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Module 5A Lesson in a Lab语境运用语境词汇运用词汇拼写(注意单词或短语的形式变化)1.The population of Africa is e so rapidly as to cause concern of the whole world.2.I found something large(漂浮) on the sea about a mile away from the shore.3.The economy continues to(收缩),raising fears of further political problems.4.Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering d to take the place of George.5.Any substance is made up of atom. Whether it is solid, l or gas.6.That e-book is no larger than a(n) (普通的)book with a screen where you can read novels.7.I found the(演讲) hard to follow because it had started when I arrived.8.Good habits (形成)at an early age will benefit you a lot in your whole life.9.Everyone has a (阶段) in their life when they seem to have trouble in everything.10. Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm b water!答案1.expanding2.floating3.contract4.department 5.liquid6.ordinary7.lecture8.formed9.stage10.boiled单句填空(注意单词或短语的形式变化)1.The naughty boy tasted the brown(mix) and made faces at the whole class.2.Her first concert was only a(part) success because there was something wrong with the sound system.3.Mr. Wang attaches a small(electric) device to the house,which is powered by the sun.4.One advantage of eating a (balance) diet is that it can keep you energetic throughout the day.5.If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my immediate (react) will be to tell the police.6.The school has been rebuilt and it is well.Much money has been spent on the office.(equip)7.To our,the famous star died.Thats to say,we wereat the news of her sudden death,and it was really.(astonish)8.Is it he or you who are in charge of the job and (suppose)to complete it on time?9.The research lacks solid evidence, and therefore, its(conclude) are doubtful.10.Her cat was found several days later,(float)on the river, dead.答案1.mixture2.partial3.electrical4.balanced 5.reaction6.equipped,equipment 7.astonishment,astonished,astonishing 8.supposed9.conclusions10.floating经典句型仿写1.这个班三分之一的学生是男生。(“分数+of+名词”作主语)One third of the students in the class.2.这座小镇已经发展成了一个大城市,面积比以前大三倍。The town has developed into a big city, which is it used to be.3.面对失败,保持一个好的心态是最重要的。(its +adj. + to do sth.)In the face of failure, a good state of mind.4.快,公交车来了。准备好钱了吗?(here引起的倒装句)Come on,.Have you got the right money?5.写作文的时候你越细心,你犯的错误就越少。(the more.the more) you are while writing a composition, you will make.答案1.are boys2.three times larger than3.it is the most important to keep up4.here comes the bus5.The more careful, the fewer mistakes3
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