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WordsHellohelicopter直升机doll洋娃娃computer电脑kite风筝game游戏lorry货车camera照相机train火车bike自行车monster怪物ride-riding骑talk-talking说话walk-walking走fly-flying飞drive-driving驾驶bounce-bouncing拍DetectiveAgency侦探所fur皮毛leaveamessage留言lookfor寻找LockandKey锁和钥匙Unit1aunt阿姨daughter女儿granddaughter孙女grandson孙子grandparents祖父母grandchildren孙儿(女)son儿子uncle叔叔thief盗贼dirty脏的jacket夹克衫enjoy/like/love喜欢readabout读关于.的书science科学clever聪明的wanttobe想成为.doctor医生really+adj真的.because因为naughty淘气的moustache八字胡straight直的curly弯曲的beard胡须farmer农民fair金色的Unit2city城市town城镇village村庄country乡下street街道balcony阳台basement地下室downstairs楼下的lift电梯floor地板home家stairs楼梯upstairs楼上的flat公寓apartment公寓twenty二十thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十seventy七十eighty八十ninety九十hundred一百need需要address地址movehouse搬家carry拿、扛above在.上面below在.下面between在.之间nextto靠近.at在.appletree苹果树plants植物flowers花朵place地方phonenumber电话号码Unit3getdressed穿衣服getundressed脱衣服getup起床wakeup醒来puton穿上takeoff脱下wash洗gotobed睡觉gotoschool去上学haveashower洗澡Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期日always总是sometimes有时never从不comehome回家havebreakfast吃早饭havelunch吃午饭havedinner吃晚饭everyday每天week周weekend周末Unit4bank银行busstation公交车站busstop公交车站caf咖啡馆cinema电影院hospital医院library图书馆market市场shop商店sportscentre体育中心supermarket超市swimmingpool游泳馆near靠近opposite在.对面map地图bookon/about关于.的书dohomework做作业listentothetape听磁带everyday每天cometoschoolontime按时上学tidyyourroom整理房间Unit5cold冷的cough咳嗽stomach-ache胃痛headache头痛temperature温度toothache牙痛back后背backache背痛earache耳朵痛healthy健康的hop单腿跳skip跳跃climb攀爬hurt受伤Unit6field田野forest森林grass草lake湖泊leaf叶子picnic野餐plant植物river河流countryside郊区bad坏的cold冷的fat 胖的hot 热的 hungry 饥饿的 loud 大声的 quiet 安静的 strong 强壮的 thirsty 口渴的 tired 劳累的 thin 瘦的 weak 虚弱的 skin 皮肤 angry 生气的 Unit7 bear 熊 whale 鲸鱼 panda 熊猫 bat 蝙蝠 lion 狮子 kangaroo 袋鼠 shark 鲨鱼 dolphin 海豚 parrot 鹦鹉 cleaner 更干净 bigger 更大 dirtier 更脏 better 更好 worse 更坏 quieter 更安静 stronger 更强壮 weaker 更虚弱 longer 更长 fatter 更胖 slower 更低 insect 昆虫 pouch 口袋 quick 迅速的 the internet 因特网rock 岩石 island 岛屿 Unit8 weather 天气 cloud 云彩 cloudy 多云的 sun 太阳 sunny 晴朗的 rain 下雨 rainbow 彩虹 snow 下雪 wet 潮湿的 wind 风 windy 有风的 today 今天 yesterday 昨天 weather report天气预报 weatherman 天气预报员 Sentences Hello Whats your favorite toy called?Its called TOM. Have you got a brother or a sister? Yes, I have.No, I havent. Whats he doing? He is flying a kite. Unit1 Do you like flying a kite? Yes, I do. Do you want to go to the countryside? Yes, I do. What do you want to do? I want to have a picnic. like, love, enjoy+ -ing/名词: I like /love/enjoy swimming/apples. My father is my grandparents son. Unit2 Where do you live? I live in Chongqing. Where does he/she live? He lives in Shanghai. Whats your address? My address is Tianbao Road. Do you like living in the city? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Whats the * made of/from? Unit3 What time do you (get up)? I get up at 7 Oclock. What time does he (get dressed)? He get dressed at 7 oclock. What do you do before/after (breakfast)? I wash my face before breakfast.Igotoschoolafterbreakfast. Whatdayisittoday?ItsMonday.Howoftendoyougotothezoo?Sometimes.Unit4 Wheredoyou(gotoseeafilm)?Igoto
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