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中考语法复习,动 词,动词的考点,一.动词的分类,三.动词的语态,二.动词的时态,四.非谓语动词,一、动词的分类,实义动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词,(一)实义动词,_ 本身意义不完整,需要接宾语才能使其意思完整。 I like the book. 2. _自身意思完整,无需接宾语。 Birds can fly.,及物动词,不及物动词,实义动词主要 考察词义辨析,词义辨析,1) _ 表“习惯做某事”; _表“过去常常做某事” _表“被用来做什么”,be (get) used to doing,used to do,be used to do,Pens _ write. I _getting up early. I _get up early.,are used to,am used to,used to,词义辨析,2) _ +“大地点”; _+“小地点” _+“地点名词” _是及物动词,+“地点名词”,arrive in,arrive at,get to,reach,词义辨析,3) _ 表“借入”; _表“借出” _表“长时间的借”,borrow,lend,keep,词义辨析,4) _ 表“给某人穿衣服”; _表“穿上”,强调动作; _表“穿着,戴着”, 强调状态。,dress sb.,put on,wear,词义辨析,5) _ “看见”,表结果; _ “看”,表动作,不及物; _ “看(比赛,电视)” _ “看(书、报)”,表阅读,see,look (at),watch,read,词义辨析,6) _ “带来,拿来” ; _ “拿去,带走; _ “扛,搬” ,用力移动,无方向 _ “去取,去拿”, 表往返拿物,bring,take,carry,fetch, get,词义辨析,7) _ “死” ,不及物动词; _ “死的”, 形容词,表状态; _ “死” ,名词 _ “垂死的”,形容词,die,dead,death,dying,词义辨析,8) _ “说(语言)” ,“发言”; _ “说(内容)”, 及物; _ “谈论某事” ; _ “谈论某人” _ “告诉”,speak,say,talk about sth.,talk to (with) sb.,tell,词义辨析,9) _ “花钱(时间)” ,人做主语; _ “花钱”, 人做主语; _ “花钱” ,物做主语 _ “花时间”,物做主语,spend,pay,cost,take,词义辨析,10) _ “寻找” ,强调过程; _ “找到”, 强调结果; _ “找出,查明(起因)” _ “听”,强调过程 _“听到”,强调结果,look for,find,find out,listen (to),hear,词义辨析,11) _ the game “赢” _ the game “输”, _ sb. “打败(某人)” _ in the game “失败”,win,lose,beat (defeat),fail,词义辨析,12) _ 表“丢失,失去”; _表“忘记”; _表“把某物落在某处”。,lose,forget,leave,词义辨析,13) _ 表“想到”; _表“考虑”; _表“仔细考虑”。,think of,think about,think over,词义辨析,14) _ 表“加入”; _表“参加(活动)”; _表“出席(会议)”。,join (the party),take part in,attend (a meeting),词义辨析,15) _red _dark _cold _short / long,turn,get / grow,get / become,get,(二)系动词,表“状态”:,look, seem, taste, smell, feel, sound, be, keep, stay,2. 表“变化”:,1.系动词+形容词 2.用法辨析,turn, get, grow, fall, become, come, go,Choose the best answer,1. The water _ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels,系动词不用于被动语态,Choose the best answer,Choose the best answer,2. He shook his head _ and looked _ when he was told the bad news. A. sadly; sadly B. sad; sad C. sadly; sad D. sad; sadly,Choose the best answer,Choose the best answer,3. I love to go to the forest in summer. It _ good to walk in the forest or sit in the shade of trees. A. does B. feels C. gets D. makes,Choose the best answer,4. -I was wondering if we could go skating on the weekend. -_ good. A. Sound B. Sounded C. Sounding D. Sounds,Choose the best answer,状态变化系动词,go,come,turn,grow,fall,get become,Choose the best answer,1. The discussion_ alive when an interesting topic was brought in. A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came,2. The traffic lights_ green and I pulled away. A. came B. grew C. got D. turned,3. - Is your headache getting _? - No, its worse. A. better B. bad C. less D. well,4. -Would you advise me on how to stay_? -Try to live regularly, eat more vegetables and be in a good state of mind. A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. more healthily,5. The dog looked_. The boy looked _at the poor dog. A. dead; sad B. dying; sadly C. deadly; sadly D. dying; sad,6. The cloth that she bought looks _, feels _ and sells_. A. beautiful; soft; well B. beauty; softly; well C. beautifully; softly; good D. beautiful; soft; good,(三)情态动词,情态动词用法辨析,一. can , could, be able to I. can 1)表“能力” He can speak five languages. 2)表“许可”=may Can (May) I come in ?,3) 表“可能性” Can it be true?,一. can , could, be able to,4) be able to与can 的比较 A) 表示能力时可通用 No one can / is able to do it. B) be able to可用于任何时态。 Im sorry I havent been able to answer your letter. C) 表经努力办到某事,用be able to 。 After years of hard work he was able to win the prize.,一. can , could, be able to 2. could 1) could 是can的过去时,可用来较委婉,客气地提出问题或陈述看法。 Could you come a little earlier? 2) can 和could 表示某人或某物一时的特点,译为“有可能,有时会”。 He can be very friendly. He could be very proud.,二. may, might 1)表许可,译为“可以”(正式场合) You may take the book home. 2) 表示推测,“或许,可能” 。 It may rain tomorrow. 3) 表示祝愿 May you succeed! 4) might: may 的过去式,但might表可 能性较小,或表更婉转语气。 Jim may (might) lend you money. Might I ask a question?,三. must, have to, need 1. must 的用法: 1) “必须” ,否定表禁止。回答其 问句用neednt或dont have to。 I must leave at 9. - Must we hand it in today? - Yes, you must. No, you neednt / dont have to.,三. must, have to, need 1. must 的用法: 2) must 还可表示一种推断和揣测。must +do对现在事实的猜测;must +have done 对过去事实的猜测. You must be joking. I cant find my key. I must have left it in the bus.,三. must, have to, need 2.
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