Module Introduction,FPDS Timing Relationship and Responsibilities FPDS 时间进度 关系和职责,Scaleability,APQP Generic Program Gantt Chart,Relationship Table,VO NMP Launch Engineer,Matrix for Quality Planning 质量策划矩阵,1-6,Module Introduction,APQP Risk Assessment and Kick-off APQP 风险评审 和起动,APQP Systemic Flow APQP 系统流程,1-3-C,APQP 起动会议,Step 1. Initiate the APQP process 第一步. 开始APQP过程 Step 2. Educate the attendees 第二步. 培训参加人员 Step 3. Finalize roles and responsibilities 第三步. 定义角色和职责 Step 4. Discuss and finalize work plans 第四步. 讨论和决定工作计划,风险评估的目的,The purpose is to help determine the extent to which the APQP status reporting process needs to be performed by the supplier: 目的是为了决定各个供应商在APQP状态报告的范围: At the beginning of a new model program 在每一个新项目开始的时候 Any time a PSW is completed PSW 完成的时间,风险评估检查清单,Is used as a thought starter to assist in assessing potential risk in a supplier 用作开始支持对潜在的风险供应商的评估方法 Requires subjective experience to be used most effectively 利用个人经验使评审效果最佳,Parts/Systems Priority 零件/系统优先级,High Impact parts/systems are those that require special attention. 高影响度零件/系统需要特别关注。 Prioritized parts/systems maximize the use of Suppler Technical Assistance (STA) and team resources. 优先的零件/系统使供方技术支持(STA)和小组资源的使用最大化。 Medium and Low Impact parts/systems are monitored, but do not get the high level of at
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